Buying forest land, implementing solar

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Yeah. I mean if you weren't SO BUSY trying to make a joke there, Martin, you'd have seen you almost DID have an invention there. Instead, because of my more SERIOUSLY humorous nature, I'm the one who has thought up. . .

All your most up to date medical information online, a historical record. Let's say you're running for president and you've been deteriorating since you passed out onstage in 2012. Now there'd be no more of those pestering questions, they can look up for themselves that you're dying and might not make it to the election.

You could even link to your twitter account and everyone would get tweets everytime you hacked up a lung. Imagine how many of THOSE I'd have sent out in the last few weeks.

swbluto said:
And that reminds me... I should do it now rather than later...

Yeah, that reminds me. You know that story of the kid with all the green marbles?

swbluto said:

The whole time he's growing up he's doing well in school and the dad will get him whatever he wants, which is always more green marbles. So the kid finishes college and gets more green marbles, leaving the father to ask what they're for. The kid says "Tomorrow I begin, wait until you see this." So he goes out that night, there's this car wreck, the dad shows up with him laying on the side of the road.

"Son, I gotta know. What are all those damn green marbles for?"

swbluto said:
And, might as well.


Well, okay, maybe you don't know that one. But, I mean, what if you really ARE sick? You could be gone suddenly without using them. I gotta know. All eyes are on you, you've got everyone's attention. You won't go and do logical suggestions people give you, such as spinal decompression. What are you reserving all those pages for. . . .?

Adverse Effects said:
ok so who's turn is it now??

Shhhhhh! I mean, of course it's your turn. Just don't interrupt him while he's explaining why he reserved all those pages back where he couldn't possibly care about them anymore.

nutspecial said:
That's kinda cute, but it's not your thread dude. . . a.n.d who ARE you . . . . really :?:

DOH! Gentlemen, please. Leave him to his explanation on the reserved pages. . . .

nutspecial said:
That's kinda cute, but it's not your thread dude. . . a.n.d who ARE you . . . . really :?:

hmm who am i ?

I feel that could Adversely Effect my posts if i tell you!
ps: i earned this nickname over 35 years ago when i got board and dismantled a mates car (mini) and re assembled it in his living room (with the help of a few other mates) when he was away on holidays

along with a lot of other wacky stuff

Obviously you've been around a block. . . . affectatiously / / and adversely? :p

hmm around?

no just to the corner and stood there for a lot of hours every night :-D
Okay, time to focus on this thing as if it's going to happen.

I got to figure out how to clear the forest. I'm going to assume my issues are something easily correctable/treatable like dehydration, hypoglycemia, acid reflux/gastritis and/or iron-based or folate-based anemia. Assuming that...

I think my original plan will work. Might need one of those 'claws' in addition to a machete or woodsman's pal or similar for brush clearing out the heavy underbrush. (The trees themselves are relatively few in number, and easy to take down.)

But, in all honesty, it appears I might have some relatively intractable neck/back issues, so I'll probably hire it out as I go along. I'll try to do what I can, and I'll adjust my pace / work activities by how well I'm sleeping at night and feeling the next day. It appears I'll have plenty of paid work to focus on, so stretching out the physical workload over time will certainly fit in the grand scheme of things. If I can get the front third/half upto my standards through my own physical labor (I might just rent a small bulldozer or similar, depending on rental rates.), I'm guessing I could probably contract out the back half for complete clearing.

For electricity, I'm going to rely on generator power and once I get the terrain and solar patterns figured out, I'll figure out how to best integrate solar.
Sweet. You'll have alot of fun with some machinery, it's like playing video games imo. My favorite I've tried and the first I'd actually consider buying (over a utility tractor with backhoe and bucket) for usefulness would prob be a 'mini' excavator. It was like a grand to rent for a 3 day weekend (I did it over christmas holidays), with delivery and pickup.


