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Cured my wife's anxiety and my depression with nutritional supplements.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2010
Utah, USA
Wife has been having pretty bad anxiety for weeks, and has been prone to it her entire life.
Me? i have pretty much always suffered of depression to some degree. Found out i was B12 deficient despite being a meat eater, so started supplementing with dessicated liver years ago. I also get seasonal affective disorder extremely bad in the winter, which is just a D3 deficiency. Also ~90% cured. Have been taking both supplements for years with great success.

Nowadays, when i get depressed, it's for a good reason. The nutrients are just as effective as the antidepressants i used to take from 2002-2003 when i was getting off drugs.

Last night, I did an experiment on the wife. Had her take 8000 IU of vitamin d3 ( a high but not overly high dose ), along with a 1/3rds standard dose of desiccated liver in pill format ( no funky taste - and chock full of highly bioavailable nutrients, particularly vitamin A and B12 ).

The theory was that since sunlight is so low, she is probably extremely D3 deficient like most Americans. Since she eats a ketogenic diet with me, she probably doesn't have the B12 absorption issue i have, but why not try a 2 pronged attack.

Her fairly extreme anxiety was completely gone in an hour. We were both amazed by this.

Will have to follow up with another experiment to narrow it down as to whether the D3 or liver was responsible for the change in 3 days.

The interesting part is that vitamin deficiencies manifest themselves differently in different people. I always suspected that anxiety and depression both have the same cause - a lack of neurotransmitter supporting nutrients in the diet.

If you are currently taking pharmaceuticals or just simply feel like garbage throughout the winter typically, i recommend trying the nutritional path.
Well, this guy was just a co-worker, but a somewhat similar story: I did scientific/technical work, which means I had a modern "workbench" with attached light fixtures for the job. It was a "hot bench" operation, which means the night crews used the same workbenches that the dayshift used. I kinda knew the guy who used my bench on the second shift, and one day he came in looking rather down, even more than usual for him. It was Winter; the days were short, and he had not seen the Sun much for months, literally. I greeted him with "how's things?" and he answered calmly saying that he was about ready to kill himself. The management was well-aware of the suicide rate we had, and from the way the second-shift guy had said it, I believed that he had answered honestly. I went to see the boss, told him what I thought, and asked if the night guy had any vacation time coming. Nope. I filled out the papers to donate a vacation day from me to him, then told the night guy that we were going out for a steak dinner, my treat. At first he begged off, but I shot down his every argument, and we headed out to the brightest, happiest steakhouse around. I made sure he got a big, fine steak, and then we went to the mall (shopping for me I said, but really the bright lights, for him). We both got some sporting goods, and I could see that the guy was coming alive again, hour by hour. I'd say it was a three-part fix: a good steak, getting new stuff geared for future good times, and maybe just the idea that somebody cared.

The management had bought the cheapest, pale fluorescent tubes for the workplace. I went out the next day and bought the good fluorescent tubes that actually produce bright, full-spectrum sunlight. You have to ask for them, in the store. They cost twice what the lifeless fluorescent tubes cost, that we had at work, but hey, it was only money. I put in the new fluorescent tubes in the fixture above my bench, and even I liked the improvement, by a lot. I said nothing to the night crew or anybody else about that. I went home that day, but stopped back at work later to check on the second-shift guy at my bench. He was practically bubbling over, working away like mad, talking with everybody, and smiling. He had rarely smiled, in the time I knew him. I noticed that about half of the night crew were clustered around my bright workbench, asking him for help that they did not need, and just talking a lot. The second-shift guy was amazed by all of his new "friends" who came to talk with him. Well, better and better. 8) I told management about my little experiment, and to their credit, they checked out what I said, and bought the good fluorescent tubes for every workbench light fixture. We could not change what was in the ceiling fixtures, by contract.

The difference in the shop atmosphere was remarkable, from the new lights. Management even came back to tell me that the shop production had gone up by a noticeable number.

The lack of sunlight can cause Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). The right foods can help, sure, and the right lights can help, also.
That's amazing! ( but no surprise to anyone who has done their research :) )

Red meat, cooked as little as possible, is also a goldmine for B vitamins; though it can't touch liver!
I learned i was B12 deficient while i was a vegetarian. I noticed that i felt like garbage ALL THE TIME, especially after the first year. I started eating eggs and learned it was the only thing holding me together. I suspected it was the combination of cholesterol ( the master hormone which a majority of your hormones are created from ), choline, and B12 doing the job - things you don't find much of in plants.

