Could the earth be flat?

Could the earth be flat?
are we done here? nothing to be debate right?

Now to the next subject, some conspiracy theorists have been claiming that the world of Minecraft is in fact flat! As crazy as it sounds I have heard some compelling theories to support that assumption, and I may be convinced to be a Minecraft flat-earther myself but here's a compelling argument from the opposing side:
If I was allowed to spout off a bit more,
Arguing whether the earth is round or not is like arguing whether water is wet or not. Pretty obvious to most of us but there is always that one "philosopher".

The problem with "philosophers":
There's Plato and then there's "that guy", you know the one, the idiot who is completely disconnected from reality but just doesn't care. Seeking the truth apparently not something on the agenda... ever.
It would be absurd to comb the philosophical forums for the best way to set up an e-bike, a staunch empirical method type of guy is what you need, someone who will share his data sheet of wh/km numbers with you. Someone who has tried it all and knows exactly what does and does not work. You aren't going to build an e-bike or send a spaceship to the moon off the philosophical method.

If we are going to bash on so called philosophers lets beat up on the empirical method a bit too shall we.
The problem with "scientists" shall we call them, (if we are allowed to pretend that all "scientists" only believe in what can be directly observed) is that the hole they run themselves into when only a little bit of evidence is available. If we look at some of science's greatest achievements there's a lot of bullshittery going on! You wouldn't believe all the crap paleontologists try to pass off as "truth" based on observations made from looking at a set of dinosaur bones, the theory of evolution is missing a few links shall we say, and the big bang theory has nothing to prove that the universe came from a singularity and not say that we are not shall are a bunch of lillypads floating away from each other on the pond (this is a bad example because lillypads have roots but I would totally love to spring the big cannonball splash theory on the scientific community). I don't have any empirical evidence to disprove the big bang theory, evolution or that guy on TV's theory on tyrannosaurus mating rituals (you don't know that they mate that way and you sir need psychological help!) but there's a deductive part of me that believes that scientists (as I have defined them) can only be taken seriously to a certain extent, the scientific process having a way of getting ahead of itself.

As far as the "is the earth flat" debate goes, I accuse those believing the earth is flat of being ungrounded, unwilling to examine the facts. It is useful to question your own ability to perceive facts, question existence itself but not to the extent of handicapping your own ability to think.
parajared said:
If I was allowed to spout off a bit more,
Arguing whether the earth is round or not is like arguing whether water is wet or not. Pretty obvious to most of us but there is always that one "philosopher".

The problem with "philosophers":
. . . and then there's "that guy", you know the one, the idiot who is completely disconnected from reality but just doesn't care. Seeking the truth apparently not something on the agenda... ever.

So polite of you not to name him. We could see his face in your description, except---we don't actually know what he looks like.
Parajared, thanks I think these are some of the more constructive and objective replies on this thread. It's really nice, great points on both counts.

I've noticed refinement in the Flat Earth movement in the last 2yrs. More and more currently are self-identifying back towards the empirical, and only going so far as to say 'apparently' flat and motionless.

I'd never actually seen a 'game theory' vid and found it interesting. I've never seen/played minecraft either lol. It was an interesting angle, and although I'm unsure of the code/physics deployed for that in particular, I'm fairly certain more 'realistic' games like microsoft flight simulator and similar do not use any type of spherical geometry/physics in that respect . . .

I like contrasting the empirical to the philisophical in our mainstream paleontology, anthropology, archaeology, geology, evolutionary biology, theoretical physics, astrophysics, astronomy, and cosmology. It does get interesting.

However, most are so set in their minds with those (such as typical global warming or evolution/big bang arguments), it's also fun to simply ask for proof (or evidence) of the globe and/or space. 'Satelites', the curve. . . . One thing I really like is how more have become skeptical of NASA. Those nasholes lol. I mean seriously.

I was placed in advance placement math in high school. The teacher is easily remembered because he was kooky. He had on one corner of the room a plaque and papers certifying he was part of the "Flat Earth Society". Next to that was a mummified toad in a ziplock baggie, but that's another story (Darwinism). I really never took heed to that plaque or toad, nor did I use the trigonometry skills that I was taught to full potential (sin, cosine, tangent never clicked with me at that age). But I got a "B" grade which was pretty decent considering I was a pot smoking red eyed idiot at the time. I've been pot free :mrgreen: for about 4 years (I go through phases of use and abstenance). Now I come to this thread topic and my mind is blown away. Who needs ganja when all you need is this.

What the hell am I typing about...