Lots of fun, and def theraputic when you actually do it.
You got yourself that motorhome and were planning an adventure, you should go down there and help him. I can just imagine the news reports once the media start seeing that a story is unavoidable there. Until then, there's bound to be some YouTube video.
I'm sure this has happened millions of times in the past in America. I don't think I'm some kind of trailblazer. Granted, developers are the ones usually doing this kind of work for the majority of American residents nowadays (At some point in the past in whatever house/building they're living in), so I guess that makes it a little more relatively rare nowadays. But, yep, yep, this is some standard development kind of stuff - doesn't make it any less fun I'm assuming, lol. I'm sure there's tons of youtube videos of homesteaders.
But how often do we get to see Gomer Pyle team up with Gilligan?

I thought homesteading was when they GAVE you the land.

So think of the really interesting things that could be built. Coral Castle has been done, not any close by anyway. But there's other things.

swbluto said:
marty said:
Invention Idea!
If ya ever been to a hospital you have seen wires, sensors, and machines to read vital signs, body temperature, blood pressure, pulse (heart rate), crackshaft position sensor, breathing rate, respiratory rate, geiger counter, and a gyroscope.

Here is how my invention works. Bunch of wires and sensors attach to your body. Data is transmitted wirelessly to a smart phone. Other people will see you spending the whole day looking at your phone. They will think that you are one of those people who spend all day looking at their phones. Why is everyone looking at their phones? Pokémon? pornography? Wires, sensors, and transmitting equipment will be hidden under your clothing. No one will know that you are a medical basket case.

Well, there's a wonderful diagnostic device used in Isaac Asimov's novels. When you're going out on a intergalactic journey that's far away from medical services, it pays to have a device like this. It scans the entire body and detects medical problems early so they can be treated/corrected when they have the greatest chance of being fixed and optimally treated. Anyone else who's going on a journey that requires good health to complete the journey and is far away from emergency medical services would definitely benefit from Isaac's fictional handheld whole body scanner, and I wouldn't call them crazy if they've been suffering from episodes that have had definite cardiac involvement. It's so easy to say that when nothing is really happening to you, or it's something very common and nonlethal like .... coughing .... but a series of inexplicable recurring nocturnal panic attacks out of the blue, followed by increasingly violent nocturnal panic attacks later on, that then is followed by even more disturbing nocturnal episodes (not even really panic attacks this time; just straight on attacks.) that goes along with indications of /marked/ declining cardiovascular fitness levels without obvious explanation.... (But, no evidence of markedly declined upperbody strength levels - I can still push out 34 pushups like a champ. That's surprising, since I haven't been doing any upperbody strength training but I've regularly been doing running and biking interval training.)

I'm sorry, but if you're not actually experiencing that kind of shit and apparently have little capacity to fully understand the implications of that as it relates to future plans, I don't want to hear your shortsighted comments or insults. Granted, perhaps you're insulting me because you consider me an enemy and not because you lack understanding? If that's the case, kindly frock off.

Perhaps someone's reading this who fits none of those categories (Or if they do, it's only marginally /sometimes/ and the posts have redeeming qualities of some sort.). If that's the case, I welcome your posts.

I apologize if my invention idea makes you mad at me. Was only trying to make a point that worrying about health issues is not healthy. Yesterday a guy showed me a app on his phone that kept a record of his every step. 5000 steps was about 2.3 miles. I am not remembering exact numbers. Wondering how it worked? GPS senses walking speed and measures distance walked. Uses the average human stride to calculate how many steps, this might be adjustable. I really have no idea how it works?
swbluto said:
Update: 9:26 a.m. - 9/14/2016 - Woke at 6:10 a.m., had that sweaty sensation (Without the sweat) in my head and felt like I could go back to bed, so I did. Had a dream, kind of cool. Bunch of girls flocking around me, one girl in particular really wanting to be near me after having talked to me earlier. That tends to happen in real life, I've noticed. Kind of makes me think that's why it's showing up in my dreams.

This kind of sweating doesn't exactly seem like the type that anxiety/heart-attack-articles are talking about (It seems like they're talking about real sweat), so...

Oh wikipedia to the rescue!

(Oh, I just noticed, it seems the sensation appears to be on the left side of my face. A familiar place for all sorts of sensations.)

Phantom sweating is another form of autonomic neuropathy. It can be observed in patients with nerve damage (following accidents), diabetes mellitus and as a result of sympathectomy. Phantom sweating is a sensation that one is sweating, while the skin remains dry. Sufferers can not distinguish whether it is real sweating or just a sensation. The phenomena is experienced in the anhidriotic, denervated area of the body, presenting an abnormal sympathetic nervous system function.

