Bully Breeds


10 kW
Jan 31, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I know there is a post your pet thread, but I wanted a to see how many on the board have Bullys of any type. So let see those American Bull Terriers, the Staffies, The Old English, even the Boston Bulls out there. Lets see em all.

My girl Zoe, is a rescue. My uncle found her at a local dump in a small town just west of Jacksonville. She was about 3 months old. When he called me and asked if I wanted her, and after hearing his story, I couldn't say no. He had found her round bout dinner time, left her at the dump, and then couldn't sleep because he was thinking about this poor little pup that was so sweet. So at 4am he got up and went back out there, and much to his surprise she was still there.

Here she is at about 6 months old. She isn't purebred, but I have no clue what she is mixed with. Her markings are much like a Rottie, but her size is very small. At 41 pounds she'small even for an ABT, so I dunno. But she def has pit in her. One of these day's I'll cough up the 70 bucks to get her DNA tested.


And here she is today, at a lil over 2 years old.

ignore the golden throw rug


This is how she begs for food. Just out of the pic is a plate with a T-bone on it. She knows better than to touch the plate.

Zoe is my second pit, and is all around a really good dog. She's very sweet to strangers, but will "protect" if called for. I grew up with a Staffordshire that was a 120 pound monster. He was also one of the best dogs I've ever had. The breed really gets a bad wrap. Stupid people make for bad owners.
Sorry Pure , but this is just coincidental bad timing :cry:
I love dogs, ...truly mans best friend,.. but not always everybodys friend unfortunately.
Just yesterday in Melbourne , a Pit Bull mauled a 4 year old girl to death in front of her mother and sister.
not their dog, a neighbours that had escaped and got into the childs home lounge room.
After several similar incidents recently, there is now a move to ban some breeds completely, PB's being at the top of the list.
Its truely tragic, and you cant blame the dogs, its what they are bred to do, ..its the owners that are at fault.
Unfortunately these breeds tend to attract the wrong type of owner sometimes. :?
Nothing personal Pure, you have a great pal there !
We have similar issues here because of dog attacks from ththe more "supposedly aggressive" dog breeds Pits, bull terriers etc..i have owned two bullyxstaffies and one American Pitbull all males ALL were OUTSTANDING dogs ALL were MASSIVELY over protective and HATED other male dogs, the first bullyxstaffy, Max, would also climb trees chasing cats, funniest site ever, as once he got up tree tree, and the cat had pissed of to the top of the tree, Max finally realised he wasn't to be killing this cat today but also, he wasn't gettin from the tree on his own, poor girlfriend at the time (RIP Mel) god bless her, had to climb up after him amd pull Max down as hewett staffy Bonnie, ran around barking coz Max was howling like he had his balls in a vice, to this day its still the funniest thing I seen, BEAUTIFUL dogs but dump as fence posts. I can't have these breeds anymore I physically can't control them unfortunately, would LOVE a Bull Mastiff always wanted one, but damn the y is expensive and they would east me out of house amd home ...when I get oout of bed, and to the pc, I'll up some pics of MaX, one of the most photographed dogs ever
in from the tree on his own, poor girlfriend at the time (RIP Mel) god bless her, had to climb up after him amd pull Max down as hewett staffy Bonnie, ran around barking coz Max was howling like he had his balls in a vice, to this day its still the funniest thing I seen, BEAUTIFUL dogs but dump as fence posts. I can't have these breeds anymore I physically can't control them unfortunately, would LOVE a Bull Mastiff always wanted one, but damn the y is expensive and they would east me out of house amd home ...when I get oout of bed, and to the pc, I'll up some pics of MaX, one of the most photographed dogs ever
No hard feelings Hillhater. It's truly tragic that such things occur. It's a shame the the breed has to take the wrap for the irresponsibility of the owners. It takes a responsible owner to raise the animal the proper way. PBs need lots of socialization. I have 6 very young nieces and nephews, the oldest is only 9. So from day one, my girl has been around children. She has been trained how to "play nice". Also one thing I've always done with her, is to put my nose on her snout. She has learned that this is a sign of affection. I've done this because, one of the number one reasons dog bites happen and why it's usually with a small child, is children have a tendency to put their face in direct contact with a dogs face..It's just what they do. Owners who know their dog (any breed) is going to be around small children, should work on training the animal that this is not a threat, and the training needs to start from a young age. As a matter of fact, my girl will actually bury her nose in your cheek wile giving you a hug. So when the kids come over, if they put their face in her's I know she isn't going to snap at one of them. We still yell at the kids for doing it, but kids will be kids, and you can almost bet one of them is going to do this.

Anyone who has owned a PB can tell you, the breed really does make a great pet. The fact that they are bred to fight, is a cruel sad truth, and is a terrible thing to be done to a breed who really can be a good family pet.
I'm not so sure this guy qualifies, but he sure acts the bully.

More like the Cowardly Lion.

He growls and barks at everything. He has even charged people (which really irritates me). It's in his genes and nothing I do stops him. He's so well-behaved, has never hurt a fly, and has always been around small kids. He hasn't snapped once. He always follows all commands, but when that doorbell rings all hell breaks loose. And once in a while he'll charge someone while barking. I know that he won't hurt anyone, but they don't know it. I apologize profusely, but I still feel guilty. 99% of the time he's on a leash outside, but once in a while he gets out, and then he charges. Once he reaches the person he wags his tail and wants affection, but he comes on like he's going to attack.

Stupid dog!

But I love him like crazy. He's my Rusty Boy.



What I've learned about pits is that they really can't be trusted entirely. There will always be a small bit of intinct in every animal, no matter how domesticated, and that breed can kill efficiently.
dingoEsride said:
Roxy, American Staffy x Bull Terrier

Love the pic of her in the trailer. I take my girl for rides like that all the time.

dingoEsride said:
and my previous mutt Zappa, Jack Russell x Staffy

:shock: How the....Staffies average 60+ pounds. The mechanics of such a union is mind bogleing.

You sure Rusty doesn't have any pit in him Mike?
Well, I know that Rusty has part boxer, and we suspect part pit bull, but who knows.

When he plays with other dogs he always goes straight for the throat, and I have to calm him down.

Rusty is a dolt.
Ah ok, that explains the head.
Beautiful PB, I used own a female pitbull dog named Roni and She is so sweet ever I had her. Roni always playful and crazy after the water or throw tennis ball. When my sister formed new business and I had to move where the place doesnt allow any pet. I gave it to my friend adopt my dog. I have the picture somewhere in box and I will try find it then post here.
Pure said:
:shock: How the....Staffies average 60+ pounds. The mechanics of such a union is mind bogleing.

Thats dogs for ya, she had a funny build, small and wide, an amazing dog for sure, I miss her disappeard one day at age about 12, Roxy is a fine replacement

another of her with pups and Char, Keeshond Kelpie x
Where i live pittbulls are very common and they are one of my favorite dogs and i used to train them with that said i can tell you that most of the situation when they attack is because of the way their owner train them and just like people some need to paid more attention to than other for them to learn properly then have a natural instinct to fight,protect and kill just like us if you treat them kind and feed then good they will love you forever but if you hurt them neglect them and back them into a corner best believe you will be called dinner if you keep mistreating them best thing to do with any animal or human is to treat them how you want to be treated and most of all respect them !!!!
Here's my Buster, an American Stafforshire; he's almost 6 years old and I've had him since he was 9 weeks old - pick of the litter. Great companion dog, running partner and watchdog. He is fearless except for garden hoses... People are always telling me that he is the friendliest and happiest dog they've ever met.