Later when i went back to meat eating and the brain fog, low testosterone, grumpiness, and low energy were mostly resolved, but i did an experiment with eating cooked liver. I was bouncing off the walls with energy. It was better than what i remember of doing cocaine. It is then i realized i had a B12 absorption problem in the first place. Then i became a religious adherent to taking dessicated liver, even though it's nowhere near as potent.

My SAD is so bad that even in sunny central coast California, my life tended to unravel in a predictable way starting in November every year. If it wasn't me going nuts, it was someone else causing the chaos. I began to dread winter because i knew it would bring suicidal thoughts and problems with family or other people.

And my dad, who is sporadically psychotic, always has problems this time of year and was always his scariest in the winter. I wonder what percentage of his misbehaviors at the dinner table were simply due to lack of sunlight.

I started experimenting with full spectrum lights. They worked, but worked too well. You have to time your exposure because if you do not, it will mess up your circadian rhythm. I used D3 supplements and full spectrum lights to get through graveyard shifts here in northern Utah a few years back. It made winter effects disappear, despite me only seeing light for a few hours a day.

I really wonder how much SAD affects society as a whole. I would bet that ~50% of mental health issues, particularly around this time of year, are due to it. Our modern food is overprocessed and every step of processing destroys vitamins. RDAs are set too low for nutrients that support the brain. D2 and cyanocobalamin ( bacteria created B12 ) is still in multivitamins, even though both are completely useless.
We followed up with a dessicated liver test and a D3 test.
It was the vitamin D that did it.
Regarding lights and circadian rhythms:

There's a program called F.lux that can control the color temperature of your computer/etc display to help with this. I've been using it for years now, with great success (since I tend to be on the computer a lot, especially when I'm in bed trying to get to sleep, for various reasons).

If you have "smart lights" that have controllable color temperature, F.lux can also control those for you at the same time, though they're beyond my price range so I don't have any.

I manually change my lighting colors by using very bright daylight white (bluish) lighting wherever I can, while I'm up and about and working on stuff, etc., and then turn those off and turn on the dimmer yellower lights when it's time to start getting sleepy. This has helped both my sleep rhythms and the way I feel about life (which is often depressing on it's own).

Even though I have my bedroom windows blocked off for insulation and so I can sleep whenever I need to (lights wake me up, usually), the bright lighting works about as well as the sunlight, especially in combination with F.lux controlling the computer monitors.

I feel more "awake" under the brighter bluer/whiter lighting, and more calm and relaxed under the dimmer yellower lighting, especially if I use them as a daily cycle.

Seemed like an odd idea when I ran into it so long ago...but it does work, and is so very simple and cheap to implement.

Over time I've been buying up newer LED lighting with the higher color temperatures, as I find it on clearance (mostly at Lowe's, sometimes goodwill and other places); you can get enough of it really cheap if you look around that it's worth doing. Some of my lighting is still CFL, like the giant one in the bedroom overhead, but most of it is now LED.

My brother has used with relative success a brand called "OTT lights" for years to combat the depression of being trapped inside due to illness and pain, and they help--but he doesnt' change the bulbs out until they actually fail, and unfortunately those CFLs have a limited lifespan for parts of the spectrum they put out, so they become less and less effective the longer they're on; he tends to leave them on all the time he's up and about (but not when trying to sleep).
Oh wow, sorry for the late response on this, but i am 1000000% on board with circadian rhythm management. Sleep is a critical piece of the mental health puzzle. I practice it myself and use a f.lux type functionality on my newer android phone.

Just wanted to throw an update out there. I ditched my dessicated liver pills and started eating the real thing to dramatic effect. I went through a really nasty divorce and had to move out of a house in an instant while temporarily disabled and normally this would be so soul crushing that i'd be on antidepressants or at least picking up a smoking habit again. I just went back to eating liver and i made it through these intensely awful feelings with flying colors. it's amazing that high bioavailability B vitamins can work as well as chemicals that juice neuroreceptors. I am forever a believer in the diet - brain connection now. :)

i did a few videos about this if you're interested in natural health solutions as they relate to mental health. Here is one:

I am dating a woman who has less severe anxiety as my ex and we are working on tuning her diet. She's responding to dietary B vitamins and foods that support thyroid function so far.

