Covid-19 Reports by country/area/town/city

Still no test. They're still not doing them here unless you're hospitalized, a medical professional, or First Nations. They'll test her if she ends up admitted, but probably not a moment before.

Thus the low numbers, at least in BC.

(And thanks!)
They need to test her, and test you and everyone else in the family.
Filling up prescription would spread it if you were to be infected with the China Virus. Also, infecting people at the medical clinic. They need enough tests, and masks, but yeah they are doing it right with limitations. Hospital testing the serious cases that walk in from the street or from taxi driver or transit bus loads.

Youtube last night, had a motel of quaratines, buddy just hoofed it across the street to steal some food at the gas station. Luckily the quaratine walked past a security guard I guess it was. No fencing around motel, nothing. Buddy ended up gone, walked away. Not sure where that story was out of. They should have had cops guarding, not rent-a-phone dialer person in a uniform. Its all about the money.
the low numbers are a little odd considering theyre doing 4000 tests a day and over 99% of tests are negative.

whats even odder is that they include the presumptive case numbers into the confirmed case numbers so your wife will be counted as confirmed without being tested. but the good news is 60% have already recovered in bc. hunker down.
JackFlorey said:
HK12K said:
Wife just had a doctor's appointment. Long story short, he believes she has Covid, is still contagious, has diagnosed her with pneumonia. Told her she is to continue self isolation and prescribed antibiotics and an asthma puffer.
Did they do a test?

Best of luck with her recovery.

Jack, I have to ask. once you've tested negative/recovered are you know free to go to work and shop? what do the drs say.
goatman said:
JackFlorey said:
HK12K said:
Wife just had a doctor's appointment. Long story short, he believes she has Covid, is still contagious, has diagnosed her with pneumonia. Told her she is to continue self isolation and prescribed antibiotics and an asthma puffer.
Did they do a test?

Best of luck with her recovery.

Jack, I have to ask. once you've tested negative/recovered are you know free to go to work and shop? what do the drs say.

I'd guess on day 15 since the sniffles/sore throat/fever you are good to go. They say its 2 or 3 days prior to those symptoms that you got the China Virus, so 15 days since sniffles, would really be 18 days, so 2.5 weeks is plenty. Judging by what fake news is reporting.
goatman said:
Jack, I have to ask. once you've tested negative/recovered are you know free to go to work and shop? what do the drs say.
Doctors say after 14 days you can reappear in public to do the normal things (necessary shopping etc.) But it doesn't mean you are immune, because they aren't testing everyone. And you can't go back to work.

Once they have an antibody test widely available, they will be able to test people to see if they've actually had it. Once they have, it is _likely_ (not certain) than you are immune and that you can't spread it any more.

If people really want to restart the economy, the only safe way is to test everyone for antibodies then let people who test immune back to work.
I think the antibody test will be quite critical, especially in a place like Western Australia where our total number of (reported) cases is low, and the daily number of new cases is steadily dropping. Once we hit a point where there are no new cases for 14 days, they will start to re-open WA for business, however the border will probably remain tightly closed, and international / airbourne visitors will still be denied entry unless they can prove they are immune or otherwise not carrying the virus.

At least people can get back to work sooner that way. Some businesses can re-open, but sensible cautions will persist. Until the rest of the country is also free of new cases for 14 days, we can't re-open the state border, and until a vaccine is developed, we won't be open to international visitors for a while.
jonescg said:
I think the antibody test will be quite critical, especially in a place like Western Australia where our total number of (reported) cases is low, and the daily number of new cases is steadily dropping. Once we hit a point where there are no new cases for 14 days, they will start to re-open WA for business, however the border will probably remain tightly closed, and international / airbourne visitors will still be denied entry unless they can prove they are immune or otherwise not carrying the virus.

At least people can get back to work sooner that way. Some businesses can re-open, but sensible cautions will persist. Until the rest of the country is also free of new cases for 14 days, we can't re-open the state border, and until a vaccine is developed, we won't be open to international visitors for a while.
I wonder what will happen to the people that come to your coastline by boat, I follow, old sea dog on youtube and I think he is heading for you guys right now from Palmerston Island but he is from the UK so a commonwealth visitor might not be turned away? don't you guys send refugees to that bird pooh island?
coronavirus patient, and 30 days later he's still positive for the test.
goatman said:
I wonder what will happen to the people that come to your coastline by boat, I follow, old sea dog on youtube and I think he is heading for you guys right now from Palmerston Island but he is from the UK so a commonwealth visitor might not be turned away? don't you guys send refugees to that bird pooh island?

Current arrangement is no entry to Australia unless it's part of a repatriation effort (and you're still put into forced quarantine).

Ordinarily we treat refugees like shit - it's a national shame, but governments who are 'tough on boats' get rewarded with re-election sadly.
Ironically the only boats they didn't stop were filled with white, wealthy tourists... who were carrying COV-19.
covid-19 tests are being done on animals, great use of rationed tests, just great.
john61ct said:
A tiger caught it.

So maybe our cats are carriers?

