Beat up neppy for posting a dangerous 60mph ride video

neptronix said:
You are not even listening to me even when i repeated myself multiple times. Go harass some of the hundreds of other people doing the same thing.

This is a waste of my time. This conversation with you is over. listening to me..

ive seen you say that you are gonna ride your ebike, with traffic...and thats why you need it to go at a high rate of speed, so you can keep up with traffic..and make it safer for you. ..youve said its your consitutional duty, to disobey the laws, etc..

my question was simple...


im not as much concerned about you riding your ebike at 60 mph with other licensed and registered I am concerned about your actions and lack of liability insurance, causing others to be harmed , and you would be unable to cover their medical fees, pain and suffering, thru your reckless actions ......along with your actions helping to usher in a new set of laws, that are enforced upon all of us logical ebikers.

if you had liability insurance, then your actions show a willingness to take repsonbility...

so far, all I see is irresponsible actions on your part..... which hurts all ebikers
and unfortunately, this is why we need a corrupt govt, and law enforcement to make such draconian laws...because to many humans in our society, will not use common sense, when they are allowed to bypass certain " un-enforced" laws on the books.

Ebike, I think this is incorrect. The law should be there to uphold freedom- not take it away.
"anyone who trades freedom for security deserves neither" (jefferson also I think) Think about how that applies. I saw some of your posts and we agree on alot.
Nobody/nothing got hurt- therefore no law needs to be made or applied, it doesn't need to be taken apart and worried about.
I think we understand what you're getting at- If we're irresponsible then this will expedite some legislation/statutes. No one wants this, though it will come regardless.

If you really don't know what would happen with insurances, it would be the way it should be already- people held accountable by the law when they hurt others, property or freedom. (they don't hide behind the insurance they buy to protect themselves from being irresponsible) It's a non-argument in my book- how does a 60lb bike even compare with a 600lb 90hp motorcycle or a 2 ton car. What's next, insurance when I'm on roller skates? There aren't near enough bikes doing near enough damage to worry about having to insure them right now. Honestly, I would think it's really just volume. No matter if there's any real problems or infractions, when there is enough volume of ebikes- that's when you'll see the laws/statutes being made and enforced more widely.

The constitutionality of it is neither here nor there though- because there was no harm no foul- this is so minor for you to be harping on. I'm sure we all understood already not to 'press our luck' but thankyou for the reminder. You are not wrong. You just need to work on your tact I think. Consider peoples feelings and that you also are not faultless when arguing with someone (on their own thread too).
I'm sorry if this is harsh- my intention is to convey an idea in the hopes of expanded perception, and to also stick up for people.
duffmanaudio said:
Jerry jerry jerry lol. Looks like someone is board and looking for drama.

Back to the motor already looking for common sense...fully realizing that as more and more people make videos and post em on the net, of them doing 50 + mph on ebikes, riding on highways.,around other cars, etc... it will result in all of us paying the price.

im not particularly fond of other peoples illogical actions , resulting in penalizing me and my logical actions.

you can laugh about it all you wish , but in the end, it only takes a few peoples irresponsible actions to punish the rest of us.

you wanna do 60 mph on a ebike on the roads and highways..then do it in a manner that is either legal, or doesnt draw attention to the ebike hobby so logical ebikers arent eventually punished sooner.
nutspecial said:
and unfortunately, this is why we need a corrupt govt, and law enforcement to make such draconian laws...because to many humans in our society, will not use common sense, when they are allowed to bypass certain " un-enforced" laws on the books.

Ebike, I think this is incorrect. The law should be there to uphold freedom- not take it away.
"anyone who trades freedom for security deserves neither" (jefferson also I think) Think about how that applies. I saw some of your posts and we agree on alot.
Nobody/nothing got hurt- therefore no law needs to be made or applied, it doesn't need to be taken apart and worried about.
I think we understand what you're getting at- If we're irresponsible then this will expedite some legislation/statutes. No one wants this, though it will come regardless.

If you really don't know what would happen with insurances, it would be the way it should be already- people held accountable by the law when they hurt others, property or freedom. (they don't hide behind the insurance they buy to protect themselves from being irresponsible) It's a non-argument in my book- how does a 60lb bike even compare with a 600lb 90hp motorcycle or a 2 ton car. What's next, insurance when I'm on roller skates? There aren't near enough bikes doing near enough damage to worry about having to insure them right now. Honestly, I would think it's really just volume. No matter if there's any real problems or infractions, when there is enough volume of ebikes- that's when you'll see the laws/statutes being made and enforced more widely.