BTW, a lot of us this time of year start experiencing seasonal affective disorder. Consider this your official reminder to start taking vitamin D supplements, whether they be in the form of D3 or cod liver oil or whatever else you prefer. I started supplementing today when i started noticing my mind starting to get frazzled. For me, D3 deficiency starts out as a frazzled and unfocused mind and then later turns into a special kind of energyless depression. It's different than not enough B...
Unless your wife's anxiety and depression were the result of malnutrition you certainly did not cure them with nutritional supplements. This is a joke and frankly an insult to mental illness.
flat tire said:
Unless your wife's anxiety and depression were the result of malnutrition you certainly did not cure them with nutritional supplements. This is a joke and frankly an insult to mental illness.

I don't know what to say other than chuckle a bit. I hope you do not suffer of lifelong mental illness as i have, because being closed minded just adds insult to injury.

I'm off antidepressants since 2008 and also quit smoking. I helped my ex wife to a point where her anxiety went from crippling to manageable and she is now seeing a therapist and able to function on her own. What about that is bad?

I will continue to demonstrate non pharmacological methods to addressing various kinds of mental health disorders here though so you should probably turn a blind eye because this is gonna get really insulting to you. :lol:
I still take B12, the 5000's from Costco
I eat chewy multi's just because. . .

At times I still get stress-sick
Thick mucus coming up out of my stomach
200 hiccups in a night
Air trapped in my stomach
Gnarly PTSD loops
Impossible to escape it and it usually results in 20 min sleep in a night

I have found that I dehydrate and malnourishe regularly.

My solution is to jump off of a cliff into the ocean
I swim until I think I am going to drown
When I get out I am hungry and I have no body issues

I eat and I sleep.

... and I write a lot


Good luck solving your riddles.

I think the most simple is:
Drink water
Sleep on a constant schedule
Change your constants

May I interject with a PSA about sleep? In 2012 the 'Glymphatic system' was discovered. Its the system in your brain/spine that removes waste in a way analagous to the rest of our bodies' Lymphatic system. It functions during the middle of each 90 minute sleep cycle. If sleep is disrupted sufficiently, this Glymphatic system can be prevented from working.

Proper sleep hygiene, which includes circadian rhythm management, is a fundamental practice necessary for good health.

[SOAPBOX] Why the hell are we torturing ourselves with daylight saving? I lived in Arizona for 20 years, so I know we don't need it and it has funked me up every year, after I moved from AZ.

Back to the Glymphatic system. If it isn't working adequately, any, if not all, your brain functions can be compromised. I believe that when it becomes possible to optimize its function, society will see a substantial increase in productivity and health.
methods said:
At times I still get stress-sick
Thick mucus coming up out of my stomach
200 hiccups in a night
Air trapped in my stomach
Gnarly PTSD loops
Impossible to escape it and it usually results in 20 min sleep in a night

Jesus, that's gnarly. :shock:

I used to have constant hiccups and bloating spells. They'd go on for months. It was super painful. I'd also stop digesting food correctly. I found out through my diet ( ketogenic ) that it was potatoes causing the problem. Apparently i am overly sensitive to some kind of poison that certain potatoes use to defend themselves ( solanine, etc ). It begins a chain reaction of inflammation and poisons my stomach. The only thing that stops it is a week of proton pump inhibitors, IE prilosec.

That's a crazy kind of stress response. When i have extreme stress, i tend to repeatedly have to go to the bathroom for hours after. Fight or flight kicks in and my body wants to dump out everything. If i have extreme stress, IE a physical confrontation with someone, some hours before bed, i'm screwed.

Eastern medicine is very right about how interconnected the brain and body are. Mental trouble turns into physical trouble and vice versa. It's an idea we just barely understand here in the west.

methods said:
My solution is to jump off of a cliff into the ocean
I swim until I think I am going to drown
When I get out I am hungry and I have no body issues

Oh man, you're making me miss growing up on the California coast. A walk along the beach and/or meditation used to set my mind straight, no matter what. I can't consistently find escape in nature here in Utah because it's often too polluted, or it's allergy season, or too cold, or too hot. In San Luis Obispo, CA, i could always just hop on a bike and get lost for hours and tire myself out whenever i wanted.

Nowadays i have to do that at the gym, but it's just not the same, especially as i'm beginning to max out a lot of the machines after 5 years of bodybuilding. It's that feeling of overcoming a challenge and struggle that gives me peace. I might need to go to one of those crazy powerlifter gyms next so that people much stronger than me can make me feel like a bitch. :lol:

So kiss that beach sand and tell it i say hi and i miss it..

