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End of the World. Beginning of a new one. The Life of Amberwolf.

dnmun said:
you should figure out how to be over there and do what you can even if you are not happy with the way they are moving your stuff around. maybe you can get a bucket and make some hot soapy water and use a big brush and start cleaning the soot off of the things you wanna keep and put them out to dry since it is so dry there.

once they are cleaned off and can air out then the smells may diminish. i cannot stand the smell of burned stuff myself. just bad memories associated with it so if you can start cleaning now then maybe when you move in the smells will be mostly gone.

but just being there and working on your stuff will give you a chance to help your landlord when he and his kids need help too. that may go a long way towards mitigating his feelings about being in this situation. also you will feel like you are getting stuff done. if there is a shed with nothing in it then you could put the cleaned and dry stuff in there so there would be a shed with just clean stuff in it. eventually you will recognize the futility of trying to hang on to everything and just put the things in the dumpster you don't wanna hassle with anymore or you finally recognize you don't want anything around with that smell on it. do it while the dumpster is still there so it doesn't cost more to dump it.

scrap metal is hardly worth the money for gas to take it to the shredder unless you have 800-1000lbs so just let one of your neighbors there who do scrap haul it away for you. they may even give you a few bucks, but i see nothing wrong with letting them keep whatever they can get for it. it is a hard dirty job and there is no money in it to begin with.
The animal shelter people may know people that have trucks. Just tell them the money goes to the shelter. You get rid of the junk and the shelter gets some badly needed funds.
I wish I had a better idea but sometimes their are not many good solutions.
I'm sorry for being grumpy earlier. :( I guess I get irritated at stuff way too easy nowadays, that I didn't before (as much, anyway).

I know poeple are trying to help--it's just that when I've already talked about something and then replies don't seem like they've considered what I said, it feels like I'm being ignored and just talked at (which I've had a lot of local people do in the last month, and it's way more irritating in person, and very difficult to control my temper when it's painfully obvious they're not listening--instead I just have to walk away from them and let them babble at the air, so I don't get angry at them, since I have no right or good reason to get this upset about that sort of thing).

Back to the day so far: Went to breakfast with a couple of longtime friends that I haven't seen in at least a couple of years or more, discussed what's been going on before and since the fire, etc. They volunteered to help by being there with me at the house when I'm going thru stuff, at least in the mornign before work, and also volunteered to help foster a dog for me if it is one compatible with their own little rescue dog, who was not a happy camper before they got him (he's still got issues because of the abuse he probably went thru before they adopted him).

I am very likely to take them up on the latter, and definitely will the former--though I don't think I'll be starting that until after next week, so I can try out just having a "normal" week back at work first, and see how well I can handle that by itself before I take on the stress of being at the house too.

The rescue dog adoption situation, though...i think it's just going to be complicated no matter how I do it, but I think I really do need to.

A member here on ES might have another partial solution for it too, but until the details are actually worked out I'm not going to count my chickens. Too many things to go wrong or just plain not happen.

I haven't heard back from any of the rescue places yet; I expect they're probably bombarded with letters of interest such as mine, and it will take them some time to get back to me. Many of them don't do phone calls about interest in the dogs, simply because there isn't enough time in the day to do things realtime--usually when people would be calling them they're out at adoption events talking to potential adopters or they are out at other shelters rescuing more animals, and can't take incoming calls easily--especially ones that may be lengthy like potential adopters.
Amber as I read your thread each day, I keep being more and more thankful for Bill and Anna! Please ensure that they know your friends on the board recognize and appreciate what they are doing for you.

I was wondering if you would want to take them out to dinner at a nice place in your area to say thanks? I'll be glad to foot say half the bill, so someone else can get in on it too. What do you think?
I'm not sure they'd let me, but I will ask, once Anna is back from Texas in the next couple weeks, hopefully before Bill's surgery (minor-ish procedure but may preclude such a dinner for a while). I don't really know what would be considered a "nice" place, though--I guess I'd have to ask them what they would prefer, as almost everyone else seems to have a different definition of "nice" than I do. :lol:

I did previously pass on the board's thanks to Bill, and he definitely appreciated it (and seemed surprised; "that's what friends are for").

I know that without Bill (and Anna's permission to stay here at her house) I would almost certainly not be in as good a place emotionally, mentally, or physically as I am now. I would still have had places to stay, but not ones in which I think I would have felt as at-home as I do here (my manager at work, Rachel, offered to let me stay at her place that first night).