Couple dogs in HK as well
Bodies piling up in NYC, will need to do "temporary" burials in the parks.
goatman said:
whats even odder is that they include the presumptive case numbers into the confirmed case numbers so your wife will be counted as confirmed without being tested.
We presume. Her family Dr. works out of a walk-in clinic. Who knows if they're counting all of these little individual offices and clinics?

It takes a month to get MRI results from one end of the city to the other. I don't hold much hope of them having a centralized reporting system that connects every doctor in the country with Health Canada for reporting purposes. Hope I'm wrong, but I doubt that I am.

markz said:
They need to test her, and test you and everyone else in the family.
Filling up prescription would spread it if you were to be infected with the China Virus. Also, infecting people at the medical clinic. They need enough tests, and masks, but yeah they are doing it right with limitations. Hospital testing the serious cases that walk in from the street or from taxi driver or transit bus loads.

I don't disagree with you, but testing just isn't accessible here to your average person even if you show up at the hospital with a fever and all of the symptoms. They will send you home to self-isolate for 14 days, but you will not be tested. Even if you request it. All those drive through test centers you hear about are by referral only, fwiw. Or so I understand.

Bottom line is pretty much: Stay home until you have no symptoms. If you have trouble breathing and lose consciousness, have someone call an ambulance, then we'll talk. But do not go out until you're feeling better. Her doctor said to call in a week and schedule an in office visit if she's feeling better or a phone appointment if she isn't

I can only speculate from there.
markz said:
covid-19 tests are being done on animals, great use of rationed tests, just great.
Knowing felines can get it is actually sort of important, given that there are about 100 million pet cats in the US. Imagine if all of them could carry COVID.
There are a few issues with the tests actually:
-They are not very reliable, many false negatives.
-Depending on the test kit technology used it can take a while before you get the results
-They are not available enough,

We faced the same problem in China at the begining of the pandemic, so instead of relying only on the tests the doctors used some scanning devices to get a quick lung CT scan which they were able to do in less than an hour. If the lungs were showing characteristic damage, then people were counted as positive to the virus, regardless of what the test results were. Those weren't counted in the official statistics for a while, hence a huge 15K spike in official cases when they decided to include that in the official counting method at some point.
Then, if you were considered positive, you were removed from your family and had to stay in some quarantine place, mostly hotels but also big stadiums, gymnasiums or community centers when the hotels were full. This was to prevent you from infecting the rest of your family, which helped quite a lot with limiting the transmission rate.

Wish you guys good luck, here in China it's alsmost over (at least for now) and everything is slowly going back to normal.
Let's hope it'll be better soon everywhere.
JackFlorey said:
markz said:
covid-19 tests are being done on animals, great use of rationed tests, just great.
Knowing felines can get it is actually sort of important, given that there are about 100 million pet cats in the US. Imagine if all of them could carry COVID.

I dont think I've ever seen a cat sneeze.
Dui said:
There are a few issues with the tests actually:
-They are not very reliable, many false negatives.
-Depending on the test kit technology used it can take a while before you get the results
-They are not available enough,

We faced the same problem in China at the begining of the pandemic, so instead of relying only on the tests the doctors used some scanning devices to get a quick lung CT scan which they were able to do in less than an hour. If the lungs were showing characteristic damage, then people were counted as positive to the virus, regardless of what the test results were. Those weren't counted in the official statistics for a while, hence a huge 15K spike in official cases when they decided to include that in the official counting method at some point.
Then, if you were considered positive, you were removed from your family and had to stay in some quarantine place, mostly hotels but also big stadiums, gymnasiums or community centers when the hotels were full. This was to prevent you from infecting the rest of your family, which helped quite a lot with limiting the transmission rate.

Wish you guys good luck, here in China it's alsmost over (at least for now) and everything is slowly going back to normal.
Let's hope it'll be better soon everywhere.

where you are, did a lot of people think they had had the virus with minor symptoms while never being tested and now they are fine?
goatman said:
where you are, did a lot of people think they had had the virus with minor symptoms while never being tested and now they are fine?

Yes, I know at least 4 people who had all the symptoms. None of them were diagnosed with the virus so I can't say for sure it was the cause, but it sure really looked like it was.
They were sick for about 2-3 weeks, with lots of fever, cough, etc. The symptoms seemed to vary quite a bit from one day to another, feeling better one or two days and the next day feeling worse, etc.

One friend tried to be tested and went to a foreign hospital in Shanghai, but they refused to test him, told him he had to go in a chinese public hospital. He tried to go but there were just too many people waiting at that time so he just went back home instead and stayed there until he felt better.
An other one was sick for a few weeks then left the country to go back to his homeland while he started to feel better. Took the test in his homeland which came out negative, but it is well known now that the viral charge is much lower at the end of the infection so it's likely he had it but the test didn't see it because he was almost cured already.
All of the people I know were young, less than 35 years old. They all survived but they all said that it wasn't a great experience to go through.

Anyway, if you feel you have the symptoms don't be shy to contact your medical teams and follow whatever advice they'll give you. Especially if you start having real trouble breathing, that might be the sign of severe lung damage so you really don't want to wait too long if that's the case.
Also, try your best not to get in contact with anyone, especially your family members. It's not always easy or feasible, but you really don't want to expose them.