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lost one of our best minds here, rkosiorek, has died


1 PW
Jun 9, 2008
portland, or and loveland, co
just got this on a mailbot for the yahoo groups, he was right up there at the top in smarts about how to do this stuff. he will be missed:

from mary> "Was informed today that Rick Kosiorek died of a heart attack almost 2 weeks ago. Rick was a friend since 2001 and the guy who repaired all the e-motor stuff I managed to break. Rick would drop by when he visited Toronto which was not all that often after losing a leg in a trike accident a few year ago. I hate losing Rick since he was one of the few people I could bounce ideas off who didn't think I was nuts."
RIP rkosiorek. May his double D's remain in motion perpetually, here. I looked forward to reading his posts and will miss them. I'd be happy to be half the Mad Scientist he was. He was member #39 here.
This is really sad. If anyone had a chance to meet Rick, he had an unbelievable amount of optimism and positive energy no matter what circumstances were thrown his way. After freak leg amputation, being confined to a wheelchair, loosing his home and moving to a single floor pseudo-care facility, most people would be pretty much in the dumps. But Rick managed to sneak in his entire workshop over to small living room of this space and kept on trucking away, it seems without loosing a beat. I was lucky to stop by his place on the canada ebike trip and he left a huge impression on me. His contributions to the tech and repair side of the ebike world go back over a decade (before my time for sure) and will live on here for years. You're a legend Rick.

Rick Kosiorek.jpg
Back in 2007, I was needing some inside tech advice on making a home made ebrake switch, and Rick lent me a hand. He had just made the move from his house to the apt and was still digging around for his own switches that he was selling but couldn't locate them in the "stuff". We exchanged several emails and he was quite the helpful, giving guy. He had an amazing attitude for someone who was dealing with so many life changes all pretty much happening at the same time. What an amazing contributor to our world.

