joe cell & techidigitation

Feb 9, 2007
first heard of this about 5 years back from a college schoolmate i hadn't seen in years.
during the couple of hours of nerd-talk that followed about my then new ebike, batteries & the like, he suggested that i google 'joe cell' & 'brown gas' which he seemed pretty convinced was real.
i thought 'yeah sure' but even though i made a mental note & fully intended to follow up on it i never did.

today while searching youtube for hubless wheels, in the midst of youtube's video recomendations (which was all bike & motorcycle related), this video pops up; how did youtube know?
a google search of ES for 'joe cell', 'joecell' & 'joe-cell' turned up nothing & being newly posted it might be of interest or a larf.

anyways altho i'm highly doubtfull there's anything to this i will always sit thru stuf like this to at least hear them out.
just in case it's the one in a million that turns out to be tru, but even if more than likely not, then only to learn 'what's the scam?'
this thing has been around a long time now so Joe's got legs.
so what *is* the scam, any ideas or is there a kernal of something here?

G'day Toorbough ULL-Zeveigh,

...thought you may be interseted in what has happened down under in relation to the "Joe cell", enjoy mate :D
so it's all just prank then.
that's real commitment to the bit for that long.
if i pulled this sort of stunt on april fools i'd have trouble keeping a straight face for the whole day.

nobody even tracked down his real name yet?
'my name is boxxxy' got busted quicker than this. :roll:
still can't figure why ABC or australian 60 minutes haven't exposed this by now.
or simply died on it's own accord, how the hell does it keep going if there's no payoff?
Seems every country in the world has their "magicians" or "alchemists" able to turn simple water into usable energy. The USA's version of 60 minutes did a similar piece on a person who had invented a way to turn water into fuel to power an engine similar to your "Joe Cell". :wink: