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Can EVs survive without subsidies ?

Hillhater said:
Its only the 2019 unique result that gives any hope of a growing sales trend.

And what do you think will happen in 2020 then?
If you would like to play with the numbers yourself, you can transcribe these:
PHEV and BEV sales AUS.JPG
jonescg said:
Ianhill said:
I know aus can be a little strange on their import rules was that of any effect or you mean the lack of manufacturers not releasing decent BEV.
Mainly Australia being really slow to get new models in. The compliance process is quite tedious and expensive, but that only explains part of it. We are a very small RHD market - the world only makes our cars reluctantly. Decent BEVs were available elsewhere, but they're not making it here fast enough.

Ianhill said:
Just done a quick search on locking up carbon as a liquid or a solid and at our 1 atmosphere carbon dioxide exists as a gas at atmospheric pressure and global temp but it turns into a solid around -78c that's very energy intensive to reach and maintain but if we increase the pressure to 70 atmospheres its required temp to stay a soild will be raised to -56c but it is then possible to exist as a liquid from that range to 30c making it possible to store in a very dense form but that's one mighty pump to get to them levels and one heck of a pressure vessel.

The trick would then be to get that locked in suspension so the pressure can be removed and the carbon stay trapped in some other material like a rock etc.

I did see something special about water that makes it unique to other substances, if we take ice and apply pressure to it we can turn it back into a liquid, it's also the only other substances that expands as it freezes it has a very interesting phase change diagram compared to c02.

Carbon sequestration can be made to work under very specific circumstances, geology permitting. But the main reason it's not being done in any meaningful way is because it usually doesn't work and they really don't want to do it. Either the energetics are crazy (takes an extra 25% of primary energy to compress and cool a portion of the emissions) or in the case of the massive Gorgon gas hub development in north west Western Australia, they only got permission to build the hub on the condition they use capture and storage. They never even filed the planning docs when the first cubic metre of gas came up. After 10 years and millions of tons of CO2 later, they ask for an extension of the state government. Who of course gave them an extension because they are politically beholden to the gas giants. Meanwhile nothing has happened.
That article is old, but don't worry, still nothing has happened.

Absolute joke most governments are infiltrated by lobbiest just look at the right to repair bill going through US right nw, They are more than happy to get the fuel sources and have methods of releasing millions of years of c02 deposits on century time scales but when it comes to having a bash at finding a way of reversing that carbon process and storing it back down very little interest unless we can make it into something of value, There's lots of problems on many fronts if we can manage to clean our energy act up we still have the biggest problem to be festering in humans and that's the drug epidemics, creating gang culture that brings violence and a break down of society that is rapidly expanding but that's for a different thread and time.
Hillhater said:
And you have a very strange understanding of sales GROWTH.,!

2011 sales: 49
2018 sales: 1352


In math, in the real world, 1352 > 49.

This sounds like all those posts about how "THIS TIME Musk is REALLY going to fail! Because he's selling NO CARS!"
billvon said:
Hillhater said:
And you have a very strange understanding of sales GROWTH.,!

2011 sales: 49
2018 sales: 1352


In math, in the real world, 1352 > 49.
What point are you trying to make bill?
The discussion was about the rate of growth.
But seeing as none of the figures from the different sources, (other than 49 for 2011), agree ...it is pointless debating detail !
( and the largest figure ..Tesla...is only an estimate !)
Broadening the scope a little (worldwide) and considering the thread topic,..
..what do we think happened to EV sales in the 2nd half of 2019 ?
Something seems to have suppressed the sales below those of 2018 ....changes to rebates ?
At the end of the day, Tesla has done an awesome job of fully aligning "Performance" with "Lithium-ion/Electric" instead of just beastly combustion engines.

Luxury cars like Mercedes have proven there is a huge market for expensive luxury cars, Tesla proved there is the performance in electric, it's now just a slow process of electric taking over all luxury cars :twisted: .

The all-electric "Mercedes-Benz EQC" was named Australia's car of the year.

It's already coming to all premium cars, we all know about the Porsche Taycan, but now there is the electric Hummer complete with an expensive Super Bowl advert on TV.

^Look at all these brands/cars, they are all going to be stuffed full of lithium-batteries and maybe even Fuel-cells one day.

So electric is here forever because folks are willing to pay a premium for performance, maybe even fuel-cell EV for people who need extra-long range.
Yes I am dubious on EVs in the value end of the market, ICE will now be the car for the poor going forward.
^Look at Telsa stock market performance it looks like Tesla is going to outlive most of the other car makers.