EDIT: Oh, I forgot to post that pic of the organ and my soundbox and speakers, from last night:


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Youv'e got the right idea about "nice" Amber. Like for me, I have a favorite "family style" restaurant and a favorite "hole in the wall" Korean (with 95% Korean clients)... and a favorite family Fried Chicken place that we have gone to for 3 generations! My wife also defines a Steak House with no prices on the menu as her favorite "nice" place! :p So "nice" is the type of place that Bill and Anna would want to go to enjoy your company and the meal; and to know that some folks out here in internet land wanted to treat them to in appreciation for their care and kindness to you.
I'll be down there by Monday afternoon. John in CR asked me to make sure you get a nice dinner one of these days so maybe we can do that Monday or Tuesday. I can't stay too long because it's too hot down there for the dogs but I should be there for a day or two at least. I'll let you know how things are going time wise and we can take it from there.
Monday I'll be off work around midday, I think, but since I open that morning at 6am after closing the night before, I am not sure how able I'll be to do much of anything requiring a brain.

Tuesday I work early afternoon/closing again, so will only be available in the morning for a while, and can't do much that would get me dirty/etc or I'd have to go back to Bill's to shower first before going to work (which would cost me another hour to hour and a half, total).

Wed I'm off and theoretically will be meeting there with Mark so he can pickup whatever electronics/etc he wants to keep, so if I am able to take stuff to recyclers at some point, the stuff that's still good doesn't all go "to waste".

So...anyway, if you do arrive Monday and it's around midday, I could meet you at Bill's and get you the ASR88 out of his shed, if you really do want to work on that. My guess is I could get there by noon or so, depending on traffic (that's Memorial Day, after all).

As for staying longer: This wouldn't help as far as keeping "stuff" safe at the house, but if you like, I'm sure Bill wouldn't mind if you parked out front of his house, and we run an extension cord to your RV to keep you and the dogs cool. I'll ask him to be sure.

I don't think it matters about someone being at the house at night very much; when Bill and I were there yesterday to pickkup CrazyBike2 and some parts, it didn't *look* like anyone had been there pawing thru things, and the sheds appeared locked and intact. So I think that if you're ok with / want to be staying here in town for a long while, you could do it here at Bill's at least until SRP gets a power drop to my house.


For me, a "nice dinner" is one I cook myself at home**, preferably with friends and my dogs around...the latter is kinda out, but the first two could be done, at Bill's, if I can find and setup my stuff, and buy some new spices and things (seems a lot were ruined by smoke getting into the jars?).

**('Cuz hardly anywhere makes food the way I would really like it, and surprises in taste or type of food aren't usually a good thing for me, turning many meals out into a disappointment regardless of price or "niceness" of place. Almost everywhere that I know I'd actually enjoy the food doesnt' exist anymore, or has changed stuff so I don't like the place, or the food, or something, anymore. Or they have great food but are loud, usually from music playing overhead, and that ruins the meal too, cuz I like it really quiet so I can hear and speak without eveyrone having to talk loud or yell, or me be constantly distracted by all the goings on around us.

I can't really think of a place that I both like the food *and* that is quiet, clean, good service, etc, all at the same time. So usually I just go for cheap, if I eat out at all, and pick places I have coupons for. For the most part, I prefer to cook my own stuff to make it the way I like it.)
AW enjoy the long weekend. I am doing the cleaning this weekend. I am cleaning the garage.
With the extra stress your under keep an eye on your health. All you need now is getting sick.
You are very lucky to have Bill as a friend.
amberwolf said:
Apparently other completely experimental and unedited stuff also made it up the charts fairly far. Confusing....

Some of us MAY be buying your tunes as a means of getting cash to you n providing support.

Maybe... :mrgreen:

Well, it MAY be appreciated. ;) :p

So far there are 5 songs sold for a total of $3.20; apparently they pay out in $10 increments, weekly, so it could be a while before I get any of it at the rate it is accumulating.

I'm off to test out CrazyBike2 around the block for a few miles equivalent, to be sure it will get me to work and back later today. If I am not totally convinced of it I'll be taking Delta Tripper instead.
I just saw this. I am truly sorry for you and the dogs.
Thank you.

