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Candidate for worst 'bike' design of 2016?


10 kW
Mar 29, 2013
Venice, FL
A neighbor was thinking about buying one of these, and I received this link.
When I opened it and saw this thing, my first thought was “oh no” and my gut got queasy.


The original penny-farthing bikes had a problem: their tendency to kill or maim riders through over-the-handlebars accidents. It was just inherent in the nature of their design. There was a reason penny-farthings quickly disappeared from the scene when the modern ‘safety bicycle’ design arrived and became the grandfather of almost all of today’s bicycles: people liked a bike that wouldn’t kill them quite so easily.

I could be wrong, hope I am, but this thing seems like a needless reinvention of the penny-farthing but even worse –- all the problems with none of the benefits. At least the big wheel on penny-farthing could roll right over most road irregularities, and had some gyroscopic benefits. The small front wheel on this thing – well, I would not want to hit a pothole while riding it. Dismounting would certainly be easy, since you’d be launched off like an unguided missile.

Chalo and others have observed that it is really difficult to improve on the fundamental design of the modern bicycle. This thing (I can’t bring myself to call it a bicycle!) seems like an evolutionary dead end, both for itself and for its riders.

The designers should consider renaming this vehicle “The Oh No”, with a catchy marketing slogan along the lines of “The Fastest Path to Your Emergency Room!”.

Candidate for the worst hpv design of 2016? Is anyone aware of anything worse?

Maybe the only thing that could be done to make this design more dangerous – would be adding a motor.

Anyway, like I said, hope I am wrong and this thing is safer than it looks at first glance.
Depending on who you ask here...

there are some old farts that will take the most powerful and capable electric bike, and call it the worst because "its not a bicycle, its an electric motorcycle"
There are some that will call all the small motor bikes the worst because they have to pedal.

worst is like "the best"... perspective counts.

While you might look at that as terror on wheels, I went 40mph on a electric goped everyday to and from work for almost a year. This is probably safer than that. In the right setting, it might even be fun.
No question, it would be fun to try!
And no question, I'm an old retro-grouch with an excess of personal caution after a few broken bones and concussions.
Still strikes me as contender for one of the worst bike design ideas since

Coyote Rocket Bike.JPG
Lol, perhaps. I personally would be more prone to try it than a skateboard tho (and not break my neck).

But as far as 'BIKE", yes- it's a POS disaster waiting to happen.

I ges I am just giving potential customers the benefit of doubt that they're not considering it to eclipse a bike for anything much other than stated: challenge/unique. And it's not being marketed otherwise either afaict?
footloose said:
No question, it would be fun to try!
And no question, I'm an old retro-grouch with an excess of personal caution after a few broken bones and concussions.
Still strikes me as contender for one of the worst bike design ideas since

actually thats quite fun.

Lookup rocket bicycle videos.. theres the world record guy.. and a bunch of mad scientist guys doing it too..

and theres also the jetbike. not a rocket, but still a thrust bicycle.
Rocket and jet bikes... would sure be fun ride for a straight line down landing strip or on salt flats.
Never seemed to work out well though for Wily E. :lol:
Jet bike is on my list of crazy things My friends and I plan to build. Someplace between bungee bed and armchair jetski.
rocket powered skateboard failed, but we tried to use firework rockets.... :roll:

The penny farthing design is pretty bad, but the worst bike design has to be this:
Yeah, that one has my scratching my head. It beats the Oh No bike hands down on the sheer question of "why?... what is the reason?". Maybe it is a brilliant solution to some problem I just haven't discovered yet. To keep the various candidates for Worst Design clear, maybe lets call this one the "WTF?" bike. :lol:






Some plenty lame bikes in that collection!
Designer's main criteria seems to be "because I can", not "because this is somehow useful".