Coincidentally, it does seem like I'm having some noticeable pain between the left side of C6/C7 when tilting my head back. I wish I never used that decompression cervical device and acquired probably ligament damage in the neck strain that followed and subsequent intermittent nerve irritation that produces neuropathic symptoms like these that needlessly worry me at 6 a.m. that I'm having a prelude to a heart attack, lol.

Anyway, it does kind of seem like my policy of lights out at 12:30 a.m. might be working. Then again, perhaps I really needed to make up for the lack of quality sleep yesterday, going to bed with as much anxiety as I did. (Yeah, I felt really out of it up until the first half of PT at 1:30 p.m. yesterday. I thought wine might help since I assumed I was anxious and at that point, I'm just like frock it, I need to drink, lol, but that only seemed to make the lack of coherence worse, lol.)

Seems like these low diastolic readings are normal.

Granted, these people are telling me they have meds lowering their BP. I'm like... I'm not on meds, lol. And, I'm also not 66 years old.

But then there's this girl who's probably not 60+ and not on BP meds...

My diastolic is usually in the mid 70s or 80s which is fine. The dr gets upset when it goes into the high 80's and 90s. I have had it as low as 47 on occasion and frequently in the 60s. I haven't heard that it is bad to have a low diastolic - why is that? I do know that on diagnosis of hypertension my diastolic was near to 100 and the dr was very worried at that. So although I can't answer your question I am most interested to know what others say.

Seems like these 50+ ratings tend to happen on certain days. Anyway, I'm not going to focus on taking measurements all day. I think it needlessly worries and upsets me when it's not going the way I think it should, and seems like it might be putting me at risk of undesireable events that even worry me more. Granted, maybe it's actually forewarning me of said events, lol, but it's very well that the device itself ultimately leads upto them through the reducing in my calm.

I've been noticing that eating the 'red berries' and their derivatives, tends to make the face flush red. Seems like it (Stereotypically) happens with red wine, but it also happens with grape tomatos and raisins. I just thought that was interesting, how these small fruits that are the color of blood, would in turn help the blood circulate. I wonder if the chromatic similarity has a sound physical basis behind this circulatory mechanism, or if it's just coincidental.

Update: 12:15 p.m. - took a bath and apparently a 1.5-2 hour nap afterwards. Boy, sleeping a lot today (11 hours so far?). It seems like that upper/mid-back vertebra can:

1) Make me cough when pushed
2) Cause my heart to race when irritated (I caught it in the middle of sleeping as it was rapidly falling from a really high rate of beating.) - (This is an assumption)
3) Make me momentarily dizzy when irritated
4) Make me tired when irritated

I don't totally understand the nature of this vertebra, but it appears looking at the total combination of its affects, it appears to be acting on the heart through some mechanism. I don't know if it's acting on the sympathetic nerves or if it's irritating nearby muscles, or if it's causing adrenaline surges that produce those kinds of affects at whatever state/condition my heart is currently in. I've only noticed the coughing and dizziness since two days ago. I think the tiredness affect has been there forever, and the 'racing heart' has been there ... well... I can only assume it's been like that since January of this year when the nocturnal panic attacks started up.

This particular vertebra can definitely be felt when rotating the spine clockwise and bending down.


Update: 4:47 p.m.

Okay, I've definitely noticed that there seems to be some kind of detachment between C6 and C7 in "forward head position". I noticed this morning's ongoing "lightheadedness"(and the "Chest seizing" earlier today that happened within that period) has been solved by merely keeping my neck straight up, and presumably keeping C6 and C7 more aligned. I can really feel the grind between them with a certain movement of my head/neck, confirming its presence. As yesterday, the wine certainly didn't make the ongoing lightheadedness, sense like I didn't get enough sleep, and apparent confusion go away, it actually worsened it. But keeping the neck straight suddenly made everything crystal clear and the confusion disappeared and I feel wide awake. So, yep, I think I've figured out the culprit. Likely weakened ligaments between C6 and C7 that allows C6 to move out of position and cause something to happen - Nerve root irritation? Spinal cord compression? Vertebral artery compression? Who knows - that requires imaging equipment I don't have. Of course, there may be cardiovascular damage I might now be dealing with that I wasn't before. The lightheadedness and coughing is relatively new phenomena.

