longboard one esc two motors no torque


10 W
Mar 28, 2016
Buenos Aires

Im using a 12ARC ESC flycolor 6s , wich is a lot more current than needed , to use in a longboard... I have joined both motors phases in paralllel and not using the hall sensor at all,,,,, when testing wheels up all works fine, but if I try to stop then by hand they have no torque at all, assuming the max current supported by my ESC is 120A !!! what would be the problem them?? motors are embedded in wheel very common ones

ok ... was an attempt because a lot of google search returned like

Can 1 ESC power 2 motors?

You can, but it's not recommended. First of, you will need an ESC that can handle twice the current of what one motor consumes. The motors will also be seen as one single motor by the ESC, so of one of them has an error or becomes out of sync, both of them will stop.Apr 19, 2020
I noticed that was the lowest rated answer on that thread but all three responses, including the highest rated, were, in a practical sense, saying no.
Nope .... with single motor does the same... turns on fine but no torque.... i can stop with hand... tried another ESC 150A this time and does the same... tried another battery and does the same think (turns on fine accelerates fine but hand easilly stopable