I've been having nightmares over my recent divorce and my arthritis issues. They fairly consistently wake me up after 4-6 hours of sleep. I write code for a living, so i need sleep otherwise i can't work. What i found works for me is that when woken up, i take a breather to think. I accept the fact that i may not get back to sleep, and vow to be patient about trying to get back to sleep. I write in my journal until the bad thoughts begin to dissipate, then i meditate in a sleeping position, counting the breath. In 30 minutes or less, i am back to sleep, and get those 2-4 hours i needed.

There is no nutritional cure for situational stress or depression. You just have to face that shit. My solutions for depression and anxiety only cover the chronic low level aspects, where your body is just burning through every nutrient it can get to support brain health. If you consume a shit-ton of nutrients like B12, you have a reserve of materials to help you through an acute depression or anxiety event, which can help a ton.

methods said:
Good luck solving your riddles.

I think the most simple is:
Drink water
Sleep on a constant schedule
Change your constants

IE, respect yourself enough to take care of yourself, right? :lol:
It's kind of funny and sad how most people forget to do this.
Our bodies and minds will remind us when we are not maintaining the human machine.
gogo said:
[SOAPBOX] Why the hell are we torturing ourselves with daylight saving? I lived in Arizona for 20 years, so I know we don't need it and it has funked me up every year, after I moved from AZ.

Back to the Glymphatic system. If it isn't working adequately, any, if not all, your brain functions can be compromised. I believe that when it becomes possible to optimize its function, society will see a substantial increase in productivity and health.

Daylight savings time and lack of sun frocks me up pretty bad. I can see the effects of seasonal affective disorder in people's moods, especially in how people behave themselves on this forum this time of year. It also causes BDD ( bicycle deprivation disorder ) for those who don't live in the lower states.

If i don't take 5000 IU+ of Vitamin D this time of year, and plaster myself to a window when the sun is out, i know i will absolutely lose my marbles.

When DST hit, i had a few days of feeling mentally and physically off. My sleep schedule is all over the place, which has it's own effects, yet DST still screwed me up bad. I really wonder what it would take to get rid of this shitty idea..

The glymphatic system is super interesting and i'm still learning about it, too. I know that sleep deprivation makes me irritable, depressed, and my short term memory goes to shit too.

I wonder how much conflicts in our society literally go down to people not getting enough sleep or enough sunlight. I know that old people die at a higher rate in winter, more suicides are committed, and relationships often end around this time of year. And it's also politicking season which is just a steamy turd on top.

We have to treat ourselves better than this.
neptronix said:

So kiss that beach sand and tell it i say hi and i miss it..


... I write code for a living, so i need sleep otherwise i can't work.


IE, respect yourself enough to take care of yourself, right? :lol:

Will do
When I spent 10 years away from the Ocean it was a real bad trip.

I hear you about needing to be absolutely sharp for the professional work. I simply can not do my job without an absolute minimum of 6hrs sleep.

When my body feels thirst, hunger, fear...
I dont get the normal queues
I get different queues
My wires are crossed, Lizard brain does not know what to do

I often have to make a conscious decision to drink water or eat.


anyway - I fully support your efforts around not being medicated by the man. Having grown up (part time) in a medicated doctors family... I have very little confidence in those "solutions". Most of the heavily medicated people I have known lived less of a life than even the most uncomfortable unmedicated people.

I will take wicked discomfort and horrific mental distress if it means I can have clarity. With the downs come the ups. . . and the ups sure are fun :bigthumb:

Yup, yup.. i prefer to be unmedicated and seek alternatives for a lot of the same reasons.
When i was on antidepressants, i was at the top of my game in life. I had ascended to some high peaks in my career, yet i had these side effects:

+ Not able to keep an erection no matter how hot of a girl i had in bed or how turned on i was.
+ High blood pressure, preventing strenous activity.
+ Agitation.
+ Paranoia and bizarre thoughts i could barely contain that disturbed me.
+ Chemical dependency.
+ Not experiencing the full range of emotions.
+ Too resilient to negative events and missing the signal of what they mean.

These drugs took away the suicidal thoughts but added more problems than they fixed.
I got a great career together but couldn't hold a job long term because my mind wasn't straight enough because i wasn't getting the feedback of what negative events meant.

