Helmets Part 1,489,348 - To Wear Or Not To Wear

Ypedal, can you hear very well with those helmets on? I was using an open face motorbike helmet for awhile, but found that I didn't like not being able to hear the traffic around me so went back to bike helmets. Those Giro's look pretty good tho.

Howie said:
Wear a helmet!!!
Hell yeah ! Even the dog wears one.
Currently using a giro g10, snowboarding helmet, warmer for the start of spring. If not, I have a cycling helmet for when it gets warmer. How warm is that giro helmet in the summer...

It is something to consider, getting a full-face...
Here are a couple shots of what I managed to do. I look a little scuffed up but what can ya do? I'm just glad I didn't do anything permanent. I have my mountain bike helmet and my full face both out and I don't care if I'm riding the quarter mile to 7-11, I'm wearing one of them.

As far as the bike, I had the batteries velcro strapped to the back rack and they didn't get tossed but the plastic buckle on the strap had a little scuff. I just got done checking them visually and with the battery medic to make sure no cells looked unhappy and there isn't a scratch on the blue heatshrink and all cells look good. The only thing I can find damaged are the grip ends so far but I'm going to go through everything just to be sure.

Complacency got me and I guess they're called accidents because you didn't plan them. Those excuses wouldn't mean anything if I had split my head wide open and hopefully someone else will see this and throw their helmet on, even for the short leisurely rides.


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Heh, funny you mention going to the 7-11. I did that on a motorcycle in Tempe, AZ one quiet Sunday morning. It was literally right across the street, but as I was coming back I saw a Harley get rear ended while waiting at the stoplight. Absolutely nobody on the road except us three and some ditzy chick smacked into the back of him @ about 10-15 MPH. Stuff happens even though unlikely.

I hope you heal well. Abrasion protection is always a good thing.
ouch, sorry to see the blood, but thanks for the safety warning. I went for a ride tonite and I almost didn't wear a helmet, but after seeing those pics I'm glad I did.

sometimes I wear my motorcycle helmet on the bike. I get some weird looks, but oh well :mrgreen:
auraslip said:
Do you remember what happened? You must of hit a bump pretty hard at 20mph to throw you off the bike!

Yeah, I was coming out of this little subdivision and saw a pothole that was coming faster than I'm used to them coming at me on my other bike. I hit some loose stuff cutting around the hole and the back end broke loose and was aimed at about 10 o'clock and I was moving towards 12.... I think I may have twisted the throttle making things even worse and we parted ways. I tried stepping off but got hung up and it was all over.

I'm not sure if the back tire hit the hole or if it was just from the loose stuff around the hole but I should have been more aware. I've been scuffed up before but I'm more mad at myself for not wearing my helmet and being too relaxed, especially on the maiden voyage!!!


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Oh yuck, look at that - ugh disgusting! the red rashy part looks ok but the rest of it - - - (Vomits) hehe
Might as well advocate full biking armour. shoulder pads elbow pads, knee pads hip guards etc..

I have lots of thoughts on this topic.

Firstly... i HATE bike helmets, they are so inconvenient! I would be more happy with a rugby helmet that is thinner and that is flexible, i find the hard case helmets overkill for me.

Secondly... Know how to fall off a bike... do lots of rolls in the grass on your garden, like aikido rolls jumping as high as you can and landing head first and rolling over your shoulder, something everyone on a bike should know. But when you fall from a bike you will almost never do a front roll... either you will fly off like superman and land on your chest (the PROPER way to fall) or you will go sideways, or a car will hit you and send you in an uncontrolled spin... or your forks will break while you go downhill and you will hit your head and your eyeballs will fall out. (happens)

So.. It's good to have strong arms and know how to take falls. i climb trees, work on agility, it helps.

also when you ride where there are lots of cars, dont put your thumbs hooked behind the handlbar, keep em near the top so your arms wont fly back if you need to fall off.

avoid car areas! they are the most dangerous.

use the handlebars in town.

if you go in an uncontrolled spin, your body will take over, but i like to think that my arms would brace around my head so that it would not take a knock...

i just cant bear a helmet and i havent got a decent rugby, sleeker alternative.

i dont believe that someone that is used to falling and sports and has big arms has a fraction as much to worry about compared to young people...
prorlem with accidents is that you don't always have time to think about how to land.. you just.. go... i have lots of experience with crashing so it just tends to be a reaction vs a though but i don't recommend experimenting with crashing to learn how .. lol..

in the words of silvester the cat " I hate pain, it hurts me " .
Ignore zzoing folks, and make your own decisions based on reality. Yes, I agree, 99% of crashes are totally fine with no helmet, no gloves, etc if you are not a total spaz. Yes, you should learn to get off the bike flying, learn how to lay it down etc. Practice it in soft dirt like loose sand.