Even if EVs merely "displace" co2/greenhouse-gases/air-pollution in major cities elsewhere, this is still a huge gain even if it doesn't really solve the problem, it does help a lot with smog, and it is still a good start, and it's pretty clear most people are happy just doing that.
This is the other half of the argument, if indeed the fact that the consumer now fully aligns "electric" with "luxury performance" wasn't already enough...
UK government plans to ban the sale of diesel and gasoline cars by 2035
^How are they going to do it? probably by ever-increasing the taxes on combustion cars, until they have taxed the crap out of them, most governments worldwide hate combustion vehicles and are now treating it like smoking tobacco, with a similar style of taxing. It's even better for the government since tobacco is easy to smuggle but petroleum fuel isn't.
jonescg said:
Australia has no EV subsidies...
Actually , just to set the record straight, Australia may not have direct subsidies, but it does have significant tax incentives for EVs..
Stamp Duty and Registration

Australian Capital Territory – Brand New electric vehicles pay $0 stamp duty for their initial purchase and receive a 20% discount on registration. Learn more.

Victoria – Electric vehicles are exempt from the “luxury vehicle” rate of stamp duty, paying a flat rate of $8.40 per $200 of market value, rather than up to $18 for polluting vehicles. All electric vehicles also receive a $100 annual discount on vehicle registration. Learn more.

Queensland - Electric and hybrid vehicles pay reduced stamp duty: $2 per $100 up to $100,000, and $4 per $100 value thereafter (compared to up to $6 per $100 for more polluting vehicles). Learn more.

So for example in Victoria, your Tesla “S” gets a $7000 tax break
ACT has some of the highest salaries, as well as zero stamp duty on EVs.
SA had some kind of incentive at the local government level (now finished) and fairly low average salaries.
VIC has a reduction in rego and some stamp duty relief.
TAS has cheap clean power and generally the lowest incomes.

So you get figures like this:
ACT 436 EVs per million
NSW 110 EVs per million
NT 30 EVs per million
QLD 97 EVs per million
SA 171 EVs per million
TAS 149 EVs per million
VIC 146 EVs per million
WA 112 EVs per million
(Excludes Teslas as we don't have a state by state breakdown)
Hillhater said:
Broadening the scope a little (worldwide) and considering the thread topic,..
..what do we think happened to EV sales in the 2nd half of 2019 ?
Something seems to have suppressed the sales below those of 2018 ....changes to rebates ?
Answering my own question , those figures seem to follow the downturn of the large EV market in China since the (partial) removal of incentives in July 2019
Rumour has it, the Chinese are reconsidering these incentives to boost the industry.
So, it suggests we may well know the answer to the original question of the thread !
....BYD's sales decline (year-over-year) accelerates every month since July 2019, when incentives were partially cut:

July: down 12%
August: down 23%
September: down 48%
October: down 54%
November: down 63%
December: down 71%
January 2020: down 75%
I feel like everything is going to be down this year regardless of the incentives or otherwise, the drama around COVID-19 is causing issues with all sorts of industries.

Am I personally worried, not really but it has had major impacts on manufacturing and supply chains that appear to be ongoing.
Can get some really cheap flights at the moment, with the risk of being stuck somewhere in lock-down.

Of course the drops you speak of are prior to COVID-19 but I think it will further compound whatever issues there are already occurring.

Could be a rough year.
Where I am, Teslas seem to be selling very briskly, despite no longer having subsidies applied to them.

I reckon strength in the EV market in other right hand drive countries like UK and Japan will keep such cars moving in Australia too. EVs are not going away; they represent the main growth market for motor vehicles for the foreseeable future.
Hillhater said:
The downturn in EV sales starting last July, has NOTHING to do with CV 19 effects !
Downturn _starting_ last July? Let's look at the numbers!

Total EV sales worldwide 2019:

Jan 159,468
Feb 119,541
Mar 224,335
Apr 166,200
May 179,270
Jun 264,591
Jul 157,144
Aug 160,106
Sept 183,393
Oct 149,552
Nov 176,547

Looks like there were dips in Apr, Jul and Oct - but increases the other eight months. And the year ended up 11% compared to July. Not bad.

And there's this:
Europe Electric Car Sales Surge By 121% In January 2020

MAR 01, 2020 at 7:33PM

Mark Kane

EV Sales Blog reports a near-record 74,663 new passenger plug-in car registrations - 121% more than a year ago and the first three-digit growth rate since 2015.