I am 1000% better off when i maintain my own mental health with diet, exercise, and meditation. If i am compliant with my own regime, i have excellent results. The only thing that can throw me off is adverse life events. However, i spring back from being sent down the spiral of depression within hours, instead of within months.

I don't know what 'normal' is, but i imagine that feeling depressed for a few hours after a negative event is normal for most people with healthy brain chemistry. So i am very happy with the results and where i'm at.

Here's a rabbit hole to follow along the lines of diet's effects on mental health disorders.

Bipolar people seem to benefit from a zero carb or 'animal based' diet. My hero in this regard is Amber O'Hearn, who is a data scientist for a living, and one of the most intelligent human beings i've ever met. She can say that she 'used to be bipolar'.. she eats nothing but steak basically, for the last decade.


Carrie Brown also talks about keto/carnivore diets for bipolar/depression. I also met her, and her story checks out and her knowledge of mental health is encyclopedic. She eats regular keto.


Here's sv3rige. He's a raw meat eating advocate who used to be into sun gazing and retarded conspiracy theories. I believe he is schizophrenic, based on his older videos. He is still a little kooky, but considering how much progress to normalcy he's made in the last couple years, he's doing amazing.

At my lowest point in life...
Living in Livermore California...
Building WMD's for the MIC....

One of my mentors basically told me to "get some pills, take them, put in your 30 years, and retire"

Lexapro -
Only made it 30 days and it caused me to not be able to ejaculate. Perma-half-boner that never goes. It was LAME... as... I was dating hot 20 year old girls at the time. What a waste!

wellbutrin -
Same deal... which is a deal breaker side effect... which is "Dick no work". Forgetaboutit

In my first week of Lexapro I broke down in tears at a fish store because some gold fish died. I... was overcome with emotion... it was the absolute opposite effect.


What I came to find is that I was not living the dream

I walked away from my career
I moved back to the ocean...

Along the way I learned all about Startup Companies and even once lived in the woods in a rotten shack...

... There was still turbulence

Turns out the people we surround ourselves with are a part of our environment. Sometimes that needs to change...

I turned to the Ocean
There I found peace

I even went and lived on the road for a while. Literally... I lived on the side of the road.

Not because I did not have property -
I had a house
We had another house
Plenty of places to stay
Plenty of high paying work

... It was not the time
It was the time to reinvent what I wanted the rest of my life to be...


Ended up listening to a Therapist who told me that I was picking the wrong people to be around. She told me what to look for in a woman and I did so.

... Ended up with a lady who is awesome. Treats my son like her own. Treats me like her own. Does not have eating disorders of drug problems or even an attitude problem.

... Ended up with a Quality Person in my life

... ... things got WAY better.

I went back into the industry at like $36 bucks an hour (started at the bottom)
Got up to $60 in no time
Got into all sorts of rad jobs... learned a ton
Got up to $100/hr ... got stress
Got up over $120/hr ... got WAY TOO MUCH STRESS

... Pulled the cord


Right this minute I am sitting in a beach house a stones throw from the harbor. ... Just 10 minutes away from where I used to live on the side of the road.

Rent gets paid.... and... the skills I developed building houses is a part of that.

I... Have like 4 running cars
I... Have 4 running contracts
I... Have a very long list of good people that I see from time to time

... I
... Still am crazy :mrgreen:
... But I am crazy in the Method Actor way. I was not born crazy, I LEARNED CRAZY from the insane monkeys I grew up around.

Insane Hairless Monkeys I tell you...

I feel like frucking Tarzan

(Sorry to OT your thread. I did not sleep a wink last night for PTSD stress. It hits me like a brick wall like I am purging toxins from 5 years of fighting Lawyers and being attacked... ... I figure I just have to go thru the pain... time will patch things up. All I have to do is not die and raise my kid right)

methods said:
One of my mentors basically told me to "get some pills, take them, put in your 30 years, and retire"

Yeah, frock that.

I had thoughts so scary and disturbing on SSRIs that i won't even talk about them on this forum. That shit got thrown in the trash after 2 days. Wellbutrin works great but it's a bandaid with a million side effects. I disappointed a lot of women in my 20's because of that. I'm 37 and have type 2 diabetes which would normally be a nightmare for your hormones and erections but diet and lifestyle has testosterone seeping out of my pores and more sex drive than what i know what to do with in a committed relationship. Strange problem to have at this age. :shock:

Turns out the people we surround ourselves with are a part of our environment. Sometimes that needs to change...


