

10 kW
Apr 8, 2011
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Hiya Folks...

This is my second post here, big lotta changes since my first post about 6 mnths ago.

Anyways, I am located in Melbourne, Victoria Australia.

through interesting circumstances I find myself building Electric bikes, sitting on a stock of 30 24v "500w" wheels and controllers.

I am predominantly concentrating on making kits which are more comprehensive than the run of the mill kits one can buy online, with the purpose of enabling punters who want to build thier own lecky bikes, having found I had to pick up a lotta knowledge, both about bicycles and the kits, before I started coming up with satisfactory builds.

These wheels, BTW are basically manufactured by a supplier to Golden Motor, are rated at 500w, have the thickest spokes I have seen on a hub motor yet, and are laced into 26" rims.... I have not attempted to Over voltage one yet, but am pretty satisfied that they should be able to run 2kw... THIS IS NOT A GUARANTEE, and will prolly be a month or two before I am in a position to OverVoltage test.

I have begun building bikes in earnest as i get more and more competant with the current stock of wheels and controllers, currently have two demo builds, one rear wheel and one front wheel, as well as a coupla other "rolling test beds" so to speak.

Anyways, if'n ya wanna read more about what I'm doin in this area, I've started a blog. Frankencycle is a name I am toying with as a business name. it may be a bit too popular for me to take it and make it mine... anyways here is the link to the blog:

Any Questions, reprimands for posting external links, requests for photos or general banter welcome


winkinatcha said:
Any Questions, reprimands for posting external links, requests for photos or general banter welcome
Only "reprimand" is that you should put your for sale posts in the for sale section. ;)
Hey AmberWolf :)

Thanks mate, hadn't even thought of "properly" advertising

I am kinda not sure what's for sale yet :oops: (I mean can you IMAGINE what it is like to have 30 (+) electric wheels just waiting for ya to build things with... Mine Mine ALL MINE LOL!)

Sort of...I have lots of motors of different kinds, some already part of unfinished or unsuccessful projects, some in already working ones. :) Some destined for "interesting" things, particularly some powerchair motors....

So, I understand the feelings.
As for the hubs, looks like they will take more or less continuous 1500w easily, like nearly all generic dd motor do. Only caveat is that some will have really tiny wires into the hub if they really are intended for 500w max.

The fact that they were intended for 24v won't matter any. Run em on 36,48, or even 72. They will really perk up at 72v 20 amps, yet the low amps will not fry them too fast. Above 20 amps, rides should be shorter, and by 40 amps, I recomend temp monitors on motors.
Thx Dogman :)

Post edited, ta for info on wheels, at the moment I am concentrating on making rock solid low wattage 'legal' kits, with intentions of making them so rock solid that they can be run up to 2kw.

Man's gotta have a dream...

Joe/winkinatcha <= 'til I get a sig figured out.
One year later....

Still Kickin'... Got a lot to learn about business, n customers n stuff about bikes...

Spend most days in overalls, surrounded by bikes n e-bikes

Not all suger n spice, but not a day goes by without pinching myself to check if this is real :D

Latest blog post...

Hey Joe would that golden motor 26" wheel be a good upgrade for my Bike on 48v ?

does it have a built in controller ? couldnt find a price or picture...
Hahahaha! John, the post talking about GM motors is like over a year old... the info I gave you in the email last week is where my stock is at at the moment
