Keeping up with technological developments


100 W
Feb 10, 2022
Thought I’d start a discussion on this as I don’t know many folks near me who do ev conversions.

I have been using the QS138 70H V3 motor for sometime now and on many builds. Paired up usually with a Votol EM150 controller. I’ve always been quite pleased with the performance and feel like I have a good grasp on the tuning of it all. But as all things do, we get new tech and products put in our face constantly.

I want to hear if any of you think the Votol controllers are becoming outdated and soon to be obsolete? Same as the 138 motor. I’d love a controller with Bluetooth technology but I’m nervous to make a jump from the Votol as I have so much experience with them now.

If so, any recommendations? I’ve checked out the BAC4000 and a few others but no personal experience.

For the motors I've been doing some research into the Sotion motor. They have one also with an internal gear reduction and I quite like the look of those compared to the QS motors. Seems a bit smaller too.

Just like our phones and computers, I’m down to try the newest out there but why change things up when the products I’ve been using work fine?

I mainly do motorcycle conversions and run 72V systems with typically no more than 150-200 amps continuous. I don’t build ultra high performance machines but like them to have a bit of pep!

Would love to hear your thoughts on all this!
If you look for controller disassembling videos , the votol controllers are well made.
If you know how to set parameters and tune the controller there is nothing wrong with your choice.

Votol also has a bluetooth module.
Youtube link to votol Bluetooth

In terms of motors, the best improvement would be , much higher internal rpm, oil or water cooling and better reduction gears, and better sprocket atachment.
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If you look for controller disassembling videos , the votol controllers are well made.
If you know how to set parameters and tune the controller there is nothing wrong with your choice.

Votol also has a bluetooth module.
Youtube link to votol Bluetooth

In terms of motors, the best improvement would be , much higher internal rpm, oil or water cooling and better reduction gears, and better sprocket atachment.
I did watch a few videos of the Votols being opened up. I do think it’s invaluable knowing how to setup a controller and use the settings. Same as learning a different computer software. The more you use it the more you can do. Thanks for the link, I’ll look into that. Sometimes it’s a paint to get to the 4 Pin USB port and being able to do thinks via an app or something instead would be awesome.

I use an Aracer ECU on my Kawasaki Z125 and it’s a fully programmable ecu that uses your phone and an app to program.
I want to hear if any of you think the Votol controllers are becoming outdated and soon to be obsolete? Same as the 138 motor.
Those terms only apply if you have a specific need for a feature that the items in question do not support.

If a system you use works perfectly for you, it doesn't matter. ;)

When upgrading, or if you are looking to build a new system that needs a feature you don't have in a particular item, then you just go find the product that does have it that *also* meets all your other needs. ;)

I’d love a controller with Bluetooth technology but I’m nervous to make a jump from the Votol as I have so much experience with them now.
What specifically do you need BT for?

If you don't have a specific thing in mind, then changing just to get BT in general is kind of pointless, since all BT itself is is a communication method. ;) What any particular device implements in it can vary from simple information output (that you could probably get via other means) to potentially complete control over the device by remote. What you want from it might not even be available from any particular device you want to or can use.

BUT: Virtually all BT-connected devices use an app on a phone (or similar device) to do all interactions with. This app must work on your specific phone/etc, and it often must also have an internet connection to phone home and update itself--at least some (probably many) have built in expiration dates so even when there are no updates available to replace it with it still ceases to function, leaving you with a potentially useless feature on the device it's for, or worse, a useless device that doesn't operate or can't be setup without the app. :(

The app itself is often poorly written, and not in English (or poorly translated), and doesn't usually have all the features / settings / etc available that it could (though it may have stuff available that is not from other ways, such as PC-based setup programs).

For the motors I've been doing some research into the Sotion motor. They have one also with an internal gear reduction and I quite like the look of those compared to the QS motors. Seems a bit smaller too.
Keep in mind that with motors, smaller usually means cabable of less power (watts), as there is less thermal mass. It may also mean less torque (or lower efficiency, etc) from less copper (but there are other factors for those things).

What any particular motor can actually do would have to be tested in the specific situation / build, unless they all have identical dyno testing you can compare them with (highly unlikely--even if they're all tested on dynos, if the testing is done differently they are not necessarily tested the same and may not be directly comparable).