Ended up listening to a Therapist who told me that I was picking the wrong people to be around. She told me what to look for in a woman and I did so.
... Ended up with a lady who is awesome. Treats my son like her own. Treats me like her own. Does not have eating disorders of drug problems or even an attitude problem.
... Ended up with a Quality Person in my life
... ... things got WAY better.

Shit, that's my story lately. I ended a 10 year marriage with someone who frocked me over AND likely cheated on me while i was at my most physically end emotionally vulnerable.

That was traumatic and lead to a lot of introspection as to why i picked her to be my partner. I started processing all the shit i let her slide with over those 10 years. I realized i'd both been settling for less and accepting behavior i never should have. When i met her, i didn't have the self respect to leave early. There were shades of narcissism in her and shades of codependency in me. Of course i felt like shit through most the relationship.

I've also changed who i have picked as friends and lovers since. I knew i couldn't repeat the same mistake. It could have potentially cost my life to pick another woman like her. And i had a pattern of doing so. I knew i had to change and i was ready.

I later ended up with someone who doesn't have mental health issues, eating disorders, and other spooks. She's also not cold and emotionally unavailable like most of my exes. I don't need to be her therapist and i'm not her punching bag. She listened to me while i continued to process the remnants of my anger and disappointment in myself.

it is weird to be in a relationship without dysfunction. It feels like something is missing. That's my childhood speaking, and i know it. But bad patterns aren't changed in a day.

To her, i am also her different partner. She's used to dating jerks or crazy men. We are both in unfamiliar territory and committed to extremely honest communication and meditate together. We talk often about our past behavior and character flaws. It's a relationship and a growth opportunity. It's really special. And she's got an amazing butt.

Who we surround ourselves is bigger for our own mental health than anything else. Our 'mental diet' has more effect than our food diet. Forsure.
Also you have an amazing story of thriving despite the Tarzan brain.

I've thought about living out of a van for a couple years and continuing to work remotely for a while. If i wasn't in a relationship and still undergoing physical therapy and a gazillion follow up appointments, i might let myself do that next year.
I got on the anti-anxiety med Buspar when my heart was doing weird beats and scaring me. I just wanted to sleep constantly.
I bet the amount of people who get on anti-stress meds and don’t read the pamphlet about the side effects and subsequently end up more stressed at their inability to have an orgasm is high! Everyone has their story there. I was with three women and they though my endurance was fantastic. Not really but it couldve happened
Hummina Shadeeba said:
... I was with three women and they though my endurance was fantastic. Not really but it couldve happened


Wow Nep I see a lot of parallels to your dietary journey and mine. I just started eating liver myself for the same reason. I've also been Keto for a long time. I've been supplementing with Methylated B vitamins and methylfolate and it gave me my life back. Also started focusing on choline due to the work on Chris Masterjohn (also a big organmeat fan) and the upward trajectory is fantastic.

It's funny how much these basic interventions are overlooked by lazy western medicine (not to say that there aren't some practitioners in the west who would pay more attention)

P.S. another gamchanger is bone broth. Glycine seems to be related in this whole methylation / neutrotransmitter situation (at some basic high level as my simple brain understands it) and I can feel the difference after making bone broth.
(nodding furiously)
Bone broth is serious business. I eat a lot of meat on the bone and i chew on marrow and the cartilage etc as well. Many westerners see this as gross, but they'll drink bone broth and take collagen powder, which is just a hyper processed version of the same thing, and much more expensive than just gnawing on a chicken bone.. :roll:

I've found that collagen powder is huge for skin health and cartilage health.. both things are made up of the amino acids in collagen powder and other meaty bits... i do see an impact from either eating a lot of meat on the bone or taking collagen powder on my arthritis.

Yeah, meeting carrie brown in person ( you saw the video above right? ) is who convinced me that i wasn't totally insane when it came to liver eating. She responds to methylated B vitamins too, but i do not, so i've got a bigger issue than she does.

Western medicine is insane indeed. I dated a cute nurse for a while after my divorce and got introduced to all her friends who are in the health care field as well. About 9 out of 10 don't trust western medicine. In fact, i had that experience just talking to staff at the orthopedics hospital too. I found it quite shocking that they're the biggest skeptics..