The constitutionality of it is neither here nor there though- because there was no harm no foul- this is so minor for you to be harping on. I'm sure we all understood already not to 'press our luck' but thankyou for the reminder. You are not wrong. You just need to work on your tact I think. Consider peoples feelings and that you also are not faultless when arguing with someone (on their own thread too).
I'm sorry if this is harsh- my intention is to convey an idea in the hopes of expanded perception, and to also stick up for people.

i dont care if his ebike only weighs 1 lb..

it doesnt take weight to cause accident on the roadways....

he could be on his ebike and make a bad turn and cut off another LEGAL motorist..and cause a accident that way.

then his actions could result in OTHER PEOPLE being injured....but he thinks its his duty to break the law and not even have liability insurance to cover such possible scenarios.

this isnt rocket science...its common sense and responsibility.

his actions could cause two other legal vehicles to collide....and those peopel get hurt, and he doesnt.
and just for disclosure purposes , I had a friend that was killed on his motorcycle by a teenager who was driving uninsured in baltimore md .

this is another reason why I consider netroponixs actions to be reckless and unproductive . its not his desire to have a ebike that does 60 mph and ride with traffic on the highways

its his admittance that its his duty to break the laws, drive without insurance , and then justify it all because of the U.S. constitution or thomas jefferson , or any other reasons.

irresponsibility is usually not a wise action, no matter how 1 trys to justify it.....especially when those irresponsible actions have very possible negative consequences that could hurt or kill others and bring about more and more rules and regulations that punish responsible people .

I dont see how netroponixes actions and admitted opinions on this subject, are logical and positive to the ebiking hobby , as a whole,
cycborg said:
Sigh. This was an interesting thread. Guess it's time to take it off my bookmarks list.

So my logical opinions about the lack of safety of doing 60 + mph on a ebike , on the highways, uninsured, has ruined this thread for you ?

ebikedelight said:
cycborg said:
Sigh. This was an interesting thread. Guess it's time to take it off my bookmarks list.

So my logical opinions about the lack of safety of doing 60 + mph on a ebike , on the highways, uninsured, has ruined this thread for you ?


Actually you totally hi-Jacked Neptronix's build thread, so yes.
teslanv said:
ebikedelight said:
cycborg said:
Sigh. This was an interesting thread. Guess it's time to take it off my bookmarks list.

So my logical opinions about the lack of safety of doing 60 + mph on a ebike , on the highways, uninsured, has ruined this thread for you ?


Actually you totally hi-Jacked Neptronix's build thread, so yes.

wel..majority rules..

carry on netroponix....60 mph on the highway is not enough...take it to 70 mph..then 90 mph....all illegally and without liability insurance

eventually darwinism may force logic upon some.

of course I have to wonder one important scenario

for everyone that supports what netorponix is doing, ask yourself this question.

what if his irresponsible and reckless and illegal actions resulted in you or a loved one to get severely hurt or killed on the road/ highway...and you found out there was no type of insurance to cover your losses ?

This is a serious issue, that isnt gonna go away, and is likely to get alot worse before it gets better.

anyone that wants to do these types of hi speeds, uninsured, on a bicycle, should do it in places where you wont be putting other law abiding, responsible people in danger.

end of rant.

have fun with the thread.
Dang I wish I could have seen that video!
please repost or pm me a copy :D
I'm over here thinking... would it be an abuse of my power to moderate my own thread here? this is ridiculous. I don't think i'm an impartial judge here, so i won't..

This is indeed a technical thread. I made a technical demonstration video and did so in a fashion that was unsafe and some people disliked that. I wanted to show what the motor was capable at full tilt and was hasty in setting the video and ride up.

This crap really bummed me out today and yesterday - getting attacked on 3 media outlets simultaneously all day. I'm still getting messages about it. I couldn't have imagined all the negative feedback. I have worked hard to provide you guys all kinds of detailed information on dozens of products for many years now. Aren't i allowed to make a mistake? if not, i'm not interested in playing unpaid guinea pig for dozens of companies anymore.

I am still going to do a retake of this video in a few days. I'll post it to my youtube channel but not here.

neptronix said:
I'm over here thinking... would it be an abuse of my power to moderate my own thread here? this is ridiculous.

That's almost a punchline for the whole web, eh?

This is indeed a technical thread.

Or did you mean to say 'Tactical?' Way too many threads turn into that. Less than 2 years until THAT mentally is swept out.

I SHOULD mention that I may well be the one that first posted that motor here, I got one but I've had trouble getting the suitable swingarm fit for the right bike so I don't want to get shot out of a cannon with that thing just yet. Way neat motor though, real cheap.

So all these people who are afraid of being forced to by bicycle insurance: You are of course outraged by Obamacare, right? I mean you're not one of those people who oppose the death penalty for psycho killers but support it for innocent helpless kids or anything, eh?