But by all means, short Tesla. Those people are doing so well.
Sure, they will continue to sell into those market sectors that can afford them.
But the rate of full market penitration will be determined by affordability.and the china situation has shown how pricing and subsidies affect that rate
Did you notice that Teslas sales were down $2bn in Q4 2019, compared ro Q4 ‘18 ?
The first time ever Tesla YOY Quarterly sales have done that !
Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN) plans to introduce legislation on Tuesday that would rein in the federal electric vehicle tax credit that primarily benefits wealthy Americans
Yes..downturn from July onwards..compared to 2018....
Hillhater said:
Something seems to have suppressed the sales below those of 2018 ....changes to rebates ?

Looks like there were dips in Apr, Jul and Oct - but increases the other eight months. And the year ended up 11% compared to July. Not bad.
?? ..check you maths..or eyes !
July - Dec was 200,000 less than Jan-June ... thats -20% roughly
That has not happened before !
Hillhater said:
Sure, they will continue to sell into those market sectors that can afford them.
Yep, like every other product everywhere.
But the rate of full market penitration will be determined by affordability.and the china situation has shown how pricing and subsidies affect that rate.
Also agreed. And as battery prices drop and gas prices rise, the ratios will change again.
Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN) plans to introduce legislation on Tuesday that would rein in the federal electric vehicle tax credit that primarily benefits wealthy Americans
Of course. Attacking progressive environmental causes is what republicans do best. I bet he keeps that tax cut for the wealthiest Americans, though.
JackFlorey said:
Hillhater said:
Yes..downturn from July onwards..compared to 2018....
Cool. So an upturn from July to December becomes a downturn by the magic of Tesla-hater thinking!
What “upturn” ? Look at your own numbers that you posted !
How do you make a 20%..(200,000) reduction in those 6 months, an “upturn” ??
Your “Tesla tinted” glasses have screwed up your eyesight and thinking :roll:
Hillhater said:
Cool. So an upturn from July to December becomes a downturn by the magic of Tesla-hater thinking!
What “upturn” ? Look at your own numbers that you posted !
How do you make a 20%..(200,000) reduction in those 6 months, an “upturn” ??
Your “Tesla tinted” glasses have screwed up your eyesight and thinking :roll:
July 2019: ~150,000
Dec 2019: ~280,000

In the reality-based community, 280,000 is greater than 150,000. Even if you REALLY REALLY hate Tesla.
Ahh ! So cherry picking two months !
The comment was the comparason 2019 to 2018... or did you deliberately miss that ?
December is ALWAYS the highest sales...or did you ignor that detail as well
Dec 2019 ,..276k ,
.Dec 2018..290k
There was a significant sales DOWNTURN in the second half of 2019 !
... which co insides with the reduction in sales in china after the reduction of subsidies......got it ? :roll:
JackFlorey said:
Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN) plans to introduce legislation on Tuesday that would rein in the federal electric vehicle tax credit that primarily benefits wealthy Americans
Of course. Attacking progressive environmental causes is what republicans do best. I bet he keeps that tax cut for the wealthiest Americans, though.

Yeah, how DARE that Republican try to make the rich pay more? If he were a Democrat he'd leave benefits for the rich in protective custody.
Dauntless said:
Yeah, how DARE that Republican try to make the rich pay more? If he were a Democrat he'd leave benefits for the rich in protective custody.
If he's trying to make the rich pay more, he's going to have to switch parties. The GOP's owners will not stand for such sacrilege.
Hillhater said:
Ahh ! So cherry picking two months !
They were the two months you specifically asked about. How funny that you would cherrypick them, then accuse me of doing it!
The comment was the comparason 2019 to 2018..
Your rapid backpedal is noted.

Here's an article sure to make all the Tesla-haters reach for their antacids. From the NYT:
FRANKFURT — Until recently European auto executives regarded Tesla with something like bemusement. The electric car upstart from California was burning cash, struggling with production problems, and hedge funds were betting it would fail.

The car executives are not laughing anymore. Almost overnight, the Tesla Model 3 has become one of the best-selling cars in Europe. In December, only the Volkswagen Golf and Renault Clio sold more, according to data compiled by JATO Dynamics, a market research firm.

The success of the Model 3, only months after it went on sale in Europe, has come as a shock to industry executives who only months ago were ready to write Tesla off. The company was building cars in a tent, for goodness’ sake.