I worked a normalish workday today, if very short (4.5 hours). Most of it was ok, but there were two really bad moments that brought back the day of the fire.

The first was when facing/etc the section with signs like "beware of dog" and "puppy on board" and whatnot, there was a sticker for "Fireman! Save My Pets!", just like the one I used to have on the front window near the door. I don't know exactly what happened for a few minutes after taht but I remember my face was wet and I was just standing there just holding Phideaux (which I carry with me everywhere like a security blanket; i cant' really put it down for very long) so tightly that I could feel the celphone inside it (I keep the phone in the zipper pocket meant for the batteries/soundchip box that played christmas tunes, mostly so I don't lose the phone since I know I won't lose track of Phideaux).

I'd guess it took me at least ten minutes or maybe twenty before I could continue working. Thankfully there were no customers around needing help at the moment, though there could've been during my blanked-out time.

The second time was when checking on the animals, I found a mouse that some of the others had beat up and had died, just laying there on it's side under it's little house. I couldn't continue from there, and had to swap duties with one of the managers, or else i was simply gonna have to go home. If the earlier time had brought back parts of the worst day, this brougth back the worst parts of the worst day. I managed not to cry but it was very close to me just breaking down and sitting in the middle of the floor letting it all out.

Seeing the puppies and dogs and other animals customers came in with was good, made me feel a lot better, but thsoe two moments cancelled it all out, especially the latter that happened as we were closing, so there were no more good moemnts to bring me back from it. I'm still kinda there right now. :(

The only really good news is that Crazybike2 didn't blwo up or fail in any way, although the motor and the controller get pretty toasty. More details in the CB2 thread.http://www.endless-sphere.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=12500&p=746268#p746268
Today was a bad day at first; it is a little better right now, we'll see how it goes.

Last night I had all the nightmares all over again, presumably triggered by yesterday's events. :( So I got almost no sleep before heading out to work around 530am.

Once i got there and the manager arrived to let us in to start working, things were sort of ok, though I was very tired. Then someone put their "angry music" on over the overhead speaker system--the rap-like stuff full of cussing and violent lyrics, angry-sounding "singers", etc., and pretty loud. I can't take much of that kind of "music" because it stresses me out a lot. Whenever I hear people who sound angry or who are cussing a lot or other things that make them sound angry, I have to retreat from them because if I don't I'll get so stressed I'll either cry or get angry myself in self-defense, and since I hate getting angry then usually it's crying, and I still have to retreat. Unfortunately there was no place to retreat *to*, since it fills the store (except the breakroom and bathrooms, but I can't do my work in there). I did retreat to the breakroom for a few minutes once, after I finished the second cart full of stuff, because I coudln't take it anymore.

When I felt I could take it again I went back to working on a new cart full of stuff, finished as much of that as would fit on the shelves, loaded it up again and started to stock it, but the stress got back to me again really fast and I just couldn't do it anymore, and I knew that even if I went back to the breakroom to retreat again for a while, I wouldn't be able to deal with the customers once they started coming in in a few minutes, when we would be open. So I asked the manager on duty if I could leave (well, actually I really just told him that I *had* to leave, and asked if that was ok), and he understood very well that I'm going to have troubles like this for a while (which I had thought I was already past, as I was able to do the work for a couple of weeks mostly ok over at the last remodel, but apparently I'm not), and since he had othe rpeople already there to continue the work I left.

I wouldn't have had any problem with the music/etc under normal conditions--I could've handled it till we opened and there were customers and pets to help, and it would have been turned off by then. Just...not now. Heck, I might not have been able to deal with things even without the music--it's just not been a good day since yesterday, anyway.

I met up with Bill for breakfast, as it happened to be right about the time he usually goes, because I needed to be with someone to talk to or listen to or both, right then. Came back here to Bill's afterward, and first I ziptied up the chargers for the lighting and traction batteries (same ones for Delta Tripper and CrazyBike2) cuz I am tired of getting frustrated with untangling the wires every time I charge, so now it's a nice block of charger and power strip, easy to put away and to hook up and turn on. I'd build them into the bike but I need them for both of them, only chargers I have access to for the foreseeable future. i'll get a pic posted later--forgot earlier.

Now I'm posting this and catchign up on emails and PMs again; at least it is keeping my mind active/busy/off of other things I don't want to dwell on.

