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Is this the same KnightMB that sold us out?

I apologize if I got something wrong, don't know if he was the owner/employee.

I can understand the idea that cash is paypaled to an exchange, and then converted into bitcoin, and then...I can use bitcoin to make encrypted transactions. But...how does one "mine" bitcoins?
Bitcoins are an answer to a VERY complex math problem.

To mine Bitcoins, you setup computers to be working out solutions to the math problems.
How a total n00b mined $700 in bitcoins
We take a Butterfly Labs Bitcoin miner, plug it in, and make it (virtually) rain.

Gold in them bits: Inside the world’s most mysterious Bitcoin mining company
Butterfly Labs has taken millions of dollars worth of orders for its hardware.

Bitcoin mining explained
Nakamoto's Neighbor: My Hunt For Bitcoin's Creator Led To A Paralyzed Crypto Genius

"Just hours after Newsweek‘s story hit the Web, I received an email from an old cryptography community acquaintance of Finney’s who has asked to remain anonymous. The email was titled “What are the odds?” It pointed out that Hal Finney had lived for almost a decade in Temple City, the same 36,000 person town where Newsweek found Dorian Nakamoto. Finney’s address was only a few blocks away from the Nakamoto’s family home.

This was an uncanny link: Finney is known to be the second-ever user of Bitcoin after Satoshi Nakamoto himself. He had been one of the first supporters of the idea when Nakamoto floated it on a cryptography mail list, and even received the first Bitcoin test transaction from Nakamoto in early 2009, as Finney himself wrote in a post to the Bitcointalk forum.

In other words, the possibly-first and confirmed-second ever users of Bitcoin lived just blocks apart."

Good to hear MIT can just blown half a million on something frivilous. Our California schools would kill for some pocketchange. Perhaps Mr. Knight can sell a little of is booty before the entire exchange collapses.

Dauntless said:
Good to hear MIT can just blown half a million on something frivilous. Our California schools would kill for some pocketchange. Perhaps Mr. Knight can sell a little of is booty before the entire exchange collapses.


My California school system seems to have all the cash it can handle. The local high school and middle schools have rebuilt every sports facility in the past 3 years, from swimming pool to tennis courts, soccer, softball, baseball, football field AstroTurf, trac resurfaced, maintenance builds, adding solar, etc. I hope they are spending half as much as actual education, as they are on after-school entertainment.

I am really sick of the bonds that keep getting floated with ads about fixing deteriorating classrooms and buying textbooks, but seem to end up funding everything BUT education. Suckers, er Voters see "kids in need" and vote for the bond issues that jack up tax rates, but the bonds are really feeding the fat cats selling the contracts to install this crap. Between that and the teachers/police unions, California is really over a barrel - Detroit-style bankruptcy here we come.
Dauntless said:
I can't guess what district this would be. Beverly Hills? They're starving around me. Better than 3-5 years ago, but. . . .

Not Beverly Hills, just generic suburbia in LA County. Don't get me wrong, our school district is whining about not having enough supplies/textbooks/teachers and warning of impending crisis and doom... while spending cash on infrastructure like Donald Trump. After the 2008 crash there was a lot of hubbub about not having money to pay teachers - while they ripped up two blocks of perfectly fine tennis courts and replaced them with identical tennis courts, and redid all the fields in AstroTurf. That is when I noticed the nonstop construction, which persists to this day.
oatnet said:
After the 2008 crash there was a lot of hubbub about not having money to pay teachers - while they ripped up two blocks of perfectly fine tennis courts and replaced them with identical tennis courts, and redid all the fields in AstroTurf. That is when I noticed the nonstop construction, which persists to this day.

Capital budgets and operating budgets are different things; any business owner knows this.

The schools may be building things that last for decades, using previously approved bond money that will be paid back over decades. (They also may be using money that came from the state or federal government to do this.) You don't take out long-term loans to pay your staff, though. You pay them out of current revenues, because you have to pay them every month.
dan munsterman why you following so closely after the events of BTC, you spreading salt on knightMBs wounds :mrgreen: :?:
EviL Knievel

oatnet i know building contractors use schemes like striking a deal with who ever is dirty in school controlling the budget, saying il put in receipt the job costs 20,000$ though it really costs 15,000$ so the 5000$ wel split between us dirty scumbags, thats why you can see some totally unneeded construction jobs that make you wonder what the FUK, while a near by block, a road is totally busted for decades that could really use some rebuilding

do we as endless-sphere collective feel like we want to kill knightMB :?:
scriewy said:
do we as endless-sphere collective feel like we want to kill knightMB :?:

If so, get over it.

Man, just sounds like Knight got himself in there at the schools.

So didn't the federal government recently announce that people WOULD lose money on their bitcoins?

Dogecoin beats Danica Patrick.

Maybe a few years ago when she could do the 'Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition' she could have withstood the challenge. But as she gets on in years all it takes is some Dogecoin and Reddit to push her aside.


Can Bitcoin top THAT? KnightMB sponsoring an Indycar?
Dauntless said:
So didn't the federal government recently announce that people WOULD lose money on their bitcoins?


Bitcoin and any digital crypto currency suppose to be taxed, but good luck to them since these coins where built from ground up for being anonymous exchange. Though, they probably can try nabbing the peeps when they convert digital currency to real currency. It really no longer very profitable to even mine Bitcoin because the difficulty settings is now so high from dedicated miner hardware. Reason I am still kicking myself for not mining some back when it was very easy to mine, even my main rig was decent rig those few years back. Only way now to get it is mining other coins to exchange for it, or trade real money for Bitcoin since it kind of acts like a stock in its value.

Of course there are other digital currency like Litecoin, Feathercoin, etc. that use a different code to mine that was suppose to keep dedicated miner hardware from being made for it, but that did not last long as there is hardware being made for it now. Just not as easy to make compared to Bitcoin's code. Did give a go at Litecoin, but since electric is not cheap in California, and I kind of don't want to kill my 7970 video card while mining. Poor thing was breaking 60+ Celsius while doing it. Though, great stress test when testing clocks on a card. But now 7970 my dedicated folder instead.

Dauntless said:
Dogecoin beats Danica Patrick.

Maybe a few years ago when she could do the 'Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition' she could have withstood the challenge. But as she gets on in years all it takes is some Dogecoin and Reddit to push her aside.


Can Bitcoin top THAT? KnightMB sponsoring an Indycar?

O lord, the Dogecoin. Suppose to be a joke coin, but it amazing what been done with it. Remember over on the computer forum I go to. Everybody was mining it for the giggles. :lol:
I am again being prompted...

On a side note:
I will not return to the forum in a technical/social capacity until the last of my (Methods Technology) business is resolved
(ship a box or two, repay some kindness, etc. Has to be that way out of General Principle. Anyone who continues to participate whilst not addressing business is not in my good graces)

That said -> If anyone has spare bandwidth... could you investigate this for me and report back via Email?
(You can find my email thru my sig)

Gridcoin Info from cryptocointalk

What I am interested in knowing is how novel gridcoin is.
Is it one of many or one alone?

thank you
I will return once I have secured income, dealt with loose ends, and have something interesting to work on with you guys.


methods said:

We don't rewrite history around here. The facts stay... and the motive can be speculated on.

methods said:
I am again being prompted...

On a side note:
I will not return to the forum in a technical/social capacity until the last of my (Methods Technology) business is resolved
(ship a box or two, repay some kindness, etc. Has to be that way out of General Principle. Anyone who continues to participate whilst not addressing business is not in my good graces)

That said -> If anyone has spare bandwidth... could you investigate this for me and report back via Email?
(You can find my email thru my sig)

Gridcoin Info from cryptocointalk

What I am interested in knowing is how novel gridcoin is.
Is it one of many or one alone?

thank you
I will return once I have secured income, dealt with loose ends, and have something interesting to work on with you guys.


methods said:

We don't rewrite history around here. The facts stay... and the motive can be speculated on.

holy sh@t he returns!
methods said:
I am again being prompted...

On a side note:
I will not return to the forum in a technical/social capacity until the last of my (Methods Technology) business is resolved
(ship a box or two, repay some kindness, etc. Has to be that way out of General Principle. Anyone who continues to participate whilst not addressing business is not in my good graces)

That said -> If anyone has spare bandwidth... could you investigate this for me and report back via Email?
(You can find my email thru my sig)

Gridcoin Info from cryptocointalk

What I am interested in knowing is how novel gridcoin is.
Is it one of many or one alone?

thank you
I will return once I have secured income, dealt with loose ends, and have something interesting to work on with you guys.


methods said:

We don't rewrite history around here. The facts stay... and the motive can be speculated on.

holy sh@t he returns!
methods said:
If anyone has spare bandwidth... could you investigate this for me and report back via Email?

Looks like a "botnet" for volunteer PCs. Theoretically doing good deed computing for research.
I like that you can choose the projects you want to devote your processing power towards...
[edit] Got signed up for boinc.berkeley.edu, and am currently donating my spare pc power towards SETI (search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) -Cause who didn't love the movie "Contact", and a Bio Research project called Rosetta through the University of Washington (my Alma Mater) which is working on cures for HIV, Malaria, Cancer & Alzheimer's. (My Paternal Grandmother had Alzheimer's pretty bad before she died, and I worry my Dad is starting to show signs.)
spinningmagnets said:
The name "endless-sphere" was a computer services company. The owner was a guy who happened to get an electric bike, so he started a forum for electric bike discussion. Soon after that, a popular E-vehicle forum called V is for Voltage experienced a comprehensive failure, and the main members migrated to the endless-sphere forum.

For a variety of reasons, ES took off rapidly after that point and grew exponentially. V is for Voltage is back on its feet, but it is mainly a green energy and E-scooter forum with an emphasis on the San Francisco bay area. The man who started it all posted on the ES forum as "KnightMB" because his featured E-bike was a Knight branded mountain bike. He decided to sell the control of the ES forum to the highest bidder.

When news of this became known, the majority of ES members feared that who-ever bought it would cover half the visible screen with advertisements to make a profit. (for an example, go to any discussion thread on the French electric bike forum http://cyclurba.fr/forum/161407/bafang-500w-bmsbattery.html?from=11&discussionID=8775&messageID=295816&rubriqueID=102&pageprec=) a banner ad acrodss the top, a column ad down the left side, and every seventh post is an ad.

Justin from ebikes.ca purchased control of the ES forum, and has allowed it to roam free.

Later, KnightMB's identity was uncovered, and it was later found out that he was under investigation for large and suspicious bitcoin transactions.
Some of this is right, but I will make some corrections though since the history of it needs to be true. The forum wasn't sold to the highest bidder. The moderators of the forum were already trying to sell it to someone else without asking or informing me, for about $5k from what I remember. So someone that was involved with that secret sale came directly to me to ask if I knew about it. I didn't have time to maintain the forum as I was able to in the past and with the moderators here trying to secretly sell it, I sold it to that someone who ratted them out and wanted to keep the community going. What was put into writing for the business deal, not to turn the forum into advertisement spammed forum, was the deal. I never saw if the forum got covered in ads or not, ask some others here who remember. Then before I knew it, someone else had already bought the forum again, so basically nullified anything I had with the person who bought it from me. Everything else about data centers and suspicious bitcoin transfers are all untrue, conspiracy based theories. I am glad that the forum is still going. All the hate here for me is completely unfounded and silly. At least though, all these years later, I can always get in the last word in with what really happened to at least make sure that the history of Endless Sphere is true. 8)
It's good to have some resolution on this. And the story is crazier than i thought it was.

Regardless of how it went down, you created a great community and i hope you are proud of what it's become in your absence.

Based on what i've heard, i see endless sphere as an accident that worked out very well. When the community landed in Justin's hands, we were really fortunate. In the near future, we are looking to give it a full revamping and rethinking, all the way up to changing the name. During this process, preserving the ethos and character of the community is critical; the point is to make ES a 'grown up' version of what it always has been. I hope you stick around here long enough to see that happen. :)
knightmb said:
forum wasn't sold to the highest bidder. The moderators of the forum were already trying to sell it to someone else without asking or informing me, for about $5k from what I remember. So someone that was involved with that secret sale came directly to me to ask if I knew about it. I didn't have time to maintain the forum as I was able to in the past and with the moderators here trying to secretly sell it, I sold it to that someone who ratted them out and wanted to keep the community going.

So.. who actually owned it? The secret sale attempt behind your back.. your quick move to sell behind their backs.

Doesn’t ring true. Is it just a fairy tale? You can’t sell what you don’t own.