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Ivanka for President


10 kW
Jan 16, 2020
Apple Valley, California
Ivanka for President..????

That honor should be reserved for his own daughter, Ivanka Trump, he said.
“I want to see the first woman president also, but I don’t want to see the first woman president get into the position the way [Harris] would do it, and she’s not competent, she’s not competent,” he said, mocking Harris’ failed presidential bid and her subsequent nomination as vice president. 
“They’re all saying, ‘We want Ivanka!’” he continued, pointing to supporters near the stage, who stood shoulder to shoulder and largely eschewed masks. Cheers erupted. “I don’t blame them.”

And you people don't believe this man isn't trying to become the first free-world dictator.
Falling in the footsteps of his idol, Kim Jong-un, by alluding to extending the term limit for president, and securing his name so he can cement the Trump family as the new order supreme leaders of his new empire.

When will the fools that follow this narcissistic, wannabe dictator going to wake up and admit they are supporting the overthrow of our democracy.

There is so much proof of what he has been trying to do for the last four years it is mind boggling. But like the Pied Piper he just shows those pearly whites and wags his finger and the meak and disloyal (to our country) just fall in line.

I'm glad I don't have much time left on this planet, so I don't have to witness, what is coming.
She might be totally incompetent, raised within a broken moral framework, and divorced from any normal reality that honest working people experience... but she could hardly be worse than the old man. Regression to the mean and all.
Balmorhea said:
but she could hardly be worse than the old man.

Being worse than the old man is not possible. Just being the same is totally not acceptable.

This election is a vote for saving our Democracy from an attempt to turn it into an authoritarian run empire.
At the very least reduce it to near ashes, possibly to burn out, while the new authoritarian party grows. Anyone looked at Belarus lately? And Putin (Trumps idol) is helping that president as well.
Think we aren't headed in that direction? Watch what happens after Nov 3rd.


But it's not all Donald Trump's fault. The poor old man has an addiction, therefore can't help himself. If it wasn't for the people that bow down, and kiss his filthy feet, there wouldn't be this much of a problem.
The more they slobber over him, the bolder he becomes. The bolder his family becomes.
Then one day they will wake up from their illusion, and ask with alarm.. :shock: Oh dear God what have I done?

When Trump runs for re-election in 2024 (and he will) he will have Ivanka as his running mate.
By 2024 he will have legislation adopted, that will extend the presidents term from 8 years to 12, then to 16, and beyond, just as his idols Putin, Un, Xi have done. One only needs to watch what he is doing and how soon it will be before he calls for a referendum to reform the Constitution. (as Putin did)

Trump is watching Belarus, you can bet on that. He is looking for intimidation tips he can use against our country. Compare the statements he makes and see if they aren't familiar to what the Belarus president uses.

Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely
An observation that a person's sense of morality lessens as his or her power increases.
The statement was made by Lord Acton, a British historian of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

That observation, not only applies to the president, it also applies to all who support him. Through 'his' power, they derive their sense of power. Thus proliferating his authoritarian power and corruption.

I am so fed up because of this, and those that don't like my comment, can bow down and kiss the southern region of my anatomy where the sun don't shine. :evil:
HK12K said:
I'd pick her over Biden too if those were my only options.

That's because you're deranged.

Biden is useless at best, somewhat harmful at worst. Trumps are severely harmful and toxic. But if that's your jam, I can't help you. Enjoy your poison.

There's no way I'll support either one, because I am for the betterment of my country.
Biden is useless at best,

At best, Biden has been made to realize that his own MOR politics are not up to the challenges facing the country, and that it's best to let the Progressive wing try to back us up from the abyss.
LeftieBiker said:
Biden is useless at best,

At best, Biden has been made to realize that his own MOR politics are not up to the challenges facing the country, and that it's best to let the Progressive wing try to back us up from the abyss.

Fat chance of that. If he had that kind of moral fiber in him, he’d have endorsed Bernie.
LeftieBiker said:
Shades of grey, my man. Shades of grey.

Bernie is a shade of gray.

The exploiter class in this country have earned another Pol Pot, and yet they refused to consent to Bernie, who would have been the easy way out for them. I won’t shed any tears for them when they finally get what they’ve been begging for (if I live that long).

whats with you radical lefties rolling out the guillotines. thats what the Jacobins did, pretty much an open threat to the lives of conservatives or anyone that doesnt fall in line. your the ones that will turn Trump into Hitler with all your violent BS. all you had to do was find ONE decent human being in your party that the majority of Americans would vote for and you couldnt :shock:

what i find hilarious is Trumps more liberal than the democrats are :lol: :lol: :lol:
If her last name was Kennedy they'd be lining up to eat the corn out of her shit.
Balmorhea said:
LeftieBiker said:
Biden is useless at best,

At best, Biden has been made to realize that his own MOR politics are not up to the challenges facing the country, and that it's best to let the Progressive wing try to back us up from the abyss.

Fat chance of that. If he had that kind of moral fiber in him, he’d have endorsed Bernie.

Useless? Don't you know what a great money manager the 'Senator from MBNA' really IS?

So it was back in the days of Bill Clinton when Joe Biden has having a hard time living on his 6 figure senate income. I'm sure you can sympathize. So on the eve of reelection he came up with a way to pay off the mountain of debt hanging over his head before his opponent could use it against him. Using a specially prepared appraisal of his home that exceeded the comparable homes in his area, he sold his house for $1.2 million when the local agents and experts said it should have sold for under $900,000 even it didn't need so much work done. Thus was Biden able to buy another house and continue in the manner his was accustomed to and still pay off some, but not all, of his debt.

Damn, good thing MBNA transferred an executive to need a home in the area, right? I'm not sure he could have managed the deal if the company hadn't given him well over $300,000 for "Relocation Costs." Then there came the bundling deal. Now that they knew Biden was in the area and in the senate, a big buck executive found some 30 employees to give at least SOMETHING to Biden. The executive was limited to $2,000 individually, but thanks to the miracle of bundling, when 30 employees gave less than $2,000 total, the executive could add over $60,000 to equal $62,000 from the 31 of them, thus averaging $2,000 each. They could do this every year.

Biden decries bundling, by the way. Just as he decried potential changes to the bankruptcy law that Elizabeth Warren said would benefit poor people at the expense of banks like MBNA. Don't you worry, he took care of it. As Warren complained about in the primaries. Oh, MBNA of course also got Hunter Biden in the deal, as he went to work there.

And thus did Biden earn the nickname 'The Senator from MBNA.' Isn't THIS the kind of money management you've come to expect from the politicians you choose to vote for?