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Covid-19 Reports by country/area/town/city

nicobie said:
John, you have to give it up. Haven't you figured out yet that there was NO frocking VOTER FRAUD.

Of course there was, and not just because there always is. It may very well turn out that there's nothing wrong in the ballot count (though I find it difficult to believe that such suspicious behavior took place if everything was on the up and up), but you can't really be that naive to believe that the "beat Trump at all costs crowd" didn't take full advantage of lax rules for registration and ballot submission. Then when Trump's numbers rolled in on election night (even after all the underhanded things they pulled leading up to the election) they knew they needed more and pulled out all the stops and had to bring in those extra boxes of fraudulent ballots they probably held in reserve.

Sure I believe that there's insufficient time to prove enough fraud to change the result, and I've felt that way since Nov 5th or 6th. A lot of it is likely unprovable, but it will be interesting to see how much investigation takes place.

You can't honestly believe that Uncle Joe, who reminds me so much of the Uncle Joe from Petticoat Junction, fired up the base enough to get a lot more votes than Obama did. "Come on man."

The Right will be far better prepared next time, and the cheats won't be able to get away with it a second time.
John in CR said:
You can't honestly believe that Uncle Joe, who reminds me so much of the Uncle Joe from Petticoat Junction, fired up the base enough to get a lot more votes than Obama did. "Come on man."
President Oompa Loompa takes all the credit

literally "anyone who is not" him would have won.

I agree that Warren, Sanders would indeed have fired up key demo's like women, the poor, tree-hugger greenies, LGBTQ+ and especially **the young**, to GOTV in much greater numbers.

As the GOP becomes less and less relevant, candidates like Joe and even Kamala will be seen as old-school, corporate, part if the oppressive far right machine, which they actually are.

john61ct said:
literally "anyone who is not" him would have won.

Sure anyone can win when The House of Representatives, the media, Big Tech, and Federal agencies cheat to get Trump out, and on top of that the virus is used as an excuse to get illegal changes in voting procedures passed that make cheating via mail-in ballots easier, as well as make a huge push to get Democratic voters to vote by mail so the illegal parts are easier to hide.

You guys keep forgetting that I'm no Trump fan, but I do bleed red white and blue, so irregularities in any US election, especially for president, is a real problem for me regardless of which side won. You also give no credit to the fact that the Left has already proven they'll do absolutely anything to get Trump out. Why would that suddenly change on election day, especially when the numbers didn't look good on election night?

On top of willingness, intent, and opportunity, there's the matter of circumstantial evidence. Grand totals don't make sense. Wee hours of the morning had suspicious count total updates in all the key states. Poll watchers were illegally barred from viewing the count in key Democrat controlled cities.

You guys have also drawn a false conclusion, or actually repeat a false conclusion spoon-fed to you by the media, because you've yet to demonstrate any independent critical thought. Just because no reliable evidence of voter fraud has yet been presented does not mean "there was NO frocking VOTER FRAUD". Even if no evidence is ever found doesn't prove it didn't happen.

Hopefully if one of the perpetrators doesn't come forward in exchange for immunity, that someone at the NSA is enough of a patriot to search for and come forward conversations and/or messages election night that prove what really took place.
john61ct said:
fool brainwashed by your bubble

nicobie said:

Of course no coherent rebuttals, since you have none.

Do you honestly believe that people shouldn't know that Biden's son got 1.5 billion dollars in investment money from the Chinese government, so it's appropriate for the media and big tech to censor that information? Or is getting Trump out "at all costs" ok with you, especially now that there's proof of large scale election fraud, making illegal activities no problem as long as you get the desired result?
I would not care if he were Charles Manson's father, and that "massive election fraud" nonsense is as flimsy as the wet laptop clown show.

Seriously **anyone but drumpf** is the #1 top priority

Yes it is sad when we have to rely on such suspect heroes as Barr and DHS and the rest of the military-industrial IC surveillance apparat

to keep our democracy safe from that impeached popular-vote losing, potato-brained white supremacist, wanna-be dictator, grifting demagogue

Sudafed-Snorting Syphilitic Sociopath

Garbage Monster squatting in the Oval Office.

But thank dog some semblance of our Rule of Law checks & balances seem to be holding up

despite its best efforts to undermine them.

