GT i-drive 2.0 Build

GCinDC said:
been waiting till fall to get the full face back into action. now i've got new mounts to play with...

Love it!!!! 8) 8) 8) such a cool angle as well!! yeah rear facing would be cool as well!

GCinDC - what are your 0-20, 30, 40mph times? Top speed?

I think I saw amps in the 50 range... so you're pulling 5000w or more? Looks like you are having a blast on the ultimate city transportation machine.

If I had a build like this, it would completely negate my issue of cars overtaking me. I am thinking about getting a 9c hub motor, but I would probably run it at 60v to keep things a bit simpler.
veloman said:
GCinDC - what are your 0-20, 30, 40mph times? Top speed?
no idea. i jump the light and the cars never catch up. you mean how many seconds does it take me to get from 0-20, etc? should be easy enough to find out w/ the gopro camera over the CA... i've just now run out of powerpole housings - been melting the phase wires a lot lately - time to convert those to bullets - anyway, i gotta go a bit easy at high amps.

I am thinking about getting a 9c hub motor, but I would probably run it at 60v to keep things a bit simpler.
you mean w/ 48V lifepo4 that's hot at 60V? or lipo @ 16s? if you do the latter, just go 24s, 96V, 2x 48v meanwells to bulk charge, and then the balancers etc... simpler just cause it'd be hard going up from 60V later... but then there will lots of other considerations.. gears, brakes, tires, all the stuff that'd make it effectively an electric motorcycle.. :twisted:
so this guy FASr7 posted some "video responses" to my vids. wasn't sure what they were but just checked them out, and thought you'd enjoy!
check out the flag! :lol:
i heard moscow traffic was the worst, and this looks like the way to go!
EDIT: just noticed there aren't even pedals! what is this thing?? hehe
GCinDC said:
so this guy FASr7 posted some "video responses" to my vids. wasn't sure what they were but just checked them out, and thought you'd enjoy!
check out the flag! :lol:

Check out the flag?

Check out him taking a call on his phone while still crazy lane splitting in the first video. :shock:
yeah, that cell phone stunt is nuts! next time it'll be a laptop and a coffee...
adrian_sm said:
Check out the flag?
yeah, the one on the front of his ride. russia? moscow? just a nice touch. haha.
but where are the pedals!? replaced with foot pads?
I kinda like it. Definitely simplifies things when you ditch the pedals.

And let's face it once you have 2kw you don't really need pedals.

Took me a while to work out that the constant annoying beeping sounds was actually his horn. I think the horn button is going to be the first thing that wears out on his bike. He gives it a hammering. :D
adrian_sm said:
Took me a while to work out that the constant annoying beeping sounds was actually his horn.
ah ha. I had sound off, but noticed that his hands looked quite busy, doing what, i couldn't make out...

i've never ridden in a recumbent, and am definitely curious. but doesn't seem the best posture for quick reactions...
It depends on the design of the 'bent, and the weight distribution, just like any other bike. One thing that you don't have as much of due to lower height is the pendulum effect, which makes low-speed balance more difficult, but because that effect is less then it is easier to react quickly for side-to-side motions.

On a LWB (long wheel base) 'bent, turn radius is lengthened, but in a SWB then it can be the same as a regular bike, keeping in mind that your feet are now out in front of (and often over) the front wheel.

There are probably good reasons that 'bents were banned from the European bike races early last century (or before?), because they can be so superior in at least some types of racing that regular saddle-style bicycles probably wouldn't be used in them much, if at all, in a very short time (to be competitive).

There are disadvantages--unless you design the seat with something to either belt you in or you have retainer sides on it, body english is very difficult to use to force the bike into maneuvers, without sliding off the seat to the sides. ;) If you use a mesh-sling seat instead, it can be a help to such things, and also acts as a suspension for the body, but then the seat is significantly wider (at least inches wider than you) and will interfere with aero in a non-faired 'bent.

There's tradeoffs either way.
wow this recumbent kickass, He must be using X5302 and darn FAST. Yeah I see, He is from Russia and it looks awful bad traffic in Moscow than Washington DC.

I agree with GCinDC, I definitely want try it out ride a recumbent equipped with X5302 or X5303. I really like the full suspension
recumbent so comfortable long ride.
damn, if i was to either ride that bike, or ride like him here in australia i would get owned so bad by the cops, they would seriously get me for anything they could, no licence, unregistered vehicle, reckless driving, the list goes on...

im suprised about the traffic there though, very different to local drivers. and about that phone - i just got hit by some woman on her phone, she didnt see the red light and hit me, i spun out and hit the light pole. 4 weeks later and still feeling the effects, so yeah, wtf is he doing...
FYI: FASr7 has 17 public vids. On any one of them, click the see all. He's on a 1kW ebike w/ a front motor in early ones. Does an interview in another. Bench tests. One of his (or his buddies?) refers to it as a 'handmade ligerad'. And then there's this classic! scroll to 1:00 for the start.

