Electric my Giant Farrago 2009 Hybrid bike help

winkinatcha said:
Great Post e-beach!

Brilliant build thread too.

Thank you Joe!
Ok thanks guys for the great feedback, thanks Joe for the special offer.

I was just wondering what you guys thoughts are on 29er wheel bikes.
I can get this Diamondback Overdrive for $300.
Again not many specs on bigw so I am guessing it's going to be at least remotely the same as here.

I looked at a few ebike kit sites doesn't seem like it is standard to offer 29inch wheel motors.
I can't help but look at this 29inch style and think it would make a nice ebike.

Any feedback welcome!
Only Prob with a 29er is the cheaper kits are generally in 26" wheels, meaning if you go for the hub motor concept, you MAY have to relace the moter into a 29 er rim...

winkinatcha said:
Only Prob with a 29er is the cheaper kits are generally in 26" wheels, meaning if you go for the hub motor concept, you MAY have to relace the moter into a 29 er rim...

Yeah interesting, I guess it's only more practical if it's on a geared setup due to the lower RPMs induced by the bigger wheel.
I noticed now on TV they are all using 29ers in the Britain Olympic games mountain bike track, interesting.
I got a Diamondback Outlook, it's got 6 rear gears, rear disc brake and a steel front forks (but I plan to go rear hub motor anyway).

I decided to get this bike because I felt my first ebike could possibly be a victim bike then a miracle creation.
I changed the seat and it's not a bad ride for the price.

I also didn't want the fuss on hunting a good second hand bike, a little because I don't know a good bike when I see it and also because a friend of mine a few years ago bought a good quality bike second hand bike, took it home to find it had a buckled wheel, most likely from a nasty crash. That old memory stuck deep.

Anyway I think I am going to get a Magicpie 3, I like that fact it supports rear disc brake on a 6 speed rear wheel, the built in controller is nice as well.
Is it easy to put on my own 6-speed sprocket on it or do I need any special tools?
Other thing I am wondering about is battery, I may as well go 48volts?
And I assume LifePO4 Is smarter choice then Li-ion NiCoMn because with LifePO4 you get more recharge cycles?
I don't have any serious distance to cover. Tried to do some reading on the Li-ion NiCoMn batteries but didn't see any positives, I can't understand the attraction to Li-ion batteries if they arent any really different in price, aren't much/large different in weight and some sites suggest it gives about less then half the total recharge cycles?
Edit, noticed one that appeared to have 33% more energy density for same size...
I am having a good look at some geared motors, I started testing on the CA ebike simulator http://www.ebikes.ca/simulator/ and found that by choosing just the BMC V2 Spd with a "v36v (S12) Life" it has range of 19 km and efficient speed of 37.5km/h
If I merely change just the motor to the BMC V2 Trq which is higher torque version of the motor I get a range of 30 km at a speed of 30.2km/h
BMC V2 Trq = 30 km
BMC v2 Spd = 19 km

I just cant help but stand back and look at that and say if you don't really care for speed and more value distance/(or smaller battery?) then you would have to be crazy to go for the Spd motor as you get a whole 11 more KMs on distance with the Trq motor, am I looking at this right?

Also I noticed if I change the battery to a higher voltage from 36v-12ah to 48v-12ah on the BMC V2 Trq motor I don't increase my distance I can travel, just my speed. (Note: Appears the only constant Ah battery I could choose was the 36v-48v SLAs for a distance vs voltage test on same motor and Ah)
Looks like all the battery capacity is eaten up with larger 48v "Batt Power" = 646W compared to just 362W on the 36v battery, thats a huge difference in power usage, maybe that isn't news to you guys but I am shocked, I never thought it could be so different.

The other twist on top is I noticed in the case of using the the BMC V2 Spd motor the story inverts completely and there is a small gain in total km distance traveled by increasing your battery volts on top of getting increased travel speed.

So I am now looking at a general rule of thumb that if you go for a geared motor tuned to higher torque over speed ( have been considering the 500W Mac 10T vs 500W Mac 8T) it could be a good idea to just get a 36v battery if you don't care for speed and just want max distance traveled?

That is a great simulator chart, wish they had MagicPie3 and Mac motors on there.
Hey all,
I figured I would post to my original thread for my ebike build.

I built a ebike out of a mountain bike the Diamondback Outlook which is a entry level model, but as was discussed earlier in the thread did meet the criteria on a basic level.

I went for a Bafang 500w geared rear motor.
Runs as I expect, I deliberately decided not to get something too fast so I can limit on the dangers of a bad crash, and in exchange of more uphill performance.
I live in a somewhat congested area so there is a limit of how fast I can go locally on the road even with a car.

I used 36v 10ah LiFePO4 battery which was the biggest I could fit inside my frame that i felt could fit nicely. This fitted with pretty much only a few mm to spare, and the handle has to be in the up position to fit, the handle makes a good opening to securing the battery to the top part of the frame.

The wiring worked out ok, was a bit intimidating at first but I got there in the end, only needed to solder 2 wires aside from the main 2 wires from the battery, these were the battery meter wire form the twist control and the on/off battery signal into the controller, both wanted to be directly connected to the main positive battery lead wire. Rest plugged in fine.

Once built I was eager to take it for a ride but it had been raining lately so I sliced up an Aldi cooler bag to give it some protection, I think It made it look so bad it attracted eyes on the street more then my lack of pedalling.

I later sliced up cheapy black bag that makes it look a bit nicer, have ordered some frame cover and bag gear to try out.

Should be able to view all pics of bike here https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=BB4F3F49867A05A7!124&authkey=!AJnUNCAYG1vGfwE

Just want to say thanks to all those who gave suggestions, I wouldn't have been able to build a ebike that I would of been so happy with without you guys. Cheers.