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Hit an animal last night!

http://mashable.com/2016/10/20/magpie-pulls-on-mans-ear-in-slow-motion/#1HroUmiJpEqK :shock: Animals strike back.
Slow-mo video shows innocent man get his ear yanked by angry magpie
We've said it before and we'll say it again: Australia's magpies are vicious killers that must be stopped.
While it's usually their territorial instinct that compels the big-ass birds to swoop, peck and wing-slap passing cyclists and innocent pedestrians during the annual siege that is "magpie season" — some birds just go too far.
Like the magpie that attacked Jaimie Perry, from Tapping, Western Australia, on Wednesday. After setting up his camera to capture footage of the bird he knew would probably swoop him, as it had done the day before, he was surprised to learn the winged harbinger of destruction had a new strategy. Pulling ears.
"He came down, grabbed my ear and flew off again," Mr Perry told The West Australian. "I've been swooped before but never that aggressively ... I was a bit surprised it had drawn blood."
Another reason to never, ever turn your back on a shady magpie.
littleskull99 said:
Anyone else had a moment with an animal?

Yes many many times. I have only been riding my newly built (link in signature) ebike for a month or so. It's dark at 5:30pm so i ride a lot at night. Almost every single night i am out on the country roads near my house in WNC.

I have almost hit white tailed deer countless times. They are noticeable by their white arses passing through my bike lights, and the prancing foot steps sound they make when scampering off into the woods.
Almost ran over a rabbit. Almost ran over a groundhog. Almost ran over a possum.

And most scary i almost hit a full sized black bear going 25+ down this hill!! It was so huge my entire field of vision was black fur in my lights for a moment. Missed it by an inch or two. I scared the shit out of the bear tho :mrgreen: it ran like hell down the side of the mountain.
Unfortunately my GoPro session does terribly in the dark and i only ever captured my voice and black screen. Haha not super interesting to watch.
That's crazy almost hitting a bear!!!

Here's one where I almost hit a dog or two dogs almost got me. I actually think one of them clipped my tire.


Edit: I have one more where I ran over a squirrel. The thing is you can hear me run over it. You can actually see if coming from left if you look carefully. It's starts at 3:30.

http://www.canberratimes.com.au/act...g-cyclist-on-shared-path-20161201-gt1o28.html :(
Tuggeranong woman's dog run over and killed by 'speeding' cyclist on shared path
Megan Doherty

A Tuggeranong woman says lower speed limits for shared paths should be considered after her beloved dog was run over by a speeding cyclist on a path through an enclosed underpass.
The nearly 12-year-old pomeranian, Milo, was run over by the cyclist on Sunday evening and died of his injuries on Wednesday night
"Everyone is just so devastated, he was so loved," Ravinder Singh said.
"He was our baby, no one ever looked at him like he was a dog.
Monash vet Dr Marc Pilkington said the little dog's injuries included several broken ribs, a collapsed lung and damage to his internal organs.

The ACT Government says the speed limit for cyclists on shared paths is 50km/h but some areas have lower limits such as the path across Commonwealth Avenue Bridge which has a 10km/h speed limit.
Mrs Singh said a male cyclist in full lycra speeding "like a bullet' ran completely over the tiny dog's torso when he came around a bend and through a Drakeford Drive underpass about 7pm on Sunday.
She was walking with her friend Jo Favaloro who had her two-year-old grand-daughter in a stroller.
Mrs Singh said her dog was on a lead and did venture in to the right hand land momentarily as the cyclist came around the bend at speed, yelled "bike" and then ran straight over the animal.
"He was apologetic afterwards but I don't think he was very sad about hurting a dog. What if it had been a child?" she said. "It just all happened so fast."

Mrs Singh, Mrs Favaloro and another neighbour, Sandy Hoare, regularly walk around Lake Tuggeranong. The underpass where the accident happened was busy, providing access to the lake, the Hyperdome and across to Bunnings.
They said most cyclists did the right thing but an arrogant minority treated the shared paths as a velodrome to ride at high speeds.
"They almost treat you like dirt," Mrs Favaloro said. "The attitude is, 'What are you doing on the path with a child or a dog?'."
Mrs Hoare said: "It's a time trial to see how fast they can get around the lake, which is disgusting".
Mrs Favaloro suggested the speed limit through an underpass be put at 10km/h or cyclists be made to get off and walk their bike given the often enclosed nature of the space. Mrs Singh said a closed-circuit camera might force cyclists to slow down.

