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GCinDC's Giant DH Comp

What a story. I feel bad for the trouble this lady cause for you. Did she end up getting the money she wanted ? How could she sue you if she was working and i guess staying here illegally? I would imagine you could have done something with that in court?
Well in any case that's America for ya, you can sue for just about anything today. That has to stop.
Glad you and your family are all well though. Hope that lady gets what she deserves.
rode in today. :D

had planned to take the sidewalk but seemed safer just to stick in slow lane, leave plenty of room ahead and behave myself. it was early enough that traffic wasn't bad. took about 20 minutes and wasn't too cold.

i had to loose grip the left hand over some bumpy bits, but no dramas.
GCinDC said:
i had to loose grip the left hand over some bumpy bits, but no dramas.
I had to ride like that for ages after first getting back on after 2 broken wrists. The jarring is no fun but who can wait for bones and tissue to heal properly ?! :p

I just rode 3km up the road to get a few pizzas for lunch for the gang at work and came back one handed with the pizzas in the other hand resting against the bars. I thought of you as I was coming back thinking "Damn, Greg is going to be really messed up if he has to ride like this in traffic and if I car flies out him he's going to come unstuck. Same goes for me AND I'll lose the pizzas" :lol:

Take it easy man, a stack now will be a major set back.
Your a stud.....took me 4 months before they would even let me lift anything other than my arm.....bad surgery. Still not right but I can ride just fine.....

Be careful though, we don't heal as fast as we used to.

thanks for support guys.

truth is it's a bit early for the full commute. shoulder not happy last night and still paying for it.

i think i'll just ride it up to the metro for a while. PT is kicking my ass. i've only go 60 degrees out of 180 so far, and each extra degree hurts!

also, i thought if i just rode slowly it'd be safe, but i don't think that's true. as you know, i always felt safer going faster, riding aggressively, and i just don't have the range of motion or strength yet to dodge the dinosaurs. plus, it was pretty chilly. :mrgreen:

Hey man great to see that you are back on your bike!! hope you heal quick brother, you are right about the cold too, its been -4 deg c here with freezing fog, now for our Canadian and north American friends that would be considered mild, but for me at 35mph on my ebike you can take that -5 deg and bolt on another -20 at least :lol: I ride to work looking like a terrorist, peering through the narrow slit between by wrap around scarf and my hat, jeez its cold.

Glad the court case is all done with, you can settle back down to what you do best in time, that's lots of ebike videos four us and being a good dad towing your kids around in the snow.

Take care out there buddy 8)
ha ha ha cheers brother :mrgreen: you know I love you too!! ha ha

I am using my X5 powered bike at the moment as the BMC bike has a wiring issue that I dont want to sort as its too cold in the garage to go out there and do it ha ha, the X5 is a trooper though...silent and deadly and at 72V 40A shed loads of fun if a little on the heavy side, still its not likely to fail ever
tomorrow is the 8 week mark and i'm amazed how much better i feel this week than the last two! :D

i rode in this morning in like 15 minutes, full speed or just about, with a 25lb backpack on (my heavy ass charger + other junk).

from stories i'd heard, i was hoping to be at 80% after 6 months, but right now feel like i'm already at 60% or so for range of motion. getting the extra 40% range back will be a challenge in PT, but my full arm strength is really coming back.

i'll still be careful, so doubt there will be much interesting vids to shoot, but who knows. maybe i should put the snow studs on after all. :p

enjoy that body surfing, hyena. it's time for me to dig out the silk long johns for winter commute.

freedom at last!
Yeah the 6 month mark is really to make sure your bones have mended and fused up solid enough. Your doctor can better tell you (after a couple of post-op xrays) how well your bones are mending and when it's safe for you to put heavier loads on them. Until then be careful and patient. Last thing you want to hear after a couple of months of healing is for your doctor to tell you that your bones aren't mending up properly or staight and they need to go back in and re-break them.
beat most of the snow/sleet this am. not the best day to ride, but no easy public transport to dr's office for 2 month follow up, so what the heck. :twisted:

i happened past the oldest cemetary in the city and the door was open and no one was around and i'd always wanted to see it, so a couple scenes from there, including a minor mishap that tweaked my shoulder.. :eek:
ps. even tho dark, tell me if you think quality is any better (if you open it full screen). i did something different in the editing.. mind you, it's only the hero 1. :mrgreen:
The fingers said:
A shoulder takes lots of time to heal, careful on the power slides. :)