Oh yeah. The game "Go", the one with the checker board and black & white pieces. It needs to be played on a checkered spherical surface. That way no one person gets the corner/edge advantage. :pancake:
I Don't know anymore if the world is just pulling my finger or if doc brown really did make the time machine and the time line has skewered to what we have now, it's absolute insanity that in modern times a flat earth trend can take place and have millions of followers when it explains absolute nothing about why we are flat and everything we see is round ?
This is a Double face palm moment followed by another then a simple sigh and a huff what in the hell are our schools doing to kids I'm 32 and the last of the generation to be brought up with small amounts of tech floppy disks tapes and cassettes no phones, and experienced all the Computer's from C64 to current crop so the golden years really for that I'm very greatful my child hood was still simple no cyber bullying or porn sites at every turn, I watch children these days and they are round with tablets all the time and cry when you take it from them parents also let them get away with much more than in my day even tv adverts have gone sexual.

I was raised with respect in a complete family and had a truly amazing mother that give me the best chance she could like a proud lioness, my school never taught astro physics but they made sure they got the basics correct so we could move in to the world of work and further education, not everyone is so lucky and i know theres family's that fail or horrific death drugs etc and poor kids end up being brought up in care, but its also a pity that some have all the chances but choose not to learn then tell others of ridiculous conspiracies on youtube to make advertising fees and a name for themself's pure greed feeding on weak minds.

I'd like you see Eric dubai explain lunar phases on this flat earth casting a spherical shadow on the moon ? Or why there's any phases at all if we have a flat plain and the earth doesn't rotate he is just such a losser that has never even looked through a telescope let alone observed space over time.
It's all good man- maybe just check out Quantum Mechanics in depth instead of trying to figure out 'flat earth'?

There are many (most) in FE that don't seem to realize they're jumping from one faithset to another with it, which sometimes makes it all seem too serious. Tbf, not realizing what's 'faith' is some of the ongoing human condition, imo.

But looking past that I enjoy thinking/learning about all our major sciences and anything contradictory or challenging them. That's supposed to be the general direction of progress.

My personal experience is that the more in depth I looked, the less solid evidence there was for the heliocentric model with space and planets, unless I continued to take some massive leaps of faith. FE isn't the be-all-end-all alternative, but it's interesting. I'm happy I can see how some of our science and some leaders could be full of shit now.
The things that are full shit are the goverments standing by a debt monetary system that is crushing the poor all over the world, stupid trends seem to miss the vital point there's wrong doings going on under our noses but flat earth takes a priority when it's been past debating since the early 1800's I smell a trend rat everybody is busy picking a side when we shouldn't be part of it at all.
Agreed. I don't fully understand much, but it seems like more people are waking up to more things like that. Times always change, and this is an amazing time.
Beyond that, I think maybe the ultimate realization may be that we are the only ones that can allow ourselves to be slaves in this world?
To whatever degree it may appear to someone they cannot be 'free' (like even if you're an actual 'slave'!), they can allow it to in some way cause personal growth, in some way. Personal growth aids the whole organism that is humanity.

Always good to remember though, what doesn't kill you . . . . could give you a headache lol.
Who decides what's a trend and why is it always things like loom bands or fidget spinners what's really going on when cheap surplus stuff is being bundled in silly ways and people lap it up like no tomorrow.
I think videos like this should be trending.

So who'd the bigger fool? The guy who insists the world is flat of the selfstyled 'Journalist' who just HAS to flatter (Flat her, hmmmm) herself that she gets to make pronouncements such as ". . . .believes, of course mistakenly, that the Earth is flat. . . ." At least he DOES something. Compared to the hot air coming from her.
Dauntless said:
So who'd the bigger fool? The guy who insists the world is flat of the selfstyled 'Journalist' who just HAS to flatter (Flat her, hmmmm) herself that she gets to make pronouncements such as ". . . .believes, of course mistakenly, that the Earth is flat. . . ." At least he DOES something. Compared to the hot air coming from her.
And all he had coming from him was steam.
billvon said:
Dauntless said:
So who'd the bigger fool? The guy who insists the world is flat of the selfstyled 'Journalist' who just HAS to flatter (Flat her, hmmmm) herself that she gets to make pronouncements such as ". . . .believes, of course mistakenly, that the Earth is flat. . . ." At least he DOES something. Compared to the hot air coming from her.
And all he had coming from him was steam.


Sure beats hot air, eh?
Dude, the hoarde is trolling EVERYTHING right now and putting gravy on it. You gotta be sure before you post that.

It MIGHT be safe to go to one of your music threads and talk about scales.