Mrs Hoare said she was aware of body corporates for units around the lake putting in complaints to the ACT government about the behaviour of cyclists on the shared paths. There had also been calls for an extra path to be put in to separate cyclists from walkers.
A Justice and Community Safety Directorate spokesperson said "only four incidents about cyclists speeding on shared pathways'' have been reported to Access Canberra this year.
"Do we have to have a special family pet killed for something to happen?" Mrs Hoare said. "Yes, it's a dog. But for anyone who has owned a dog, they are part of your family. They have lost a family member."

Mrs Singh said her vet bills totalled $4000 but she would have paid anything to save Milo. Her family made a donation in his honour to the RSPCA to help put "his soul at peace".
The JACS spokesperson said cyclists ''should always slow down when passing pedestrians and sound their bell or give a verbal warning before overtaking".
"On footpaths or shared paths a cyclist must give way to all pedestrians and keep left of the path unless it is impractical to do so," a statement said.
"Pedestrians should also keep to the left of the path, appropriately supervise children and keep any dogs or other animals on a lead."
Kangaroo takes a flying leap — on to a cyclist riding through Humbug Scrub
The Advertiser
January 29, 2017 10:19pm
OUT for a quiet ride through the hills, you might expect to see a kangaroo or three. But one landing on your head?
It’s what happened to this cyclist as he rode through Humbug Scrub with a group of fellow cyclists.
In this video posted to Facebook by Peter James Roberts, the roo bounds out of the scrub on the side of the road, and lands right on top of the man’s helmet.
In a neat landing, it finds its feet and it’s off before anyone can stop.
If you’re worried about the kangaroo, don’t be — the post says it was fine.

https://au.news.yahoo.com/a/3606052...k-cooper-killed-by-black-bear-mid-race/#page1 :cry:
Teenage mountain biker killed by black bear mid race
Yahoo US on June 20, 2017, 12:59 pm
A teenage mountain bike rider has been killed by a black bear after he veered off the trail during the middle of a race.
Patrick Cooper had already turned around after reaching the halfway point in a popular mountain race in Alaska when he somehow veered off the trail and became lost. That's when the 16-year-old Anchorage boy encountered the black bear that would take his life in a rare predatory attack.
Cooper began running, and at one point he reportedly placed a frantic call to his brother, saying he was being chased by a bear on Sunday in the Robert Spurr Memorial Hill Climb race south of Anchorage. The brother notified race director Brad Precosky, who alerted race crews to begin searching for Cooper, known as Jack.
It took a couple of hours for responders to locate the teen, whose body was found about a mile up the path, at about 1,500 vertical feet (457 vertical meters). The bear was found at the site, guarding the body.
Chugach State Park ranger shot the 113 kilogram bear in the face, but the animal ran away.

Alaska State Troopers said the boy's remains were airlifted from the scene on Sunday.
State park staffers were scouring the area Monday looking for the bear, State Fish and Game spokesman Ken Marsh said. Sunday's attack was believed to have been a rare predatory move, not a defensive action such as when a female bear will protect her cubs, he said.
"It's very unusual," Marsh said of the mauling. "It's sort of like someone being struck by lightning."

Later Monday, a second fatal mauling at the hands of a black bear was reported nearly 300 miles northeast of Anchorage. Officials with an underground gold mine reported a contract employee hired to take geological samples was killed and another injured in a black bear attack.
Earlier reports say Cooper texted his mother that he was being chased by the bear.
No names have been released. Alaska State Troopers and federal mine officials are investigating the mauling at Pogo Mine.
The trail remained closed following his tragic death.

Matt Wedeking, division operations manager with Alaska State Parks, said the predatory behavior of the bear in the attack on the teen was not normal. Asked if there were cubs around this black bear, he said, "We don't know. There could have been. But right now I don't have any information about the bear."
Areas where wilderness races such as Sunday's take place are inherently risky when it comes to bear encounters, Precosky said. Competitors in the Bird Ridge race sign a liability waiver as part of the registration process.
But competitors often train alone in such areas and are fully aware of the dangers. Races actually can be said to cut down on the risk of a bear encounter because so many people are there, making noise and making their presence known, Precosky said. "There's no safer time to be on a mountain than on a race," he said.
http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/watch-liverpool-cyclist-taken-out-13260440 :shock:
Watch Liverpool cyclist taken out by dog that lunged at him
Christophe Moeri now wants to warn dog owners to control their pets
This is the shocking moment a Liverpool cyclist was knocked off his bike after a dog lunged at him.
Christophe Moeri, 31, was propelled into the air as the Labrador jumped at him, sending him clattering to the ground before rolling over several times and hitting his head.
He said the dog was then aggressive towards him as he was helped to his feet.
Mr Moeri, a retail manager, was left with severe grazing and swelling after the incident on Halebank Road in Widnes at just before 8.30pm on Tuesday.