+1 on that... I broken left and right shoulders in different occasions. One side took like 6 months to heal... The uglier one, needed over a year to get strong again.
thanks for the concern about the shoulder, fingers. i'll let my elbow know as well, but don't the message will reach the brain... sorry, couldn't resist. :lol:

all shoulder injuries are different. it's crazy. not sure which are better. very glad i didn't break the bone tho! my shoulder bones are fine. here's a pic the doc gave me of part of my SLAP tear:

here's part of the fix, with the biceps tendon heading up to the left. pretty sure that's nylon. better than duct tape i guess.:

here's a vid that explains the SLAP tear:
and the fix:
and the procedure (on someone, not me) in action, but i wouldn't recommned while eating... or at all if it bothers you.. :p

i had no idea what the SLAP tear was until a month after surgery. docs explained it but i didn't get it...

anyway, doc said healing should be faster now and i really need to work to get range of motion back, which is basically stretching the rotator cuff muscles that have contracted because they've not been used. so that little slip i did may have caused a bit more range than felt good, but doc said very little could damage the repair job. only a big fall or something. but yeah, i need to be careful....
damn, did i leave some yucky vids up here in my last post. lol :lol:

in the meantime, i managed to slip down to florida for some R&R. the beach and 'broadwalk' scene is awesome here and i've been delighted by all manor of wheels to be found!
quite a few electrics around, including one of the first ebikes i coveted at 0:22, a montague/swiss/folder type. that was in like 2008, mind you, and worked well w/ the bionx kit.

can anyone name the DH frame in the first shot and at 0:44?

anyway, out on the main commercial drag, i saw in huge letters THE ELECTRIC BICYCLE STORE. i nearly peed myself. i went back today with a mind to interview the owner for a podcast. the store was hopping. customers were taking test rides. there were lots of nice bikes, scooters, mopeds and some electric skateboards, and everyone acting like it was a normal store. :mrgreen: i asked to video the store but they said no! :( i did go for a little test ride tho... :mrgreen:
i introduced myself to one of the owners, then waited for the partner to show up but he didn't have time to do the interview then and there. i just had lots of questions about their history, experience, product lines (some ancient EVG's were up on the wall), customer demographics, maintenance issues, mainly business crap. i saw four guys working on the floor, but only one of them had heard of ES. they didn't quite seem to understand the wattage i was running, and why on earth i'd ever put oil in the motor.. :twisted: but florida is a different scene. a beach cruiser just doesn't make sense in Washington, D.C, but along the florida beaches, it looks perfect!

happy new year everyone!
Dude... thanks for those SLAP videos :shock:
Actually, my wife and I bonded over me kicking her butt in New England Journal of Medicine image challenges: http://www.nejm.org/image-challenge
Keeping a steady rotation of those pictures and surgery videos did wonders for sorting out who visited my office :D

I think you may have inspired me to put together a common bike injury thread. It doesn't hurt to have this kind of information.

Maybe I can get my wife to do it?

Anyways, here is to your recovery.
Happy New Year, Greg :D

There is some stuff on ES on the Outlaw you rode. What did you think of it?
If I test rode it four years ago I may still be riding it. Very quiet.feels light though the back is def heavyto lift. Front forks are of course overkill. but I like that they have so many different prices for different models, including 1 that looks very similar for 1000 dollars. I think if that store were in DC it might be making some money. it's not particularly fast but it does feel a lot like a bicycle and to be honest I kinda miss that.
I check in on that guy's website every once in awhile...this is new:

100ah battery pack sounds pretty ambitious...single sided swing arm & lots of out of the box thinking.
I have never seen or heard of any one buying his bikes.