RIP Rick

Tomas Breedlove
Hello everybody,
I was informed of this forum and the post about Rick’s passing. So I decided to register and maybe shed a little more light on this.
I first met Rick more than 20 years ago. We did business in the same building in Belleville. Rick had his Demons in his life and he had come to Belleville from Mississauga, where he grew up, to fight the same. Subsequently he got stuck here or liked it here. At that time he was a lot slimmer. He had his good times and his bad times. It was only many years later that he totally shook off his demons and tried to stay on top of things. Smoking and Diet Pepsi in large quantities however stayed with him. And of course Coffee. We had many together over the years and discussed the problems of the world.
Rick had the gift of a biting sarcasm and never shied back from telling you what he thought of you, or, in plain English, he would simply tell you that you were stupid if you did not immediately succeed to rise to his almost Einstein level of thinking and vast knowledge.
Rick had travelled the world when he was younger. Supposedly he was in the Peace Corps and spent time in Thailand (where he “fought” with the warlords), he worked as a computer programmer in Israel and had some tall stories to tell, claiming that he got drafted into the army because his Polish name sounded too Jewish. He returned to Canada via England, where he was born in 1955 to his Polish parents who had gone there from Poland after the war and then came to Canada later on.
Ricks father established a very large machine shop in Mississauga and sold the same upon retirement many years ago. They produced mostly airplane parts and the company still does so today. Rick’s father is now 89. He had remarried more than 20 years ago after his first wife, Rick’s mother, passed away a long time ago. Rick has one brother who is paralyzed from the waist down and is in a wheelchair. He is married with children. Rick however never married and has no kids. Rick was the” heir apparent” to his father’s business but lost out because of his demons. But he had spent a lot of time in the machine shop and learned to use the machines there. It was later that he got into computer programming which he stayed with until the end.
In his younger days Rick was an avid gun collector and a good shooter on the ranges. He also worked as a security guard and had no qualms to tell people that he would shoot them if they did not get out of his way. As far as I know nobody ever put those statements to the test.
Besides his computer work and the just started eBike technology, Rick was working at a local call centre and lived in a spacious apartment. I think that his initial enthusiasm for eBikes came from the fact that he had gotten so large, that it was difficult for him to ride a normal bike. It had also become necessary for him to have a heart by-pass operation which was done in Kingston. One evening after work he went for a bike ride and hit a large pothole on a secluded street. He went over the handle bars and impacted on the non-yielding pavement and pulverized his shoulder which then bestowed him with a titanium shoulder joint. It was a long road to recovery. Not long after that he cut his toe on one of his machines and it got infected. He went to emergency but was unwilling to wait there and went home. A week later a friend came by and noticed how bad his foot was and took him to the hospital which resulted in Rick losing his lower leg.
He was in the hospital for a long time. I visited him daily and brought him his “Timmy”. He could not smoke and he had promised me that after weeks in his room, where he could not smoke, he would keep it “quits” since he was over it. But then he got his first wheelchair and one morning when I came he was not in his room. I looked on the patio and there was Rick puffing away. Needless to say that I was totally miffed.
Since he had no means of income he had to give up his apartment and it fell on me to clean it out while he was still in the hospital. I moved all his stuff into a garage which a friend had lent him. It took me a month to accomplish this. When Rick got out of the hospital he applied for the Ontario Disability and got it and he also got a small bachelor apartment in the public housing building. This is where the picture was taken that you see on the other post by justin le. Rick had sued the city for the pothole/bike accident and got a settlement which he promptly converted into the machinery which he moved into this little one room apartment. Later on he moved into a one bedroom apartment across the hall and he increased his machinery and eBike parts and computer collection.
Last Year Rick had received a pacemaker and it was done under the condition that he gave up smoking, which he finally did. But unfortunately he never adjusted his dietary habits and kept on enjoying good and plenty of fast food as well as his beloved 4 liters of Diet Pepsi and lots of Coffee per day.
The superintendant of the building, who incidentally had scheduled an inspection of Rick’s apartment for that day, found Rick on the morning of April 2nd sitting in his computer chair. He had passed away the day before of a massive heart attack. Of course only Rick would pull an April’s fool trick like that. Obviously he did not suffer.
His parents were still in Florida and drove back. It was a week later that they finally got to Belleville and we were allowed to enter the apartment. Rick’s father has asked me to clean out the apartment and to dispose of all items.
There is a huge amount of bicycle parts and machinery. Also there are 2 2-wheel bikes and 1 3-wheel bike. All are partially taken apart but supposedly all wheels and parts are there. There is a rig to hold a wheel for threading spokes and many boxes full of electronic bike parts. I am looking for somebody who is interested in all this stuff for a fair and reasonable price. In the next couple of days I will try to establish some kind of list of the items. Of course anybody interested is welcome to come to Belleville and see the stuff. I am trying to have the apartment empty by April 30th.
There is also a milling machine, a lathe, a drill press and a sanding machine plus accessories for the same and other stuff.
Rick has been cremated and his Funeral Mass and internment will be in Mississauga on Tuesday, April 29, at 11 AM. If anybody is interested, I can let you know the church and cemetery.
I can only hope and pray that Rick is able to look back and is able to say that he enjoyed his time here on earth. May he rest in peace.
thanks for that walter.

we only know people through yakking over the net. rarely even have clue who people are or where they have been so this helped a lot.

i gotta admit smoking was harder to quit than anything, even drinking. i had to quit because i got so sick i couldn't breathe and was living in a barn in the middle of a colorado winter so i had to give it up, but only so my lungs would last long enuff to smoke herbal remedies i prefer.

he was lucky he had friends close so we appreciate your being there for him. tell his other friends and his dad how much we liked him.
i heard this last week and was in disbelief, :cry: ...... I talked to him every few months via Skype, and our last chat was back in march... Rick chugging down from a 2 L of his loved diet pepsi..... he was a smart man and will be missed.

I'm still running some of his repair work on crystalyte controllers.. will think of him every time i hit that power button. 8)
Sounds like a well respected guy who's lived an interesting life. You can't ask for much more then that.