Here's a random note. We've been having super cloudy weather here in Utah and i've been going totally nuts.. i finally ordered a seasonal affective disorder light again and i'd say it's doing wonders replacing ~75% of what the sun does.. i've gone from my usual winter funk to nearly not noticing the season at all, i'm truly impressed.
Here's the model i bought for reference: https://www.circadianoptics.com/product/lumine
neptronix said:
Western medicine is insane indeed. I dated a cute nurse for a while after my divorce and got introduced to all her friends who are in the health care field as well. About 9 out of 10 don't trust western medicine. In fact, i had that experience just talking to staff at the orthopedics hospital too. I found it quite shocking that they're the biggest skeptics..

Here's a random note. We've been having super cloudy weather here in Utah and i've been going totally nuts.. i finally ordered a seasonal affective disorder light again and i'd say it's doing wonders replacing ~75% of what the sun does.. i've gone from my usual winter funk to nearly not noticing the season at all, i'm truly impressed.
Here's the model i bought for reference: https://www.circadianoptics.com/product/lumine

I also noticed a huge change this winter after taking regular D3 supplements; I've been trying to get some of my friends who suffer from seasonal depression to take some routinely as well.

I work healthcare and your former comment I really agree with; medications outside of antibiotics/antivirals don't "cure" people, they really just alter the bodies' natural healing processes in a way that's beneficial. House of God by Samuel Shem has a great line how "The only thing that really fixes people is Surgical Steel", and with my current ICU work I'd say easily 90% of the people up there are in those rooms because they just never took care of themselves.

Oh, look up and be aware of Bio-Availaability with supplements- pills will always do something, but the body doesn't activate specific means to break them down because the nerve ganglion's within your gut don't really "know" what they are (i.e. doesn't activate bile salts when you take D3), and thus you really don't break down vitamins properly when you just hock em back- some journals have shown less than 10% of the vitamin will be absorbed in some cases!
I work healthcare and your former comment I really agree with; medications outside of antibiotics/antivirals don't "cure" people, they really just alter the bodies' natural healing processes in a way that's beneficial. House of God by Samuel Shem has a great line how "The only thing that really fixes people is Surgical Steel", and with my current ICU work I'd say easily 90% of the people up there are in those rooms because they just never took care of themselves.

Yup!!! because i had super rare orthopedics issues myself that required me to escalate all the way up to the head of a research hospital's director, with research papers in my hand, i learned a shit ton about surgery, especially orthopedics.. I think everyone i've talked to would agree with the 90% statement.. especially when it comes to orthopedics, ie joint replacements..

Only regenerative medicine ( stem cells, crispr, growth factors, etc ) gives us a chance at really curing things, and of course our system is holding back on things like that while Europe and Asia generally lead the way.. :roll:

Oh, look up and be aware of Bio-Availaability with supplements- pills will always do something, but the body doesn't activate specific means to break them down because the nerve ganglion's within your gut don't really "know" what they are (i.e. doesn't activate bile salts when you take D3), and thus you really don't break down vitamins properly when you just hock em back- some journals have shown less than 10% of the vitamin will be absorbed in some cases!

Yup, that's something i had to learn to understand many years after spending hundreds on supplements.. if a vitamin does not come from it's most direct source, it's garbage. I always prefer food sources from now on, and created a pretty simple diet for myself that maximizes nutrients to support my health. My diet is plenty strange to some, but i feel best with eating it, and don't have to swallow a handful of vitamins every morning for the sake of optimal health.
In our medical systems defense, there's still a few things that the EU and Asia have released for widespread use that our long-ass incubation period found issues with- Bacteriophage therapies for instance, sometimes generate metabolites and cellular "trash" from consuming bacteria that the body doesn't deal well with. I do love when people do their own research and present it to us too; there's a gulf between some Paltrow-level moron trying to shove a jade rock in her gooch to align her Xenu Chakras to a man trying to figure out the best combination of medical supplies for his wife's ventilator weaning and wound care.

I saw your video on eating Liver and I've decided to try it as well, if not for the sake of the hordes of friends of mine who suffer from mental issues too- I'm not jumping into this from a video mind you, I still have degrees in medicine! I can now see how someone could NOT stand the texture of chicken liver, it's consistency made me think of those anti-wound forming ass mats paralyzed people sit on. It's like meaty sand.

If you don't mind me asking, what is your diet like? I've needed to actually count and track my macros so I make good progress in the gym (which I haven't) and I've really only focused on eating very healthy and low carb/high protein.