FASr7, if you're on here, PLEASE say hello!
bandaro said:
damn, if i was to either ride that bike, or ride like him here in australia i would get owned so bad by the cops, they would seriously get me for anything they could, no licence, unregistered vehicle, reckless driving, the list goes on...

im suprised about the traffic there though, very different to local drivers. and about that phone - i just got hit by some woman on her phone, she didnt see the red light and hit me, i spun out and hit the light pole. 4 weeks later and still feeling the effects, so yeah, wtf is he doing...
Wow, sorry to hear about your accident! ebike?

Why are the Oz cops so militant? Lots of ebikes there? No courriers? Just surprised bikers get away w/ murder here... I passed several cops in last couple days going 40mph.. (knock, knock. prayers & prostrations)
The bigger the metro area, the more police look the other way (unless they are trafic specific cops) In small town MI, I can't even get away with simple lane splittng at trafic lights. I tried once on a motorcycle & the drivers in line started opening doors on me & yelling like I was taking a crap on their lawn or something...then found out it is illeagle here. It's common for a Semi trailer to take 2 lanes approching road work zones to keep the line jumpers from making up a few position (self apointed police :roll: ) before it turns 1 lane.
I will have to live/ride vicariously through all the great urban combat driving in this thread. :lol:
GCinDC said:
FASr7, if you're on here, PLEASE say hello!
HELLO anybody !!!

Sorry, but my english on very bad level. AndreyM will be my personal interpreter. We will create new thread about my electrobent "Molniya".
Welcome aboard ES forums, We were talking about your recumbent videos. It was awesome!

FAS said:
GCinDC said:
FASr7, if you're on here, PLEASE say hello!
HELLO anybody !!!

Sorry, but my english on very bad level. AndreyM will be my personal interpreter. We will create new thread about my electrobent "Molniya".
FAS said:
We will create new thread about my electrobent "Molniya".
AWESOME! I read a lot of your thread, translated via google. 40Ah lipo. Wow. Trigger gas? on/off? wow. Nice brakes! Very, very impressive.

I look forward to your build thread, but clearly you've been at it for a while!
tis ok dc, nothing we can do about it, but no, was driving through a green light in my car, but i did have my half built ebike in the back at the time, only bent the front disk so all good (hopefully).

dunno about the cops though, there is very few ebikes around, ive seen one at uni and one at a shopping centre but none else.. so the cops would not be used to them, then nobody really drives like that here either so you would stand out for sure. if you rode fast on a bike path or footpath or empty roads then as long as you were wearing a helmet they wouldnt care, its just the traffic... i got pulled up (warned but not fined) when filling my tyres at a servo because i didnt have lights on the bike, and was in darker clothing. to be honest ive found they really just dont like you riding with traffic, even if you are keeping up easily. plus ebikes are limited to 200 watts here, makes my 3.2kw build slightly illegal :D
FAS said:
HELLO anybody !!!

Sorry, but my english on very bad level. AndreyM will be my personal interpreter. We will create new thread about my electrobent "Molniya".
Здорово москвичи!

Hey G

These videos of yours just get better and better, I have pretty much downloaded all of them now, love the variety of shots on this one, the upturned one was cool I notice your snazzy yellow jacket, take it the weather is turning colder as it is here, indeed my bike to work has been wet all week so far, I dont peddle at all when its raining as it get my feet too wet...I need to make hangers for my feet at the front of the bike to keep them out of the spray!!

Thanks again for sharing the vids, that camera you got is amazing as well, love the trailer with the kids as well, my boy is a little too small for one of those but should fit in there in time.

Keep the vids coming and stay safe out there!! I am almost beginning to know your route to work off by heart!! ha ha

Do the kids in the trailer ever complain about trash from the tire? I have been keeping my rack trunk under my desk at work because it has been too dirty from all of the spray and I have a rear fender! Forecast:


Gonna be wet tomorrow :(
dbaker said:
Do the kids in the trailer ever complain about trash from the tire?
i check with them about that all the time. i ride in the middle of the road and there's less debris there, and i keep the speed down. i did once forget to pull the cover over when it was wet and they got sprayed! haven't done that since! and w/ fall and cooler am temps, i expect the cover will be down more often. actually, i leave early solo and only pick them up in the afternoons 3 days/week. my wife has to drive charlie to daycare so she drops them off. we thought about riding him this fall, but it's too far and couldn't find helmets his size and thought better of it.

meanwhile, i removed my son's training wheels two weekends ago and he took off! he's very rational, so once i explained how to turn the handlebars in the direction he's leaning to balance, he had it. on day two at the park, he was trying bmx tricks! racing down dirt hills, between basketball poles, and over little jumps (crash!). haha.
funny i agree with knoxie im goin, i know that intersection? you must be at work,i bet i could ride the whole commute without getting lost to rides,this one was cool to watch.
if you just bought a gopro for $300, you'll be pretty bummed.

hold-outs will be happy. the one cited earlier for $179 is available...

can't see why this won't own the market: