FET's measure ~110 kOhm - controller troubleshoot continued

joe tomten

100 W
May 13, 2009
E. Mass., U.S.A.
I measured the FET resistances to see if I had any shorted ones last night and all six of them measure in the 100 to 120 kOhm range.

Not the 1.x MegaOhm range shown in Fectors troubleshooting101 pictures**. Doesn't seem like a short circuit anywhere (well, to this Noob anyway).

** http://endless-sphere.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=8969&start=45

So this controller (36-72v 20amp pedalstart xlyte) has good throttle (.88 to 4+volt) response at the board, no halls to fail, no shorted fets. I inspected the board pretty carefully last night, no obvious fried bits.

But still - when I spin the wheel and hit the throttle i just get a groaning out of the motor, barely keeping it spinning, and then it cuts out after say 5 seconds. Voltage regulator is warm (not hot). Fets not even warm.

feelin stupid and open to any input.
though I am spending an inordinate amount of time reading here and learning a great deal.
many thanks,