Electric Ride

Feb 15, 2008
Forest of Dean, UK
For all the UK brethren (who are the only ones allowed to listen) here is a trip around Europe by Electric Car:

Peter Curran is going on a bold, 4500 mile, trans-European journey in an electric car for BBC Radio 4.

En route, he will talk to all the major European carmakers to find out how close they are to getting their electric cars out on the road. He'll visit cities which are wiring up charging stations and ask politicians what they're doing to promote the electric cause.

Stopping off at manufacturing plants and research centres, Peter will hope that hotels and restaurants from Portugal to Norway allow him to plug the car in, and that the battery lasts long enough to get across Swiss mountains and the coastal plain of Andalusia.

By the end of the series he will have built up an impression of the state of electric car manufacturing and policy across the continent. His goal is to return to the UK in time to join the Brighton to London ECO-Rally, departing on July 7th.
In the UK, are you able to see a video of the trip, or is it just an audio? I was able to get audio and see a bunch of pics.
You're not missing anything - it's a radio show, so audio only.
... apart from some really naff video that I just found here: