Fix Wuxing twist throttle led meter for 48v


1 MW
Jul 27, 2012
Melbourne Australia
I have this throttle with a 36v kit:
I have how ever changed my battery to 48v, this causes the 5 leds on this throttle to stay lit no matter what.
Any one know how to change this so the LEDs meter properly like in 36v? Or is this ment to be changed magically via the controller? That's something that doesn't seem plausible because I put my controller in 48v mode with no led change happening.
To do it by modifying the existing meter, you'd have to open it up and figure out the circuit it uses, then change the appropriate resistors.

Alternately, you could make a resistive voltage divider at the input wire to the meter, so that only 3/4 of the voltage makes it to the meter.
it is best to disconnect it at the battery lead so that when water gets into the throttle it doesn't short full battery voltage to the throttle input and give uWOT (unexpected wide open throttle). use cycle analyst or wattmeter.
I would spend the $5 and get a correct 48V throttle.... Just my 2 cents...