And then wear at least a regular bike helmet and gloves for that other 1% of crashes that are accidents. You are never ready for that unexpected one, and aren't going to land the way you like. In mine, going 15 mph- maybe 20, I went over the bars and struck my temple and right shoulder on the curb. Destroyed both my collarbones and a ton of shoulder ligaments, and a helmet. But never even had a headache, let alone a concussion.

This example is a classic 1% er crash. Nobody plans to get off the bike by highsiding it. Worst kind of crash,(not involving a car) but it happens. You don't get to choose how you land in a highside exit.

Once cars are involved you may be screwed regardless of your gear. Last fall, I had a harley rider pass me wearing a tank top and a bandanna. I thought, not much protection for a friday afternoon rush hour ride. A block later there he was, sandwiched between two cars when a light turned red. Pinched between two cars, a helmet wouldn't have helped much. I was amazed his legs were still attached to him. But still, the guy was underdressed.
Helmets are kinda like bullet proof vests. You'll never need one UNTIL YOU GET SHOT...

Lessons learned, eh? Glad you're still among us to share you story!
Finally got done making my wiring harnesses for my new 12 FET from Lyen I programmed for 40A batt 100A phase. Setup is a 9C 8x8 in a 25.25 wheel, 24s2p. Did a little testing around the neighborhood around 10pm to help break in 6 brand new lipo packs. I'm amazed at how much power this has. Using the programmable setting switch with #1 at 66% i can go 22mph, #2 at 75% gets me around 33mph and #3 100% puts me in the 40mph club, not sure where top speed is.

Then while trying to get use to the bike it bit me. I was going 10mph, seated and on #3 and wacked the throttle wide open... front end jumped straight up and I instinctively reached for the clutch which is the front brake on a bicycle. Bike went forward I went off the back, spun 180 and wacked my head hard on the asphalt. Helmet did it's job and I'm glad I was wearing it + the gloves even though I was just testing (always wore gear when riding my motorcycle and it's habit). Helmet is in good shape, bike in good shape, scuffed up the battery trunk, pulled all the lipo out and examaned it for damage and saw one pack had very slightly squished corner so I cut it open and the cells looked OK and also charged fine.

I need to redistribute some of the weight on my bike, having 8 6s lipo packs on the seat post rack is just too much weight over the rear on this setup. I also need to see if my front shock has rebound adjustment so I can dampen it more to help keep the front down when taking off.

I also found out I was current limited to 33A in the cycle analyst, so this setup is going to accelerate even harder now that I adjusted it to a 55A limit so I'll see what it's like on the ride to work tomorrow. I did a ton of stops and starts to see how hot the motor would get. After 15 mins of doing this at least 20 times it was getting toasty (I have very sensitive fingers so normal people would be able to hold their hand on it). Saw a max peak of 65A in the CA and was seeing around 3500 watt peaks on the CA.

This setup is going to make the work commute so much fun. Probably just going to leave it on setting 2 most of the time unless I decide to build a throttle interface to keep it from being so twitchy. This thing has lots of torque at 100V.

I (and everyone else) can't stress enough how important good brakes are for a bike like this. World of difference stopping from 40mph vs 30mph.
Glad to hear you made it out okay, dude.

Yeah, the more weight in the front the better.
Don't think it'll help if you're really going to run 55amps though, lol..
neptronix said:
Glad to hear you made it out okay, dude.

Yeah, the more weight in the front the better.
Don't think it'll help if you're really going to run 55amps though, lol..

55 is my CA limit, controller is set for 40A, I'm considering dropping it to 35A. I'll find out how it does tomorrow.

