
10 kW
Feb 3, 2009
I was riding on the sidewalk[rush hour traffic] a woman with a baby carriage and 3 or 4 year old beside her was heade toward me, I moved over to the grass. my front wheel got caught in a hidden rut and threw me sideways onto the sidewalk....YYUUUKKK at 88 I nolonger bounce, I just go splat.. cut and bruised knee,,,still usable..carefully.. painfully bruised chest..ithink I landed on the handle only hurts when you laugh..BUSTED.. coughing or sneezind is much worse...sprained thumb? ?amazing how often you can ouch yourself trying not to use a sore thumb....but, most importantly,my bike[the woody]was not damaged.....looking up from the ground, she a very sexy butt :mrgreen:
Dude wow. I thought you were bs'n when you mentioned 88 before. Congrats on hash'n it up with the ground and being ok. And for ebiking and doing the forum too. (I have an 80's yo relative that bikes, but not an ebike, and Idt they even care about the internet lol.)
The scenario reminds me of 'futurama' and how the dr may have played it out- in a comical way.

Glad your alright!
I'm half that age and it takes forever to heal after even minor dings these days.
Oh to be 22 again.

Get well soon. :D
:D glad youre havin a laugh over it,ive got alot of ebiking have givin me hope! and hopefully youve learned to stop dismount and let them pass.
WOW, 88, you are 10 years older than I am and I have all ready graduated to a trike years ago, all be it on with a lower seat, keep moving joints can freeze up from inactivity.
Yeah, those young mothers still distract you real good, even at 88. I wonder if John Kerry was looking at one too.