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How Do You Figure The Number of Series Cells In This Triangular Configuration

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ZeroEm said:
by markz » Aug 30 2021 12:12pm

Interesting drama going on in this thread, can't believe I missed out on it as it was going on.

I just started reading LateCurtis.


May God have pity on you.

I've been here for ten years and it was only last month that I discovered the post 😱😱😱
Well i'm a newbie compared to all of you. like to read, mechanically inclined, repaired oil wells for 15yrs, then went to collage and focused on IT.
Never realized bikes were so interesting. It's just that now I see how crazy it is to drive a car around.

I like to learn and this is the place to be.
ZeroEm said:
I like to learn and this is the place to be.

That's the greatest compliment that any forum could get. :es: :bigthumb:
neptronix said:
ZeroEm said:
I like to learn and this is the place to be.

That's the greatest compliment that any forum could get. :es: :bigthumb:
I feel the same way. I only discovered this a year ago, but since then have found this a great place full of knowledge and some fantastic people. I try to give back and help as much as I've been helped.

neptronix said:
I have word that fechter, a real mod, told you to stop quarreling with eMark a year ago. Consider this your last warning.

If you do not like what eMark has to say and think he's going about things the wrong way, etc. Correct him in a respectful way, or simply don't read his threads.

On this, I'm at odds. Probably John shouldn't rise to the bait, but essentially, emark is a long time troll who seems to get kicks out of wasting helpful people's time. I'd say this is very damaging. I mean... Troll away if you're trolling other trolls, but when you've got someone trolling spinningmagnets and John who devote huge effort to be useful, I feel like a mod might just come in and nuke the thread (/emarks account).

These troll threads and a few others that are just so dumb they need deleting to avoid people accidentally reading them really sour things for me.
My work has frequent ten minute breaks where I check-in on ES, or scan reddit for interesting headlines. If someone wants to troll me, they better have a lot of time on their hands...
nicobie said:
⬆ x2 ⬆ But we try to give everybody here a chance.
If i've said it once i've said it numerous times that john61ct has misrepresented more than a few of my posts with disinformation to discredit. Because john is very knowledgeable everyone thinks he must be right and therefore i'm the bad guy who's trolling. A fair amount of time is spent composing, editing and correcting typos in my posts in an attempt to STOP john61ct's misrepresentation with verbal attacks to discredit.

In case you hadn't noticed john61ct doesn't like to be confronted or told that he's wrong. Sometimes he doesn't take time to explain his concept(s). Because he's very knowledgeable no one will confront him NOT even Ron as John61ct never forgets. In affect it's john that's trolling when he keeps posting on a thread of mine to discredit me with misinterpretation. Especially when he was told over a year ago to no longer post on my threads. Then his comeback was that he will post if i'm wrong. So, he goes out of his way with misinterpretation and disinformation to discredit and convince others i'm the trouble-maker.

Before the three recent series/parallel threads does anyone remember anyone ever saying that lithium-ion cells function as both "cells in series" and "cells in parallel" at the same time in a well-designed DIY build. This is a concept that newbies can grasp and should grasp (IMO). It will help them along their learning curve in cell pack DIY design. Being that ideally there should be as many series connectons (cells in series or series cells) as parallel connections (cells in parallel or parallel cells).

Part of the current disconnect is that a fair number of you have NOW written me off ... thanks in no small measure to john61ct misrepresenting my posts, discrediting my posts, and posting thee Toxic of toxic insults.

My own take on john's actions is that he may resent my lengthy posts in the attempt to get across a concept, but that wasn't always the case. My college English professor once told me if my high school ever taught a class in English composition after he read our/my class assignment to write a compositon on "Love" using correct/proper grammar? Ever since then i have practiced, practiced, practiced and have often spent more than just one hour composing a reply for this battery forum ... like this reply.

No longer will some even take the time needed to read this reply on its merit ... having written me off. Bottomline i'm even disapppinted in Ron that he thinks i'm trolling. My honest to goodness take is that Ron is going to go along with the prevailing wind; which is typical of peer pressure in the military if you want to get along ... but not always the RIGHT course of action (e.g. "A Few Good Men" movie).
Deleting the whole threads are counter productive.

I try to just focus on delivering the facts (as I see them).

And as several have noted, put in a lot of work explaining details, alternative use cases and battery types

to try to cover general principles.

Even if emark isn't trolling, it is still very easy for relative noobs to just ignore those content-free posts, and thus pick up useful information.
It's okay to not agree on things. Just be civil when you're doing it.

That being said, both of you were asked to stop talking to each other.
Here you are both still having a non-productive conversation.

This thread is already trashed and not worth reading by anyone interested in learning and discussing battery design.

I'm going to do you two a favor.
Get whatever personal conflict you have out of your system in this thread.
At the end of the week, the thread gets thrown in the dumpster.

Outside of that, there will be consequences if the request to stop fighting is ignored again.
neptronix said:
At the end of the week, the thread gets thrown in the dumpster.
Took a few days away from ES with more important matters. Just read this earlier today. The week has come and gone so neptronix must be waiting for my reply before tossing this thread in the ES dumpster :thumb:

On another battery thread a few weeks ago i replied and further added that i agreed with john's previous reply. john quickly replied that i was forbidden by him from ever posting that i agreed with him. I will abide with his request IF john61ct will also agree not to post on a thread i start. This was supposedly our understanding and agreed to over a year ago when fechter was resolving this conflict. However, it wasn't long before john61ct was back at it again with disruptive posts. It seems his purpose is to start to debate with objective to belittle me in the process.

There are several other very knowledgeable ES members that can offer further insight without posting replies that really aren't helpful in that they tend to misrepresent and disinform to the point of derailing a thread. His objective over the past couple years is with the intent to put me down and elevate himself. He apparently holds an unrelenting resentment for me having disagreed with him in the past and with good reason.

There are several other ES members that are just as knowledgeable if not more knowledgeable than john so it really isn't necessary for him to post on a thread i may start when his objective isn't helpful. Here's one suggestion to see if it's possible for john61ct to STOP posting on a future thread i start. Will lay introductory groundwork so hopefully no misunderstanding given me a fresh start with no animosity or assumption that i don't even know the difference between cells in series (series connectons) and cells in parallel (parallel connections).

So will start afresh with New and Improved phrasing ... "Most Number Of 18650/2170 Cells Possible Having Both Series and Parallel Connections In A Triangular Configuration". This is an important consideration with concept(s) not thoroughly understood and discussed whether newbies or not.

One example being advantages / disadvantages of spot-welding versus say NESE (other non spot-welding DIY builds) when it comes to triangular builds and figuring "Most Number Of Cells Possible Having Both Series and Parallel Connections" for most efficient current flow.

The purpose is not to discuss the appropriate size of bus bar connections (as important as that is) as that has already been discussed in several other threads and will continue to be discussed in future threads.
I was waiting for some acknowledgement.
Please feel free to start a new thread. Just make sure discussion is civil in that thread. We do not want to see another thread that is mostly an interpersonal argument, after all. This is not about who is right or wrong ultimately. Moreso how certain people handled a difference in opinion.

I have already john to steer clear of your way. This one is now locked.. i'm surprised you didn't take advantage of the grace period. Maybe it's not that important of a beef to continue... ;)

PS i have been in your shoes when i was a new member here and had this same conflict with drkangel. Best thing to do is to avoid your arch enemy here using the 'add foes' function in your profile. Please take advantage of it.
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