Oh, and the rescuers of Tiki the probably-wolfdog (listed as Siberian Husky above) responded, but didnt' actually read all of my email. I'd asked if I could setup a time to come down and meet her, explaining about the house fire and not being able to have a home for several months, etc etc., but they said they'd like to bring her to me this week for an in-home meetup. :( :?

So I responded back re-explaining the situation and quoting the relevant parts of my previous email, and filled out their adoption questionnaire, so we'll see how that goes.

I also really want to meet Callie, that big St Bernard in a post above, but I have a feeling that she (like Sunny, the one in NM) is adorable enough she'll find a good home easily. Actually i want to meet them all and take them all home with me, but...well, even if I had a home to take them to, some of them are only-dog kind of dogs according to the information about them.

Without meeting them I can't know for sure, but I expect that if I were to do things slowly, I could get most of those only-dog types to accept each other eventually. Sometimes it doesn't work, though, like with Fred and Nana who simply soemtiems couldn't leave each other alone; same with Bonnie and Nana or Bonnie and Fred. Yet even so, I was eventually able to make that work, by shuffling aroudn which dogs were with me and which were outside or in their kennels or simply in a different room.

Anwyay, until I have a place to be with them it doesnt' really matter.

Am hoping the ES member with part of the potential solution gets back to me on it.
PawsItForward replied about Tiki, and after discussion, it'd be better for them to keep her where she is until I have a home for her, if she should turn out to be a match; still working out when I could meet her.

I've also contacted AZSaintBernardRescue about theirs, but just did that so haven't heard back yet. i'm not sure exactly which ones they still have for adoption, because when I went to look at their site itself (instead of Petfinder), it shows that the info on Callie, etc is from about 2009...and they have different dogs listed up above that for this year, but I didnt' see any of them on Petfinder--so maybe they don't use that service anymore and haven't updated it? Well, doesn't matter--there's always more that need rescue.

Mdd0127 is on his way here now, so we'll see what can get done and how things go next few days, etc. I gotta work and am at a kind of high stress level already, so I don't know about doing anything at my own place this week. Don't know next week's schedule yet.
Hang in there Amber, I think you are doing well. Try to give all you can at work. I think it is an important part of getting you back on a steady path and a stable, predictable routine.
you can strap on a boom box and wind up the volume too and then play some chopin and vivaldi or bach while walking around in the presence of the hate music. overcome hate with the classics.

nothing slows down a party rapper than some opera, i like 'la traviata' so put that tape on and just go busting some moves to the 'la forza del destino' and see if that gets them to turn off the hate music.
wish i could, but nothing like that is allowed at work

@bigmoose i am trying to get back to normal work routine but when something like this happens, either i could just wait till the stress breaks me and i sit around on the floor crying or attack somenoe in anger or i can walk away from the stress source and try to reocver

i thoguht about going back in after a few hours but I could not manage it i am hoping I can manage it today io did actually get some sleep but i had more nightmares that included people following me around everywhere cussing and yelling at me for no reaso n rigth in my face puls all the usaul bad dreamas and the fire nightmare that i have at least once every nigght in some varioation

so i guess well see what happens
Good move Amber! Think the best (good things) and give it your best! That is all a person can do, and all an employer can ask.

Best wishes with you today.
Yesterday's work went a lot better; I made it thru the whole day withounly a fwe bad moemnts, but there were lots of times i felt like running away and hiding and only hugging Phideaux helped enough to stop me.

I'm still nowhere near really useful at work yet; I keep forgetting obvious stuff I should know well, and missing parts of what customers are telling/asking me, and thus pointing out the wrong things for them.

Even simple things like mopping the floor at the end of the night I didn't do right--I could see lots of spots I'd missed, after we were already closed and there wasnt' time to go back and fix my errors.

When I got home I chatted with Mdd0127 aroudn an hour ro so, while the dinner he was cooking for us finished up, and we ate; it was a tad spicy but very good.

Today was a day off and it went a lot better; long version is in CrazyBike2's thread here:
but basically the Grin Tech package came with mtoro and controller, got it installed and so now CB2 is a 2WD monster of fun. ;)

Bigmoose's package arrived, too, so after I finally got doen wth CB2 and test rode it a little bit, I opened it up (2 boxes) and started to take stock of what was there and hook it up, when I realized how very exhausted I am, and decided it will have to wait till tomorrow or the next day (I work both days, maybe in the morning I can get a little done each day).