Thanks for the summary.
RIP Rick....., Obviously one of the smarter kids around here, always loved reading his posts. condolences to the family
spinningmagnets said:
I first got involved in ES about the time RC friction drives became a subject of interest and experimentation back in 2009. I remember Rick being very helpful with technical information and improvements to anyone and everyone:


I was just thinking the same thing. In fact, he is the reason I decided to try a friction drive that moved into the tire. Because of him there have been a lot of very cool projects on here. One of the most helpful people I've met on the 'sphere.
Successor said:
So I decided to register and maybe shed a little more light on this.

Hi Walter and thanks for logging on and sharing the more complete life story here, it really helps fill in the picture a bit, and from what I saw of Rick I'm sure that your last statement holds true.

I'm imagining that Rick would be pretty happy to see at least parts of his amassed collection wind up back in the hands of people doing mad experiments with ebikes, so hopefully someone from here is nearby enough to help with your disposal and allocation task and can find some appreciative home for this stuff. I couldn't cross the country again to make the funeral but he'll be in my thoughts today. Wishing the best for his family and friends. -Justin
i had no idea what he had to endure there at the end that i feel must be the reason his life was cut short.

i am terribly sensitive now about bike accidents now that there are so many people driving huge truck size cars at high speeds with the cell phone in their hand in front of them so they can read their message and text out the reply without even slowing down.

i watched a girl drive through heavy traffic at high speed passing in and out of lanes and all the while she was texting someone on her phone on the steering wheel. i see about 1 in 4 people looking at their phone and not the road.

i was at a birthday party sunday and a friend was telling me of how he lost a good friend, run over and left in a ditch on the side of the road and it was two days before he was discovered. spine broken at C3, spine crushed, multiple broken bones and ribs, severe head trauma in spite of his helmet, dehydrated from two days in the ditch, he lasted another 8 days in the hospital and died of kidney failure from the dehydration. just another hit and run.

we are gonna miss rick. wondered why he had not been around recently. he endured a lot without whining here.
Thanks again everybody for your thoughts and wishes.
When I go to Rick's funeral mass next Tuesday, I will pass it on to his parents and his brother.

Yes, Rick certainly had his share of suffering. But I believe he also had his share of fun and joy, even if it may have been different than that of "regular" people. LOL! Rick was different and he was proud of it. He fought for the things he believed in. And he never whined or complained. He surrounded himself with the things he loved most, his machinery and his computers.

The massive amount of bike parts (mostly electric) and the three taken-apart bikes are still available if somebody is interested.

Have a good weekend
Hi Successor,

I am fairly new here and never had a chance to speak to Rick, it's always sad to hear of a great mind passing away.

I would be interested in purchasing a lot of the equipment that Rick left behind, what is the best way to contact you regarding that?
Oh I just discovered that.. :(

RIP Rick... he was a great contributor to this forum as well.

This make me think that as the E-S community grow, the % of people death have more chance to happen on the forum... this is life...

This make me think that with these forums and internet it's like we continue to live virtually thru every thread and comment and video we share...

If someone make a search about something that Rick wrote and find that on the E-S.. this person will think that rick is still alive, because there is nothing that show in our signature that we are dead... well from now...

This remind me when before Christmas I lost all my Youtube account :( by accident.. for me it was like a part of my life that disappeared instantaneously.. and also that everyone that search for my video might think I'm dead...

Internet make us to appear living few more years or decades from every single trace we left on the web...

At least Rick will have left us knowledge and experiences that people will continu finding and using...

Yesterday was the funeral mass and internment for Rick's ashes.
It was in Mississauga (Toronto, Ontario) where his father and stepmother lives.
A wonderful service in a beautiful church.
I had thought that we may have needed two urns for the big guy, but they did a good job.
Rick is now interned in an impressive mausoleum in Mississauga.
May he rest in peace.

I have printed out all your condolences and wishes and given them to his father.
Thanks to all who cared and commented.