Anyway, adding black beans to my diet for the folate. Who knew these boogers took 1.5 hours to cook?

Update: 6:33 p.m. - 9/14/2016 - Just did a mile run, entirely with an upright neck. Could definitely notice the difference from the last run - After jogging the first lap, I felt like I was breathing really easily. Like, my breaths were still 'shortish' (Not deep breaths), but I wasn't breathing nearly as hard. I would say I was probably breathing 3 times less hard, and I literally mean 3 times less oxygen per minute. I also wasn't nearly as tired or exhausted to keep on going - I rested like 20 seconds before continuing the rest of the jog which was a relatively fast jog. I had to pace around for 2-3 minutes waiting for my breathing to quiet down before continuing with the sprints just 2 days ago.

I finished it in 7minutes and 20 seconds, extrapolating, that would be an 11 minute 1.5 mile which is roughly what I did a year ago (Often 10 minute 50 seconds). Seem to be coughing a bit now, after sitting in this chair. I did eat a ripe spotted banana before the run, could be acid reflux - perhaps allergies - perhaps it's something else less benign. During the second lap, it felt my heart beat in my chest (palpitate), and it felt a little sore. I'm not sure if the soreness was from the heart feeling sore or the ribs in front feeling sore. The ribs in that area are definitely sore.

Wow, this coughing is just not ending. I'm not entirely convinced it's acid reflux at this point.

Well, livestrong has the answer.

A regularly occurring dry cough after running is often brought on by exercise-induced asthma, also known as exercise-induced bronchospasms. A respiratory infection could also result in a dry cough, so consult with your doctor for proper treatment. Your doctor can diagnose your symptoms by observing your breathing before and after physical exertion.

The symptoms of exercise-induced asthma, or EIA, typically occur 10 to 15 minutes after you stop running; however, you can experience symptoms during physical exertion as well. A dry cough accompanied by chest tightness and difficulties catching your breath are common symptoms of this form of asthma. You may also experience wheezing and fatigue. The symptoms typically disappear gradually as you rest.

It did take 10-15 minutes to get home and sit in this chair...

Oh yeah, I could definitely hear that wheezing sound for a second, lol.

Edit: Well, maybe it was acid reflux. I definitely could feel that big 'banana flavored burp' later on.

Update: 7:39 a.m. - 9/15/2016 - thinking about that one time exercising three days ago. Breathing in "3 times more oxygen in per minute" to recover.

I started thinking about how the lungs work yesterday, because I was trying to figure out why my spirometer VC readings seems to jump between two distinct numerical regions almost seemingly at random (But seems to correlate to relaxation).

Anyway, I figured out that the body will breath taking in something like 70% nitrogen, 20% oxygen and 10% other stuff. It will absorb some percentage of the oxygen from that oxygen. Now, if someone is breathing in 3 times more air per minute, that's telling me that they're absorbing 3 times less oxygen per breath. The fact I felt 'exhausted' would agree with this assumption. If you're absorbing less oxygen, your muscles aren't getting the oxygen they need to restore the glycogen AND create the ATP the muscles use as 'fuel' for contraction/expansion, and because the oxygen absorption rate is less, ultimately, your steady-state work output capabilities (Exercise tolerance) will be less.

Now... The question was why was my body absorbing less oxygen per breath?

There are two different possibilities I can think of.

1) Panic attack or similar. Hyperventilation increases the levels of CO2 or similar in the bloodstream, displacing and effectively reducing the amount of oxygen absorbed.

2) Heart attack, heart failure or something similar that decreases cardiac output. A decreased blood flow rate reduces the amount of blood flowing past the lungs, effectively reducing the amount of oxygen that can be absorbed with each breath.

