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Drug price drop delayed by court, pg 12

Feb 8, 2007
New Smyrna Beach FL
interesting video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLyCB3ZiZzA
U greater than Great Depression: https://seekingalpha.com/news/3566988-american-badlands-unemployment-shatters-great-depression-record
Mike Maloney, when I got into gold mining and wanted to know who was fixing the gold markets in 2008? he has some good videos explaining money, the fed, money creation. lots of good videos if you go way back.
I've decided that the Mini-Me's of the world WANT things to be frocked up, so they can continue taking on the role of Monday Morning Quarterbacks, criticizing and pointing out whoever made mistakes over the weekend. Always patting themselves on the back and pretending to take the high road, all the while talking nihilistic trash. Like a broken clock, they are only right twice per day. And like a broken clock, utterly useless and should either be thrown in the trash or sent back to the factory to be rebuilt from scratch. I hear the Chinese are good at reconstructing deviant brains...
Dauntless said:
Take less of it, we can do without your stink.

We are honestly surprised that you can smell the festering stink coming from the right wing. Trouble is you are pointing fingers at the wrong people here on this forum. You might want to look in the mirror Mini-me before pointing out the speck in your brother's eye.


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Um. no, he brought it up and I'm offering advice. He's not my brother and neither are you, so I guess you don't feel the need to follow your own advice, not that you would anyway. You are you. And why are you changing the subject to 'Stink on the right?' You're calling trollobie a right winger? Dang, let's see if he goes #metoo or #hypocrite. Or both, just like #metoo.
Dauntless said:
Um. no, he brought it up and I'm offering advice [sic].

Worthless, divisive, so-called "advice" then.

Dauntless said:
He's not my brother and neither are you,

Um yes, we are all brothers and sisters. Not a single person on this planet is not related to everyone else. And yes, you should always be your brother's keeper. Otherwise, you are worthless to our culture and should recuse yourself from further commenting on this forum, the focus of which is supposed to be electric vehicles. Глупый товарищ, мы все братья!

Dauntless said:
...You're calling trollobie [sic]** a right winger?

I'm calling out all the Mini-Me's (i.e. master trolls of this forum) as authoritarian -- people who like this Mini-Me who are uppity, privileged, Monday Morning quarterbacks == Trump wannabes regardless of professed political affiliation. Increasingly, I've come to the conclusion that the various Mini-Me's we find on diverse forums such as ours must be Russian/Iranian/Ukrainian/Israeli/NorthKorean/Chinese trolls paid to inflict division in this great country of ours. This Mini-Me's MO is unmistakeable, это не?.

Dauntless said:
Or both, just like #metoo.

Bringing up #metoo as a deflection is an interesting psychological insight -- it aligns well with your "blame everyone but yourself" method of attacking pretty much everyone on this board (with the exception of those who suck-up to your broad-based antagonism). Trumpist wannabe elitist trickle-down writ large. Бесстрашный = платный винтик в российской пропагандистской машине ФСБ.

** "trollobie" = rhymes with "Mini Me"
I think what proves you two aren't brothers is not just you'd have to be half as bad as him, but dang, what would your father want to have anything to do with his mother? Think of how much better you must feel.

Trollobie, Hoto, I really don't think the virus has anything to do with their unemployment. I doubt anyone bothered using it as an excuse.
goatman said:
I brought her up but it was you and dad that were taking pokes at her, not me :lol:

No, it was YOU brought up the pokes, why your mind went THERE I can never guess. I sure don't think about what sax and violins went into the creation of the squalling sounds of those two fouls. Probably your fault I woke up right now.
nicobie said:
I know it is discouraging, but hang in there.

Remember, all things pass sooner or later.

It may pass like a kidney stone, but it will pass.

Many of us will not survive, but it will pass.

The Earth may soon be successful in eliminating the pathogen that is humanity, but this too will pass.

Not exactly reassuring. . .
How many jobs in total are their in the USA?
Total Population 330M
I heard 30 million and it made me think, if you have retired grandma/grandpa then mom/dad, then kids boy/girl, sort of means 33% work so 120 million jobs, unemployment is at 25%= 30 million?
MJSfoto1956 said:
Worthless, divisive, so-called "advice" then.
That's pretty much his thing.
Increasingly, I've come to the conclusion that the various Mini-Me's we find on diverse forums such as ours must be Russian/Iranian/Ukrainian/Israeli/NorthKorean/Chinese trolls paid to inflict division in this great country of ours.
Yep. We know that for sure now. China and Russia are benefiting tremendously by having the US be a rudderless joke of a country, and they'll want that to continue for as long as possible. The LAST thing they want is another Obama to put them in second place.
JackFlorey said:
MJSfoto1956 said:
Worthless, divisive, so-called "advice" then.
That's pretty much his thing.

You're bitterness is unnecessary, Bill. You want to take it from me but I don't have it. Not my thing at all. They're just separating themselves from you because of YOU. I merely offer them something better. Nothing worthless or divisive about it. So THAT is all yours. Except Hoto wants to top you.

But enough of what you want. What to Americans want, Bill?

JackFlorey said:
The LAST thing they want is another Obama to put them in second place.
Until I got a bug up my ass about the USA's shit health care system, I pretty much voted GOP. But when they tried to dump Obama Care I just couldn't take anymore of their gerrymandering bullshit.

With a couple of exceptions I still don't like big government. I think government is best when local.