Also, Mdd0127 fixed a bunch of stuff on the ASR88's main board and I/O board, and tomorrow before I go to work we're gonig to reassemble it and see if it will try to boot (I don't have the discs to do it with me here). It wouldnt' even do more than power on and get random junk on the dispaly before, so if ti tries to boot that's a huge improvement. Ifd not, well, it was a valiant effort.

My new glasses (bought basically with ES donations; my old ones are nearly useless after a decade) came in and we picked them up. Gonna take a while to get used to bifocals, but they help immensely.

I think some other stuff happened the last couple days but I have forgotten, I guess. :( I need a rolling camera tied to my head or somethign so i can watch it fast-forward tos ee what I missed or forgot. :lol: :oops:

Verified Saturday's visit to AZ Saint Bernard Rescue is setup, will be riding the upgraded CB2 there most likely (so Bill doesn't have to just sit in his truck and wait for me for what could be hours, since he has some issues with doggie dander/fur and allergies, and I expect these shaggy dogs would really not hlep him much). Gonna meet several of them and see if any of the ones that really need help like me.

Tentatively setup next Wed or Thu to go see Tiki the Husky (maybe wolf mix), still dont' know where they're located though, so can't say if I'll ride there on my onwn or have to catch a ride from Bill.

Just knowing I am about to go visti potentail adoptees to remake my family is helping me a lot. I can't bring Hachi, Nana, Loki, or Fred back but I can help others instead, and they will most certainly help me, too, just by being there and being themselves.


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A possible triumph:

This morning Mdd0127 reinstalled the boards he'd extensively repaired into my ASR88, and fixed the mouse-eaten cabling, and now it powers on and comes up with the classic display I'd expect with no boot disk attached or inserted:

I coulda kissed him, upon seeing that screen. :lol:

Wasnt' enough time to go back to my house to dig out the boot floppy disks or the external SCSI harddisk and cabling, so we'll do that tomorrow morning, and verify if it actually is completely fixed or still needs other work or parts. If it will actually boot and load sounds and play, I'm all set.

If it has other problems, the first place i'll check is bad caps, as the power supply end of it did get kinda hot, given that the high-C key is warped out of shape from the heat:

Thankfully the rest of the keys seem ok, though most of the highest octave is permanently smoke-discolored. I guess I can live with taht if it works anyway.

Having not yet lost this piece of my music equipment (unlike the Takamine acoustic guitar, Yamaha G10 MIDI guitar, the ocmputer itself, a sound I/O box, and some other stuff, all of which are ash and goo) lifts my spirits a lot, because it is like an old friend, and I know it well enough to almost use it in my sleep (actually, I think I have composed several good pieces of music on it that way, including Darkness on the Uncommon Ground CD). Hopefully I still have all the media that goes with it, and that my harddisks for it are still functional, too.

Here's to hoping tomorrow will see as much success as today.

Work today, on the other hand...it is a lot more stressful working my normal job at my home store than it was doign the remodel job at a different store laid out completely differently, etc. There were still items on shelves, etc, that triggered bad memories at the remodel, but every inch of my home store brings them back, and seeing customers whom I've talked about my dogs with, using mine as examples of problems similar to the customers' so I can show how I solved it adn what items I used to do it, and wishing I could stop and tell them about what happened but knowing it is totally inappropriate and would just upset them pointlessly, just adds to teh stress.

I was so tired and worn out by luncthime that I started to eat and then dozed off sitting there holding Phideaux, and my boss came in and woke me about 20 mnutes paast when i shoudl ahve been back from lunch already. :( After that i was still so groggy for hours that i don't know if i did even a passable job or not, and barely remember the people I helped.

I figured out that based on stress levels and how I feel and the things I do and say and forget, etc., and when during the last few workdays, that I am good for about 4-5 hours at most (sometimes not even that, but usually that much) before I am too stressed to do my job properly (well, actually I am not doing it properly even before that, most of the time, but I dont' see that until afterward and it's too late). So I asked if I could do much shorter shifts, basicaly cutting me down to part-time for the next couple of weeks, to see if that helps me readjust to working "normally" again, enough to come back as full time.