The next fascist is likely to be sane, intelligent and more competent, so rebuilding and strengthening all those safeguards really needs to be top priority, even more so than addressing inequality / tax reform and poverty, health care, housing education, voting rights, systemic racism, police violence, women's and LGBT rights, the environment, welcoming immigrants especially Muslims etc

but kicking COVID-19's arse is priority #1.

The family I have in Australia are heading into a virus free summer even without any dependancy on waiting for vaccines, no lockdown at all

zero community transmission in three weeks for the whole nation!

Same with a dozen maybe twenty other nations that had competent leadership in 2020.

So jealous. . .

Here's a good overview of the situation in the U.S.:


I may be among tens of millions that end up homeless soon. Revolt is right around the corner, because Biden or Trump or Sanders aren't going to do a damned thing to help the American people, after the economy was deliberately crippled, while the elites keep getting richer.
The Toecutter said:
Here's a good overview of the situation in the U.S.:
I may be among tens of millions that end up homeless soon. Revolt is right around the corner, because Biden or Trump or Sanders aren't going to do a damned thing to help the American people, after the economy was deliberately crippled, while the elites keep getting richer.

We need to all adopt the attitude of Jimmy Dore and voice it loud. The overwhelming majority of those of us in the middle need to band together instead of letting the minority loud mouths at both ends of the spectrum dominate the narrative, because those who don't have our best interests at heart are just playing us off against each other. We aren't the enemy, they are.
John in CR said:
We need to all adopt the attitude of Jimmy Dore and voice it loud. The overwhelming majority of those of us in the middle need to band together instead of letting the minority loud mouths at both ends of the spectrum dominate the narrative, because those who don't have our best interests at heart are just playing us off against each other. We aren't the enemy, they are.

The problem is that the Democrats and Republicans are not the ends of the spectrum, nor does the center of the spectrum contain them. They represent but a very tiny minority of the spectrum of viewpoints, and a rather extreme one at that, which is inverted totalitarianism, with the Democratic side being Neoliberal Inverted Totalitarianism, and the Republican side being Neoconservative Inverted Totalitarianism, both of which are ideologies that are authoritarian regarding civil liberties issues and far-right regarding economic issues while seeking global corporate hegemony and full spectrum dominance of everything and everyone. The Democrats are not "left" in any real sense as they fully support the crony capitalism that has taken hostage of the economy and of the financial/monetary system just like their Republican counterparts, and the Republicans are not "conservative" in any real sense as their policies are deliberately destroying established traditions and are fiscally wreckless just like their Democrat counterparts, and virtually none of the politicians who label themselves either Democrat or Republican could truly be called centrists or moderates because many of their policy decisions are so extreme that by definition of the term centrist or moderate, an actual centrist or moderate would be opposed to almost everything they do. The closest thing to a centrist in U.S. politics when looking at a composite of the views America's population collectively holds and comparing an individual's policy platform with the composite of the views America's population collectively holds, would be someone like Bernie Sanders. He's been branded as "far left" by the media and politicians, and unfortunately for the American people, has proven himself little more than a careerist sellout who willingly allowed himself to be steamrolled by the corrupt establishment political machine and did nothing to stand up for either himself or the American people when and after the Democrats rigged their primaries against him, twice.

It just so happens that those within the U.S. live in an inverted totalitarian state, one which derides anyone whose views fall outside of this narrow spectrum as an "extremist" or even a "potential terrorist", where extreme decisions are termed by the media and politicians as the "moderate" or the "centrist" position, without any care for the fact that the majority of Americans' views fall outside of the narrow Overton window allowed in the "mainstream" media and for allowable discussion within the corridors of power.

This COVID lockdown and whose interests are being prioritized by government are only serving to further exemplify this.
The Toecutter said:
an actual centrist or moderate would be opposed to almost everything they do.

That's me. Get rid of all of them and start over with very strict rules to prevent corruption to the extent possible, eliminate lobbyists, and limit contributions to a nominal amount and only from US citizens to prevent the rich from having more say. We're technologically advanced enough that we don't even need Congress and go to a true democracy instead. Institute a balanced budget requirement, and anyone wanting to vote on laws or spending must first pass a basic competency test on the issues for which he is voting.
That is all fine and dandy, if it were to be as you wish then the whittling will just start all over again, little things here and there will be expunged but it would be harder to get bigger things thrown out in your utopia because the money factor is limited. Politicians will be more reluctant to skirt common decency for $1,000 then it would be for $100,000. Thats the biggest problem in today's society, greed which is why the big fish hold so much power and influence policy making decisions.

