Ecrazyman merchandise.


10 kW
Oct 19, 2008
Just thought Id mention it while I'm around. Did a quick search here and came up with nothing recent.


I just bought two of these from ebay, good price. :D :p 8)

I received them today in record time, haven't tested them yet.

Was impressed with the weight and feel of them. Very durable and solid, Came with all the bits, slippy washers and what not.

I'll test both tomorrow and report
Lyen sells also these, I received one couple of days ago and the throttle is neither better or worse than throttle from :)
Olavi said:
Lyen sells also these, I received one couple of days ago and the throttle is neither better or worse than throttle from :)

So thats good isnt it?

I bought one throttle from GM that came off in my hand when riding and the bike got stuck full.

Not all are the same. Some are stuck in this world thinking this. Simple thread, I never saw these at Ecrazy before..

Thanks for the reply.

That same brand also has a model with a key switch, which is mandatory for my bikes, so if the throttle doesn't have one, I have to add one separately. That's not a big deal because then I get a proper key. The model with a key switch has a LED battery gauge fed off of the switched line, which requires tuning with a resistor to match your voltage.

One thing I really like with the throttles Lyen sells is that they all come with a matching grip for the other end of the handlebar.

Sometimes its the little things that make all the difference. I miss full throttles. Ive never tried half throttles. Im forced to live with a thumb throttle now. If I need a throttle an need it quick I would defintely consider lyen. Keywin is just to damn far away. I also would consider TNC scooters as a last resort. I wish the key switch could activate the wheel lock on infenions but that requires the controller to be on and wasting power... Cant have everything can we.
does anyone know how to bypass my electric scooters voltage controller and just hook up the throttle to the motor and battery? i already have the attery and motor hooked to an on/off switch but when i turn it on it is instantly at full throttle. so i would like to add a throttle to the connections. i dont have the controller thats why i am doing it this way.
A controller can be had for 10-30 bucks. If you are in the US that is.
icecube57 said:
I wish the key switch could activate the wheel lock on infenions but that requires the controller to be on and wasting power..
If you are willing to take the chance that the relays might chatter on heavy vibration, and potentially short the controller while under load :( then you could wire a set of NC relays up across the phases so that when the coils are not powered they short the phases. Then run the coils from the keyswitch power, so that when it's on the relays are off and the wheel is unlocked.

When you turn off the key, the relay coils turn off, letting the NC contacts short the phases together.

One thing you'd want to do is make some sort of time delay that doesnt' enable the controller until after the relay has powered on and let go the phases.

I think putting a fuse in line with each phase wire that goes to the relay would be a good idea--a fast blow at something like oh, 10A or less, so that it blows if the controller accidentally somehow powers on while the relays are still shorting the coils, so that the relay becomes disconnected from the phases and doesn't blow up the controller. :)

yohojomojo1212 said:
does anyone know how to bypass my electric scooters voltage controller and just hook up the throttle to the motor and battery? i already have the attery and motor hooked to an on/off switch but when i turn it on it is instantly at full throttle. so i would like to add a throttle to the connections. i dont have the controller thats why i am doing it this way.
If you don't want to use an electronic controller, there are a number of mechanical controllers you could build, but most require some machining of parts, and are typically quite large and bulky if they are to carry significant current (like for a scooter motor).

WIthout some sort of controller, your throttle cannot be used to vary the voltage to the motor from the battery.

There are very large potentiometers (or rheostats) that are intended for stage light dimming, and you could use one of those if you can find one. The one I have here is about 20lbs or so, and around the diameter of a small plate or large saucer, and a couple of inches thick. It'll do up to 1500W, so you might find one smaller for a smaller wattage, but it probably will still weigh as much as your batteries and motor, and maybe parts of your scooter. ;)

I definitely recommend just getting a small brushed controller as mentioned in a post above, as that's easiest and probably cheapest. If you are handy with electronics, you can even build one fairly easily; there are a number of schematics around the web for them. If you already have the parts around, it coudl be cheaper than buying one, but if you have never made one before it's possible you may go thru a few FETs and things before it's up and running. (I did.)
Ok I just bought a 72v controller from Ecrazy and I request for the LVC to be removed and I gets this reply.

Thanks for purchase , can you tell me the controller will working at which voltage range ,the controller PCB has upgrade to new version ,ifthe controller working at 36~72v battery do not need change any hardware if your battery have the BMS ,thank you.


Ok! Can anyone please give me a clue what the changes are to the PCB upgrades and are there any new functions worth knowing about?

Edit: Theren is stuff everywhere. :|

:) .

icecube57 said:
Sometimes its the little things that make all the difference. I miss full throttles. Ive never tried half throttles. Im forced to live with a thumb throttle now. If I need a throttle an need it quick I would defintely consider lyen. Keywin is just to damn far away. I also would consider TNC scooters as a last resort. I wish the key switch could activate the wheel lock on infenions but that requires the controller to be on and wasting power... Cant have everything can we.

Sorry for the real slow response. I get busy over the GM forums.

ATM I'm using both a GM thumb throttle on the left and GM full throttle cut in half, for a full throttle the GM design is way better then the old olympic ring embossed type.

Still I cut the right full GM throttle hand in half, I feel if its too short, it can be a pain.. The left hand thumb control is a little hard to get used to. I find riding around using only just my left hand in unpopulated areas is good practice. I learned to use a mouse left handed in a similar fashion.

I just bought two 26" MP kits from GM Canada, awesome package. And I wrecked one of the internal controllers and just purchased the ecrazy 72v infineon controller to go with one of the new MP bikes I've almost finished.

A lot of threads all over the place and it hard to get a good focus on what to do and where to go.

I saw one post, by Knuckles I think, Its looking like the "any volt mod" is being installed onto the this controller? And maybe the new version supports regen?

I've sent Keywin an Email asking if anything new is comming so I will post what I find out.
317537 said:
Ok I just bought a 72v controller from Ecrazy and I request for the LVC to be removed and I gets this reply.

Thanks for purchase , can you tell me the controller will working at which voltage range ,the controller PCB has upgrade to new version ,ifthe controller working at 36~72v battery do not need change any hardware if your battery have the BMS ,thank you.


Ok! Can anyone please give me a clue what the changes are to the PCB upgrades and are there any new functions worth knowing about?

Edit: Theren is stuff everywhere. :|

:) .


These controllers have a switched mode internal power supply and capacitors and FETs rated for 72V use now, so there's no need to change components on the board for different input voltages.

All that's needed to change a controller from a 36V one to a 48V one, or even a 72V one is a to re-program it via the serial interface, using the 'parameter designer' software and the interface cable that Keywin can supply.

Jeremy Harris said:
These controllers have a switched mode internal power supply and capacitors and FETs rated for 72V use now, so there's no need to change components on the board for different input voltages.

All that's needed to change a controller from a 36V one to a 48V one, or even a 72V one is a to re-program it via the serial interface, using the 'parameter designer' software and the interface cable that Keywin can supply.


Cheers! Thank you very much Jeremy. I now know where to start from.

A few questions I would like to ask anyone who knows.

I can get Keywin to program this at 48v, but I do want the cable.. The Ping 48v 20ah packs, the BMS are set at 48v, are they not? So set it the same or lower?

Any idea how much the cable is too? I would of ordered it with the controller if I knew.

I saw the regen thread with this controller. Is the regen off the throttle on the fly unhookable with a switch from bk to gnd?