Ever met an unfriendly ebiker in the field?

Dec 2, 2016
Land of the Florida Man
The universe gave me a new one tonight: a Safety Justice Warrior ebiker.

Dude was coming up the Cady Way Trail, headed towards Oviedo, just past Howell Branch Rd. He was riding a mtb with DD motor, prob a leaf 1500. I was going 20, so he must have been at 25 or so. Came out of nowhere, with no audible warning of impending passing either.

Instead of talking to me like a person, he just starts with lecturing me on a particular residential intersection we both went through. One that I've ridden through for 15 years, and know very well. Caught me off guard, since I was more interested in his build.

But, before I could say anything, he just looked away and sped off! He went north on Tuskawilla, towards Winter Springs. It looked pretty well practiced. He probably likes doing that to other people, then using his ebike as a safety net to speed off! :lol:

Oh, well. Not all ebikers are friendly I guess.
I guess that is one of those times that you regret you didn't build a fast bike, so you can catch and whip him with your 70 mph wind trail. :twisted:
Like so many today, he believes that HE is the center of the universe. How could you ride in a manner that might inconvenience HIM? Get used to it, that's a sign of the times.
I haven't met many unfriendly people on 2 wheels in my lifetime, but unfortunately, they are out there and there isn't an azzhole filter that works.
I don't get it ... What did he lectured you for? Going too slow?
@cal maybe the intersection he just rode through or whatever.
Whatever is the key, I would ignore the rude ebiker.
Remember him, and dont stop for him anymore, do not slow down around him.
Just go on your marry way.

I've had two people, pedestrians, one waiting for a bus at a bus stop, the other some friend of a friend who is quite wacky.... told me to wear a helmet. If my head were of normal size, I would. My head is huge!
markz said:
I've had two people, pedestrians, one waiting for a bus at a bus stop, the other some friend of a friend who is quite wacky.... told me to wear a helmet. If my head were of normal size, I would. My head is huge!


When they tell me I should wear a helmet for my good, I tell them they should wear a condom for the world's good.
I got dissed by an ebiker on a paved bike trail in Jackson Hole, but we came upon each other on a blind curve, and I believe he was into keeping a low profile and probably thought I was going to give him some anti ebike crap! Me yelling at him (but trying to sound friendly while doing it) while he sped off probably didn't help. I'm sure he didn't have time to see I was also on one of the devil's spawn.
He was definitely a commuter going home. Lectured me about that road crossing being too dangerous for my speed or something like that. Yet, here he was, ready to pass me with no audible signal. And just speeds off! That's not how you talk to people, lol.
hypertoric_amplituhedron said:
Lectured me about that road crossing being too dangerous for my speed or something like that.
Sounds like the time I turned the corner for the next to last street to get home, and some kids (20's?) in a yard yelled out "you should slow down!".

Funny, though: I was maybe going 15MPH (on my trike) making the turn, slowing down from there as I approached the next turn a couple of houses down...and I see them regularly screech around that corner in their cars fast enough to lose traction on the rear end and skid around. Some time back one of them wrecked their car and someone else's parked on the opposite side because they lost control doing that and spun into it. Was a lot of yelling and shouting and some gun-waving before the police got there that night.

I still see those kids doing stupid things, usually at too-fast speeds to maintain control, and their vehicles (cars, trucks, etc) are all dented up from collisions...so I really don't see how they have anything to complain about others going too fast (when those others aren't actually going fast, and whose vehicles are nowhere near the point of losing control).
I got snubbed by a Tidal force rider once, while on vacation. We pulled up next to each other at a cross walk. I saw he was riding what looked exactly like a black on black Tidal force, with no labels. So I said, "Nice bike, is that a Tidal force?"

He turned his head my direction, glared at me, lowered his sunglasses, and spend the rest of the time at the light facing the other direction.
Drunkskunk said:
I got snubbed by a Tidal force rider once, while on vacation. We pulled up next to each other at a cross walk. I saw he was riding what looked exactly like a black on black Tidal force, with no labels. So I said, "Nice bike, is that a Tidal force?"

He turned his head my direction, glared at me, lowered his sunglasses, and spend the rest of the time at the light facing the other direction.

That was the look of jealousy when he realized you knew more about his bike than he did and that he also had no clue what beast you were riding.
cal3thousand said:
Drunkskunk said:
I got snubbed by a Tidal force rider once, while on vacation. We pulled up next to each other at a cross walk. I saw he was riding what looked exactly like a black on black Tidal force, with no labels. So I said, "Nice bike, is that a Tidal force?"

He turned his head my direction, glared at me, lowered his sunglasses, and spend the rest of the time at the light facing the other direction.

That was the look of jealousy when he realized you knew more about his bike than he did and that he also had no clue what beast you were riding.

"I still see those kids doing stupid things, usually at too-fast speeds to maintain control, and their vehicles (cars, trucks, etc) are all dented up from collisions...so I really don't see how they have anything to complain about others going too fast (when those others aren't actually going fast, and whose vehicles are nowhere near the point of losing control)."

Yeah I can relate, when I see the kids in the dented up Honda cars with the bagged suspension and loud exaust coming down the street I give them a wide berth, they're capable of nearly anything, suddenly cutting in front of you, swerving wildly for no reason etc etc AND they're texting while they drive too, beware.