He said he wanted to warn other dog owners to keep their animals under control.
He said: “I was going at about 23mph and the next minute this dog lunged for me aggressively and I went into the air and flipped over. My head hit the kerb but luckily my helmet took the brunt of it.
“I was dazed and I knew I’d hurt myself. The owner of the dog then tried to pick me up and take me to the side of the road. I got the sense that he was also in shock.
“Then someone else ran across shouting ‘Get that dog away from him, it’s attacking him’.”

The ECHO understands police were called to the scene but no further action is being taken.
Mr Moeri, from Sefton Park, who is a member of Liverpool Phoenix cycling club, was taken to hospital by paramedics but was allowed home the same night.
He said the palms of his hands have been left red raw and he has sprained thumbs and swollen wrists.
Mr Moeri is now planning to take legal action and said he may have to cancel a planned cycling holiday to the Alps.

He said: “The road is well known among the cycling community as a place where a lot of cyclists go because it’s a little bit of countryside close to the city.
“I’m desperate to get back out there on the bike as soon as I can but I’m just frustrated by it all.
“I’m lucky, a lot of my injuries are superficial, I didn’t break any bones and I’m on the mend. But it could have been someone else and it could have been a lot worse.

I would say be aware of your dog and make sure your animal is under control. It was a Labrador, which is not normally the type of dog you’d think would do that.
“It shouldn’t be acceptable.”
http://kalingatv.com/districtnews/2-elderly-men-trampled-death-wild-elephant/ :cry:
KalingaTV News Network
Bhawanipatna: At least two elderly persons were killed in wild elephant attack in Terlo village under Narla South Forest Range in Kalahandi district last night.
The deceased duo has been identified as Meta Majhi and Pitambara Majhi of Terlo village.
Meta and Pitambar who visited a market located in a neighbouring village to sell forest produces were returning home riding a bicycle in the evening, when the attack took place. A wild elephant chased them in a forest road near the village before trampling to death.
Locals recovered the bodies of the victims from the forest this morning and informed their family members. They demanded a compensation of Rs 5 lakh to the kin of each victim.
“As per the government provision family members of each elephant attack victims are entitled to get a compensatory amount of Rs 3 lakh”, said Antaryami Das, Ranger Narla Forest Range after visiting the spot.
“The amount could be given to the victim’s kin only after postmortem, police investigation and forest official reports are submitted to the district administration by them with an application”, he added.
https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-berkshire-44512967 :x

Triathlon organisers are investigating as a horse was hit and its rider hurt by cyclists racing too close to them.
Footage posted on Facebook by the rider showed the moment she said she and her horse were hit during the Windsor Triathlon at about 09:00 BST.
The video shows cyclists pass on both sides, the horse react to a jolt, and the rider cry out.
Organiser Human Race Events said anyone found responsible would be disqualified from the race.
The rider, posting under the name "Jennifer Katherine", said both she and the horse were wearing high-visibility garments at the time of the crash.
She wrote: "The cyclist smashes along the side of my horse, taking my stirrup in the handlebars and bruising up my ankle.
"My horse rears and bolts forward, taking off one of his back shoes."
She said she had been unaware the event had been planned.
"No-one stopped to see if I or the horse was OK after this hit," she said.
"I'm still in shock and feeling very sore along one side of my ankle."
The Windsor Triathlon has been running for 28 years and competitors start and finish the race near Windsor Castle.
Amanda Coyne, who lives near the route of the race, said she had encountered cyclists riding "dangerously" while driving shortly before 09:00
"I nearly had a heart attack as I nearly got hit by a car which had been forced to overtake cyclists who were riding four-abreast," she said.
"They were riding at such speeds and didn't care who was coming in front of them and who was behind them and I really worried there was going to be a terrible accident."
She said she stopped to speak to a race official who she said dismissed her fears.
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Human Race Events tweeted: "We are currently investigating an incident at the Windsor Triathlon involving a group of cyclists and a horse rider.
"We are taking this very seriously. Riders will be identified and disqualified from all Human Race Events. All riders are briefed to follow the Highway Code."
It added: "We do not condone dangerous cycling of any kind. We sincerely apologise to the individual affected."
Seen a horse and cart buck it rider and gallop off down the hill cart on it's side flinging back and for road with a woman parked at the bottom of hill looking as if what shall I do I thought u need to reverse round that corner love rather sharpish bit she didn't and the car was a wrote off booom wing bonnet windscreen and roof, mind the horse slowed to a stop then mind after giving her car what for haha.

Poor rider broke his hip on the kurb falling from a height what a day for him I bet.