Interesting conclusion based on the last fact. Your diaphragm will still be able to fully expand and take in and exhale air, so I wouldn't expect Vital Capacity to be significantly affected during a heart attack. You'll merely /feel/ short of breath, because the oxygen absorbed, due to lowered blood flow rate past the lungs, would be decreased. So, really, no one really knows how much oxygen your absorbing in during each breath. An oximeter to measure oxygen saturation levels would be more telling, especially when comparing values during periods of exercise. The global demand for oxygen is not that much at rest, so the reduction on oxygen saturation levels might not seem to be that significant, but when the demand for oxygen is higher (Say, during aerobic exercise), this deficit in rates of oxygen absorption would be more pronounced and would likely show up in oxygen saturation levels.

9/15/2016 - 3:34 p.m. - Wow, I must've been confused when I was running my models yesterday at around 2:46 p.m.; The 'error rate' was far higher than normal. Incomplete models and incorrect settings used being the most obvious problems. Much more errors than expected for the relatively small amount of models needed to get done. Let's look back at my logs...

I believe I didn't eat until sometime after 2:30 (Didn't know that blackbeans took that long to cook), so it's possible I might've had hypoglycemia or some such yesterday at that time. My mood obviously significantly improved in the hours after eating lunch. Breakfast was relatively light, probably 60grams of carbs at around 9. I don't believe I had a problem with sleep yesterday, but it seems more than likely I had problems in the days previous, so that might be contributing. The worst case scenario is I've been having ischemia that's been leading to dementia, possibly even via stroke or some such. But, I don't like to assume the worst case given its relative rarity. I plan on getting an oximeter later today. I already have like two of them, but I've lost both of them in this house. It seems like this house is good at getting my small medical devices lost, lol. I kind of liked that aspect about the small dorm room that I previously lived in; if I lost something, a quick 5 minute rummage was sure to find it. Thinking about getting a hemaglobin meter, to test for anemia. I suspect I have it (Or have had it but it's now improving), but I'm unsure. Anyway, other than the chest pressure and high blood pressure and "wide awake"/definitely-not-going-to-sleep feeling about 2 days ago, I haven't really had any significant nocturnal episodes. Even though I'm not sleepy, I kind of feel like I'm dragging today with that slight tiredness in my eyes (Not the "tired old man" feeling; just regular.), suggesting maybe I didn't get enough sleep yesterday night like I suspected. I'm going to eat a lighter meal tonight because the acid reflux it seemed I was getting yesterday was not fun and wasn't quieting down quickly enough for me. I'll probably eat it a little earlier, too.

Update: 9:54 P.M. Went to the store to pick some goodies for my sick family members (I'm not sick yet - Maybe my cocoa/wine/garlic consumption is keeping me protected? lol.), also picked up an oximeter. Conclusions - using the oximeter and focusing on it increases my anxiety, which will obviously decrease my oxygen saturation levels, at least today (I apparently didn't get enough sleep last night). lol

So, the secret is, don't focus on anything that induces anxiety and you'll keep yourself healthier, lol.

Yeah, so, that one day where I was freaking exhausted on the track might be simply explained away via anxiety, which may've been amplified by presumably poor sleep (There are other anxiety triggers, like poor nutrition.). If anxiety is reducing pulmonary artery bloodflow, then it will decrease the amount of oxygen absorbed by the lungs and distributed to the muscles, so increased exhaustion and excessive breathing is somewhat expected. So, the secret is...

Sleep well
Eat well
Live well

Last edited by swbluto on Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:03 am, edited 16 times in total. View post history.

Check out my new sign.
If ya happy with how you are doing? Carry on. If its not broke. Don't fix it.

Suggestions - Forget about heavy equipment for tree removal. Start with loppers. I have a big Stihl weed wacker with a saw blade that works well to cut small trees and brush. After you can walk around in lot. Start with a plan. More important then buying forest land and implementing solar is HEALTH

Suggestions - Get health insurance if you don't have any.
marty said:
Get some medical help. Good place to start is a primary doctor.
A real doctor is your best option to figure out why you seem to have 1000s of words worth of health problems.

I have been having some real lopper issues. Fiskars is going to send me new loopers. I need to choose which loopers I like. Long sad looper story. I am now using the ones shown in the picture above. PowerGear2™ Lopper (32") Lifetime Warranty.
Yep, a good lopper! And chainsaw, shovel, pick axe, axe, rakes, machete, etc etc.