This is all a lot harder than I imagined it could be--I had trouble readjusting after Bonnie died in 2011, seeing pictures of border collies on magazines, dog treats and food, etc., triggering my memories of her, and of her stroke and eventual death, and making it a lot harder to deal with than i had thought it woudl be then. But now, I don't have the other dogs to lean on or think of when this stuff happens, because it is them beign dead that I am remembering/thinking of already. :(

I'm not sure how long this is going to take, but it is goiong to be a lot longer than I think other people are going to expect, and maybe longer than they will want to deal with. I just hope they can let me heal however I can in whatever time it takes me to do so. So far, most of them seem to be fine with things as they are going, but I expect at some point some of them won't be. i don't know which ones; I just figure people beign what they are, impatience will get to some of them sooner rather than later.

Last night/ today i woke to more of the same nightmarses as usual, plus some new variations ona theme. Dozed and woke for a while, at 530am when it was fully light i woke almost for good but did get to doze off for a little while after getting up for potty break and then laying down again trying to read emails. Woke again around 8am-ish with my head under the pillows again. Couldn't find Phideaux and had been having vague panicky feelings all morning so far when i realized I had neve rpicked it up off teh table last night so it was still downstairs the whole time.

I guess I have a dependency on it. Am trying to wean myself away but it is too stressful to do right now, causing anxiety/panic if I can't find it quickly once the feeligns start. Will have to do the weaning after i have gotten past the major parts of the reintroduction-to-work stress.

Rest of the ASR88 pics. Can't see most of the reparirs, on teh backsied of the PCBs, though.


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Well, sucess was partial. It does boot to an external SCSI hardisk, but it takes a lot longer than it should, and sometimes just hangs. Same results with two different drives. I can't find a boot floppy to test with, and will have to make a new one probably, once I re-locate the program to do so out on the intarwebz. Thankfully the desktop Bigmoose sent has a floppy drive in it, though if it didn't I do have a backup drive in the box of spare hard drive stuff for the Ensoniq, along with my Syquest 135MB cartridge drive (and the backups of the ASR88 on some of those).

We tried for a while swapping which disk was attached, what SCSI ID they were on, etc., no change. Often gets assorted errors, basically telling us that it can't talk to the drive.

Could be a number of things, and I will troulbeshoot it eventually--it's still much farther than it had been before Mdd0127 fixed ti for me.

I keep dozing off so more later.
I went to see the Saint Bernards at AZ Saint Bernard Rescue this morning and I want to take them all home right now. Am covered in slobber and fuzz and loved every second of it. Wanted to stay right there and never leave.... But I am going to try to go back every weekend or every other weekend if the rescuers are available for me to go see them, until my house is repaired and I can move back in and adopt some of them forever.

I miss all my fuzzy kids so much. :(

Unfortuantely I was so captivated that I completely forgot to get pictures...so you'll ahve to refer to one of the previous posts that links to these dogs, with some pics in the post and others at the links.

Bernadette was first, and she just loves everybody, goes right up for slobbers and hugs and scratches. Realllly laid-back. I definitely like her; hard to tell if she actually likes me or just likes EVERYbody she meets. :lol:

Callie was next, and she's a lot more gotta-warm-up-to-you type, but she did eventually enough for belly rubs and hugs. She's skittish cuz of her history (not a happy one, apparently, has been adopted and then brought back because she was misunderstood and the adopters weren't willing to work with her and train her. :( Very like Bonnie's situation (the black Border Collie I had for so long, till late 2011) when we got her--two families adopted her and then brougth her back to the Humane Society, cuz they didnt' understand Border Collies and were unwilling to learn and work with her. And like Bonnie, Callie is FULL OF ENERGY. Zoom zoom zoom, she would be dashing around all day if she could, I think.

Then there was Tiny, who is anything but. :lol: She also took a little bit to come out of her shell, but once she did, she really did. She is also chock full of zoom and bounce, and easily distracted, but she took to me enough eventually that when it was time for her to go back in, she didn't want to leave and hung her head in sadness. I really like her, too.

Heck, I like all of them and wish I coudl take them all right now.

Then i met a couple of the males, first Marty, who's had a pretty hard life, but you wouldn't know it from his behavior. He's huge and magnificent, and FULL OF HAPPY. He'll clean your face and glasses and hair right up for you, and love you all day, and despite his problems he wants to run around and play a lot.