For now I'm probably just going to be careful and not use the #3 setting until I'm at speed because I don't like how touchy the throttle is at low speed. A 5" over swing arm sure would be nice.
I too run a 24S and 9C on my commuter but I have a slower 7*9 winding. Hitting about 40mph on straights. The stock Lyen 9FET provides 32-35A peak and it's plenty for commuting. I have a longtail bike which is stable enough, but the front end also feels too light at times, especially when loaded.
zombiess said:
Probably just going to leave it on setting 2 most of the time unless I decide to build a throttle interface to keep it from being so twitchy.

Glad to hear ur OK

You might want to consider upgrading to a Magura throttle, much smoother throttle response compared to hall throttles. JRH has them for $41.00, by far the cheapest i've seen. http://holmeshobbies.com/product.php?productid=280&cat=20&bestseller=Y

If you decide to go that direction you'll need this thread as well. http://endless-sphere.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=26283&hilit=Magura

Best of Luck
I always take guff for re-aranging my front brake to the right Bar from my "real" cycling buddies..

I have spent too many hours getting in to "panic" situations doing hi performance riding to trust myself with diferent set ups on a few bikes.

If a situation gets hairy ,instincts take over every time.
Glad to hear you made it & these was no major damage.
What's your helmet?


"It's not an adventure unless something goes terribly wrong." (don't remember where I got this from, but it describes my life perfectly)
This sounds very familiar my first ride on 15s x50 A ended the same. :mrgreen: Happened so fast . No head on the pavement just my arse. And I had the batteries in the triangle.
Helmet is a standard Bell mountain bike helmet. I am going to a full face helmet most likely this weekend.

Thud, the old saying you never rise to the occasion, you fall to the level of your training and I've found that to be one of the most accurate statements ever made every time I test it which usually involves some sort of motor vehicle lol. I'm very glad I've wasted a over a thousand dollars in premature wear on tires over the years from playing around drifting and learning how my cars handle. Unfortunately those skills are no good when it comes to a high power ebike (no where near as high as some on here) and most of my motorcycle riding is far from extreme.

I didn't get to ride it today, I found out this morning that I sprained my wrist last night, so figured I'd take it easy. I found out last night that my rebound is adjustable on my fork, so I tightened it all the way up to slow the weight transfer. I also limited the shock travel by about 0.75 inches which takes some of the power out of the spring during weight transfer. These are the similar changes I'd make to my drag car to control the weight transfer and help keep it under control when launching so I can't wait to try it out now, hopefully tonight. The only bad thing about limiting the front shock travel too far is it changes the rake angle and causes faster turn in, so I only adjusted it a tiny bit. The difference in turn in and high speed stability is at the max and min settings of travel is pretty big, just need to find the happy mid point. I'm also going to soften up the compression on the rear shock to help keep the wheelies down, this should lower my instant center of gravity on launch and spread out the shock load. Just talking about this is getting me excited to go ride it again, especially at 100% power (I'm not going to play with 120% because this is a commuter and officially fast enough for me).

Since I don't know too much about mountain bike suspension setup, I'm using my knowledge of drag racing to try and set the suspension up because it seems applicable for my setup and I'm not doing any technical riding. I've played with it before, but it didn't matter much because my 2806 at 44V and 35A wasn't powerful enough to notice any changes besides faster turn in with the rake angle at minimum. Have any of you guys done suspension tuning like this?

A throttle with a longer range of motion would be very nice for higher powered bikes. I'm going to look into the Magura.

Forgot to mention that while I got the motor a little toasty while abusing it, the phase wires were only slightly warm, about the same as the controller. I shortened them so there is only 3 inches coming out of the axle to reduce the resistance. I don't see any need to replace them on this setup which is a bonus because I'm tired of wiring stuff up (still need to do a regen switch and power switch... grr)
Just did a test ride around the neighborhood, suspension changes really helped. Even with the extra watts it was much more controllable and didn't wheelie as easily, throttle control is still a must but it more enjoyable now.

Saw 4400 watts at one point. 1.7 miles with 10+ stops and hard starts and the motor was only warm. Hope I don't kill it in the near future.