Oh, let's see. Thomas Jefferson attributed the trading liberty for safety quote to Benjamin Franklin, who said he'd ever even heard that statement before. In fact it is first found in print in a letter by a Pennsylvania committee that Franklin did not write.

neptronix said:
I'm over here thinking... would it be an abuse of my power to moderate my own thread here? this is ridiculous. I don't think i'm an impartial judge here, so i won't..
I think your ok to delete the unwanted posts. We are not here to complain about such nonsense you can do what ever you want just because some pencil pusher writes a bogus law saying something should be such a way doesn't mean you can't enjoy your life as you please.
I read all the comments on here and on fb. There's maybe 5 of us who really called you out (myself included) due to the dangerous wrong way 60mph. Many mentioned how they either liked the video or your tech analysis and testing of the motors performance.

Ebikedelight carried on way too much. Nep is right, there are many here who have deserve more scolding than you.

For those that don't know nep well - he is overall a very safe rider. I would estimate he rarely goes over 40, and cruising at 35 with traffic is not dangerous.

He just made one mistake.

nep- take a day off and reevaluate.
neptronix said:
I'm over here thinking... would it be an abuse of my power to moderate my own thread here? this is ridiculous. I don't think i'm an impartial judge here, so i won't..
I think, you can eliminate all those scratched disc, repeating posts, not related to the thread. Just leave 1 BS post per user to leave remains of their existence and have this motor tread clean. :D
P.S. This post is also unrelevant BS and should be deleted.
I would say that going against traffic in public at 60-MPH was an inadvisable lapse in judgement, but...the fact that this particular motor is capable of a burst to 60-MPH when mounted in a wheel of "X" diameter, and battery voltage/amps of "Y", using a motor with a Kv of "Z"?...that is data that I want published here on ES. Lots of guys claim smoke and mirrors, but a posted video is pretty definitive.

Mea Culpa: I do illegal shit all the time. I try to be safe, and I try to not create any danger, but...I'm no angel. If you need advice from a holy man...just keep walkin', cuz I ain't him.
This thread will contain stuff that managed to overtake a technical thread.
I support what you did, it was purely in the interest of ebike science and not about being silly.

I think ebikedelights anger is based on the fear that ebikes will get over regulated but the fact is theres nothing that could possibly be posted on here that is going to stem the laws due to what the majority of people do in the real world.

On other forums like whirlpool, all of ebikedelights posts of of been deleted under 'off topic' and he possibly would of been prevented from posting to the thread for a few weeks as well. (although the whole thread would never be aloud to to be started in the first place)
This forum is too nice sometimes, I say we perm ban ebikedelight and firewall his IP so he can never reach this forum again! :twisted:

If I ever have doubts about my ebiking all I have to do is go down to South Gate along the Yarra Melbourne where all the restaurants are and watch lycras every 5 seconds wizzing past at an average of x 2 the legal speed around that area which is 10kmph and is often done by cyclists at 30kmph.
All of them lycras, rarely ever see an ebiker and there all doing the wrong thing annoying the hell out of all the pedestrians.
People are gonna do what they want to do.

That said I do enjoy a good blast on internet forums now and then, so here is my blasting away! :mrgreen:

Many laws are unconstitutional and adhering to laws is no guarantee that you aren't violating others' rights. Most important is whether or not rights are actually violated, not hypotheticals.

When society stops tolerating unguided projectiles that regularly cause more death than WWII V2 rockets ever did, I'll start worrying about the potential dangers posed by people on two-wheelers.

The performance demonstrated in Nep's video could be part of an elegant solution of multi-purpose vehicles capable of utilizing both high-speed and bicycle-only infrastructure.

teslanv said:
I am glad to say that there is a Drag race track within a reasonable distance of my house. I think I may drive the 30 miles and pay the $40 entrance fees to have the legal right and safety to open it up at speeds of 60 MPH and higher.
Race tracks are a great resource. I used to go to a dragstrip that had a mid-week 'run what you brung' night that cost the equivalent of $11 in today's money.
Thebeastie, i view this forum as a free speech zone. Even a nut that i strongly disagree with deserves a voice, as long as he has a point and isn't just being verbally abusive for the sake of it; in that case the community would the person gone / censored, and i would have to agree with the wants of the community.. because this forum is not about me, it's about everyone here.

I'm sure you also appreciate the ability to speak your mind here... i know i do. In the past, i've dumped copious amounts of fuel on flame wars, and by stricter standards, i would have been banned.

He does have a point though. These high speed ebikes draw a lot of attention. Some of that attention is going to be strongly negative. I posted a video of myself committing a harmless traffic violation that i made out of convenience while also going at illegal speeds. This is kind of like the 'stars' rating system in Grand Theft Auto where the bigger the crime you commit, the more stars you see on the screen :lol:. As an ambassador for the adoption of electric bicycles as a form of mainstream transport, i must agree that i should keep the heat down.. :)

I don't think i should be above criticism despite my status here..

But thank you all for defending me nonetheless. Getting hit with anger for 2 days straight did kinda mess me up mentally for a moment. I appreciate your thoughts.