John in CR said:
The Toecutter said:
an actual centrist or moderate would be opposed to almost everything they do.

That's me. Get rid of all of them and start over with very strict rules to prevent corruption to the extent possible, eliminate lobbyists, and limit contributions to a nominal amount and only from US citizens to prevent the rich from having more say. We're technologically advanced enough that we don't even need Congress and go to a true democracy instead. Institute a balanced budget requirement, and anyone wanting to vote on laws or spending must first pass a basic competency test on the issues for which he is voting.
markz said:
Thats the biggest problem in today's society, greed which is why the big fish hold so much power and influence policy making decisions.

Agreed, though a problem as big or bigger is all of the morally corrupt behaviors of big business whether it's taking advantage of essentially slave labor in other countries to make a buck, destroying the environment (pollution is a far more immediate danger than climate change which has been used as a distraction away from pollution and the rape of the environment for the world's resources), or censorship by social media elites to push a political agenda.
Australia's all back to normal, not a single community transmission in a month now.

South Korea's on a hard lockdown, with 614 cases currently.

Let that sink in, 614, a very big deal, national tragedy. Their total deaths, TOTAL for COVID-19 is 552, out of 32K cases, TOTAL.

We're at 200K new cases per day now and rising, accelerating through New Year.

A 9/11's worth of deaths per **day**

I'm betting we hit half a million deaths by April, and that's conservative.
Article says Australia has
Massive Expanse of Space
3 people/square km
Easier to isolate jurisdictions here


So why is Australia, as such a big country, recording so many less than others?

Professor Gary Geelhoed, executive director of the Western Australian Health Translation Network, said it was because we were so big.

Australia has a population density of about three people per square kilometre compared to Italy with 206 and Spain at 91.

“Just look at the streetscape of cities and towns of Italy and compare it to the average Australian suburban streetscape – the difference is obvious,” he told the Australian Financial Review.

“It’s so much easier to isolate jurisdictions here, all you need do is put a police car on the road linking them.


Australia's success in taming the outbreak started with early measures to bar entry from high-risk areas.
On February 1, Australia joined the United States in closing its borders to all foreign visitors who had recently been in China, where the outbreak was first reported in December last year.
As the virus spread and outbreaks flared beyond China, Australia barred entries from Iran, South Korea and Italy in early March, before closing its borders completely to all non-citizens and non-residents on March 19.


Victoria underwent a second strict lockdown which eventually lasted almost four months.

Demand for investigation

On 19 April, Australia questioned China's handling of the pandemic, questioned the transparency of its disclosures, and demanded an international investigation into the origins of the virus and its spread.[366] The Chinese Ambassador Cheng Jingye, in a rare breach of diplomatic protocol, leaked details of his telephone conversation with Frances Adamson, Secretary of Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, on the embassy website.[367] He warned that the demand for an inquiry could result in a consumer boycott of students and tourists visiting Australia, and could affect sales of major exports.[368] A trade dispute involving improperly labelled beef and barley dumping ensued, which seriously affected Australian exports.[369] On 26 August, China's deputy ambassador to Australia, Wang Xining, expressed that Australia's co-proposal for an independent investigation into the causes of the pandemic "hurts the feelings of the Chinese people" during his address to the National Press Club of Australia.[370][371]

Canadians told to pay back CERB say eligibility requirements were unclear

The CRA is encouraging Canadians who got the letters to pay back the CERB by Dec. 31 so it does not negatively affect their tax returns.

Recipients of the letters have told CBC News they are being targeted because they used their gross income instead of their net income when applying for the benefit, and say the government website did not clearly state that net income had to be used.

The landing page detailing the eligibility requirements on Canada.ca still does not mention the word 'net' when referring to income.
44,000 volunteers did the Pfizer vaccine trial

heres the deaths


80 people disappeared :shock:

6deaths out of 44000. the US pop is 348 million? if so thats about 50,000 dead from the Pfizer vaccine?

80 people go "poof" out of 44000.then US pop and 632,727 americans go POOF

Hackers steal Pfizer vaccine data

Everyone's going to blame it on Russia yet its probably China that stole it.

goatman said:
Hackers steal Pfizer vaccine data

ivermectin seems to be the cure for Covid?
Dr.Pierre Kory testifying yesterday before senate committee

So that means everyone else has to pay out of pocket for a hotel room to quarantine, that's crazy.