But that stuff is for maintaining, not clearing, imo. Maybe I'm lazy, but when I need to move alot of dirt and/or vegetation, a 30-50hp implement really shows it's efficiency even against 100 men. So yes you'll still want hand tools, and prob at least a tractor or 4wheeler.

Now if it's an older growth forest 'clearing' becomes more like logging, and THEY PAY YOU. In fact, sometimes you can get the pulp guys to clearcut brush for free, but I'm assuming this is maybe 30 yo or less growth though, with less to clear than they'd be interested in for free. So I'd not shy away from some heavy stuff for anything more than some bike paths.

If you have any hand-eye coordination, running heavy equipment is easy. The learning curve is about a half hour till you've got the controls down, and those excavators are the cat's balls imo.
Yeah it could be clearcutting, but doesn't have to be.

In fact,
You may be surprised to learn that harvesting timber is one of the best ways to preserve the health of your woods. . . .
The woods towards the front will be kept for privacy and maintaining the 'forest look' from the road - and a part of 'the woods' towards the back of the driveway to prevent seeing further in the property from the road. The actual trees are few in number (30 or so), and they are rather thin (5" diameter at max, 30 feet high.), and it's more about tons of heavy underbrush. I liked this particular property because the heavy underbrush provides privacy if used properly, and because the heavy underbrush indicates the fertility & ease of growth of trees/plants of the land. I want to grow vegetable/fruit gardens and the such. Perhaps even grapes, even though I will probably have to figure out the 'most ecologically friendly' fungicides/pesticides to use to grow red ones, and I'll have to figure out the most effective ways of cleaning the grapes of any residues. I don't really want to use any 'persistent' chemicals on the land and I certainly want to use 'natural ones'. I don't want to 'ruin' the land with chemicals, I want to keep it as natural as it came. If it's not really possible, then I guess I won't grow red grapes. I know you could, however, there are several popular vineyards nearby.

And, the "natural woods" in this area looks kind of pretty. I don't want to be like the other residents, who apparently removed practically all the trees/vegetation on the property. I want to preserve the 'forest look' on the block, and I want the entire living quarters/driveway area to be entirely encapsulated by forest; only the back, which will be the planting/vegetable/fruit area, will be almost completely cleared. I can see one or two residents who've done that in the entire area (preserving the forest look).

However, I can understand the rationale for removing the forest: Bugs.

And what was that pounding sensation in my right skull now? Jesus, it freaked me out. Might note it in the medical logs, lol.
hmm you have 10 pages of i am so sick in every way and have every disability in the world and you think you will be able to live in isolation away from medical help

so your ether never going to go live in the bush or your not as sick as your hypocritical mind is telling you
swbluto said:
The woods towards the front will be kept for privacy and maintaining the 'forest look' from the road - and a part of 'the woods' towards the back of the driveway to prevent seeing further in the property from the road.

Okay, let's assume your 75 foot dimension is the width, as is mine 75 feet wide. My house is about 8 feet from each border, not quite 60 feet across. A little extra room for trees takes that much off.

Mine is 140 feet from the street to the back fence. One might think you could use the extra 60 feet, or at least most of it, to establish the front tree barrier you're referring to. But I don't see myself as having a huge yard and how much room are you going to need for this obvious hemp farm you're talking about? Maybe you should think of a tall hedge, which wouldn't take up much more space around the edges than a block wall but would be close to as impenetrable. Much more blind than trees can make such a confined space.

I realize you're hoping the trees will help keep aircraft from identifying the plants, but that only works in the woods where it makes it near impossible to look at it if not directly above. They'll already know to fly right to your place, the helicopter will hover overhead, etc. You should probably be thinking of the sort of indoor grows that have taken over from the deep forest operations.

swbluto said:
. . . .I can understand the rationale for removing the forest: Bugs.

Oh, not just that. I can already picture your posts about what a disease ridden nightmare you've moved into. Just to echo a previous post, you talk and talk of infirmities and yet you're planning on clearing this lot yourself?

Yeah, I was walking over there with the weedwacker when both arms went absolutely flaccid. . . .

Yeah, I forgot to mention during the arm flaccidity episode, that's usually caused by bone loss. You would need to look around where it happened to find the 2 upper arm or 2 lower arm bones which obviously would have to fall out for the arm to be flaccid. Having had the frozen shoulder and the locked solid situation, flaccidity sounds almost welcome in comparison.