Last was <s>Buster</s> EDIT: BUBBA (can't believe i got his name wrong!), who doesn't have the typical Saint Bernard face colors, and so his head looks like it's a different shape, much wider, even though it isn't really, cuz it's all white with just ermine spots, and his ears seem smaller (though I don't think they are, really). He is the biggest one I met, and he loves everybody too--he's also the slobberiest, not that I care. Could teach him to wipe his face on a towel at every doorway and take care of a lot of that, if it bothered people.

I also met a pair of newcomers that arent' yet ready to meet new people, but they are also adorable, and one of them looks a bit like a bigger chubbier Nana (sort of like Dolly in that previous post) but she's not really chubby, just that Nana was a lot smaller and less stout-built than many of her breed.

If I had any doubts that I want another Saint Bernard, they are completely gone now. :lol: :oops: :)

Now I need to finish arranging to meet Tiki, and see if she likes me or not, and if the rescuers think I could work with her like I did with Nana and Bonnie, keeping them separate but part of the same family, so that I could rescue her *and* one or more of the SBs.

The problem is that so many of these really big dogs never get a new home; they stay as fosters or at the shelters the rest of their lives after someone gives them up or they are rescued from a bad situation, etc. So I want to give a home to as many as I can (plus I have found I really like having a whole family of them around; I'm not sure one would be enough!). But I have to balance what is best for them with what I can do and what I want to do, and each of those three things doesnt' necessarily work with the other two. :(

I love dogs.. plain and simple.. but i honestly dont think i could handle a bernard.. they are HUGE and the drool . oh my god the dreewwwwl...

At the local dog park i regularly got to play with one " Max " .. as in " Maximus " .. he acts like a puppy ( and he was at the time ) in the body of a giant.. i'm 5ft 8" and 185 lbs and had to bend at the knees and be ready for him when he came stomping over to greet.... gentle giant but clumzy.. his owner said he has to have a towel near the food dish, if Max shakes his head while waiting for his food the walls get covered with slime lol..

It's good to wee you writing positive and happy stuff.. keep it up !. 8)
I used to see the cabinets covered in wetness whenever Hachi or Nana decided something had fallen into the water bowl, cuz they'd stick their heads down in there up to their ears--Nana would be blowing bubbles while she went fishing for whatever it was, forget she was under water and take a breath, then come up and snort out all the water while shaking her head. GIGANTIC SPLATTER BATH TIME.

I forgot that yesterday morning while Mdd0127 and I were on our way to my house to find the ASR88 disks and external boot drives and cables, we stopped at a light next to the Google Streetview camera car--the driver was looking down texting before reaching the light (I was afraid he wasn't going to see the red light and go thru it into oncoming traffic, but I guess he glanced up in time to stop), and was still looking down texting as we all drove away from the light thru the intersection. :(

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While resting here and waiting for the bike batteries to charge up for my next trip, my brain found a solution to using the ASR88's keyboard to play the sounds on the TG33, so I can at least play normally even if not with all the sounds I want.

Since the ASR88 will usually at least boot up, even if it won't load sounds/etc., I remembered that being a complete workstation/studio in a box, it can also create instruments from scratch (I've done that a thousand times or more over the years, should've occured to me earlier). So I created a blank instrument, and rather than copying samples from other instrumetns or recording new ones in, I just assigned it to a MIDI channel and MIDI output only. There's 8 "slots' for instruments on the ASR88, so I can assign 8 independent channels, and by clickcing or doubleclicking on the buttons for each instrument "slot", I can switch between instruments on teh TG33 or play them "stacked", like with strings and piano, or airy synth plus pizzicata strings, or whatever.

Then the TG33 is controlled by the ASR88's weighted, velocity-sensitive, aftertouch-capable keyboard with pitch and modulation wheels, and I don't need the Elsey organ that can only send the "loudest" note out for each key, as if I were mashing every key with a hammer to play them (whcih doesn't matter mcuh for an organ, but matters a lot for many other instrumetns).

theoretically I can also run the TG33's outputs thru the ASR88 for effect processing, but I haven't got hte cabling here to do that (if the ASR88's audio section even works).
Excellent! Now we also know that the key, midi, and main operational systems are functioning. Just need to look into the scsi drive circuits, cables, and the drives themselves. Could be as simple as a circuit in the power supply not giving the drive the correct voltage or something too.

In the meantime though, your workaround solution is brilliant!