Let's see, I've been a little busy but mostly too sick since my Canon 5S S came to just run around playing with it, but I think I'll run off and get a few shots of some properties near me that might bring some inspiration.

swbluto said:
And what was that pounding sensation in my right skull now?

Ever hear the saying 'Inside every crazy person is a sane person trying to get out?'

swbluto said:
Jesus. . . .

While I normally dismiss such possibilities, you never know who might be pulling at the hair over all these posts.

I don't want to put too much attention on these 'infirmities' because ... I'm well aware I've generally been assuming the worst and that's a stereotypical trait of an anxious person. I might be anxious because of my current environment, and as I soon as I move out of here, that may quickly change. People have gone on antidepressants or such to deal with 'emotional issues', but they went off the drugs as soon as they moved out after finding out it was the 'crazy house' that was causing the issues. It may very well be exactly the same dynamic in my case.

Just sure wish the surveyor would hurry it up... lol

I remember when running home under the influence of ativan. I had absolutely no problems with sleep despite the fact that running seems to aggravate my neck/spine making sleep more difficult. Of course, that was before the "great cervical decompression device neck sprain"... so... hmm... and I don't really remember having super difficulties with running. Well, actually, I did, but that was mostly because it caused the 2 hour nocturnal panic attack when laying on my right side, I didn't have problems with sleeping on my back at the time. Nevermind, I guess I can't read too much into that night.
I think if the surveyor doesn't get back to me by Friday, I'll ask for his help in sourcing a theolodite/total-station I could use. I think for the amount that I paid him, that should cover the 'rental fee' for whatever extra tools he has hanging around.
Ah well, who knows what the future will bring.
swbluto said:
I don't want to put too much attention on these 'infirmities' because .

your jokeing arnt you??

you have 5482 posts where a BIG chunk are anywhere up to 800 words (and edited 10's if not 100's of times) about how you have every sickness and aliment under the sun
Yay, the surveyor says he staked the area and will have the paperwork Monday. A bit later than he's suggested in the past, but at least (hopefully this time) it's getting done.
Okay, somewhat random post but I don't know where else to put it, but I met this girl in the bottom of a medical laboratory and she had the creepiest smile I've seen on a girl. Don't get me wrong, this girl was pretty awesome, but I've never seen such a unnaturally thin, wide, huge smile like that on a girl. I've even looked on a google for a similarly creepy smile, and the only ones that come close are facepainted ones. I always thought that perhaps the Nuke Program attracted a lot of "weird girls", but looking back, they seemed to be actually pretty normal in comparison though they tended to be a bit dorky compared to the average female. Which, I didn't have ANY PROBLEMS WITH, lol.

Anyway, just thought I'd mention her smile. It struck me as something quite rare.

However, I will admit that this girl probably doesn't smile that often in public, at least not like that. She probably smiled in her natural way (As opposed to the more reserved public-facing smile that almost all girls have) around me because she felt comfortable and really happy to talk to me, I don't blame her. Little did she know I was going to judge her and talk about her behind her back, lol.
swbluto said:
Okay, somewhat random post but I don't know where else to put it, but I met this girl in the bottom of a medical laboratory and she had the creepiest smile I've seen on a girl. Don't get me wrong, this girl was pretty awesome, but I've never seen such a unnaturally thin, wide, huge smile like that on a girl. I've even looked on a google for a similarly creepy smile, and the only ones that come close are facepainted ones. I always thought that perhaps the Nuke Program attracted a lot of "weird girls", but looking back, they seemed to be actually pretty normal in comparison though they tended to be a bit dorky compared to the average female. Which, I didn't have ANY PROBLEMS WITH, lol.

Anyway, just thought I'd mention her smile. It struck me as something quite rare.

However, I will admit that this girl probably doesn't smile that often in public, at least not like that. She probably smiled in her natural way (As opposed to the more reserved public-facing smile that almost all girls have) around me because she felt comfortable and really happy to talk to me, I don't blame her. Little did she know I was going to judge her and talk about her behind her back, lol.
So, what else?

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