Lyen Controller Programming Q's


10 MW
Aug 29, 2009
Oregon City Oregon
If anyone who is able to help with some basic Q's about programming a Lyen controller, plz PM me.

I know that Lyen doesn't want his software details disclosed, so I'd rather you not say it in just a post here. :wink:

What I am wanting to figure out is first off what settings the controller currently has, and to adjust the LVC and HVC, I am pretty sure I have identified these two fields, but before I change things I wana make sure.

Thanks! :)

P.S. I am using the 12 FET super modder controller.
I have the same controller in the mail - installed the sw and was wondering the same questions.

Lyen is great , but the non disclosure stuff is weird. v0v
Well, I am sure he has worked hard to develop the software, and would not like to have his hard work stolen by some random person looking at ES or elsewhere if it were posted, thus stealing his idea. :wink:
You won't need to save the original settings. I thought that I would at first also. After you've reprogrammed a few dozen times, it becomes second nature. Personally, I set the LVC at 3.68v/cell. Of course if you have modified the controller for high voltage operation, you will need to know the formula for programming the software LVC to get the correct actual LVC. It should be something like:
LVCsoftware = (LVCactual +2) / 2

I want my LVCactual to be 92V, so (92 + 2)/2 = 47V

So I program 47V in the software.

Same formula should apply to battery current and phase current settings.
I haven't gotten the xpd on my windows 7 machine to work yet. It wouldn't let me select the port. :cry: Not sure what I need to do.
I haven't gotten the xpd on my windows 7 machine to work yet. It wouldn't let me select the port. Not sure what I need to do.

Did you make sure the USB cord was inserted before you launched the program? I find if I launch the program then plug the cord in it isn't available on the port, but if I make sure the cord is in then launch the program it appears as one of the ports.

Also, make sure the USB you plug into is a main powered USB port, not on a hub etc.. It won't work in the USB hub attached to my keyboard, only on the main USB port on the computer.
Well slap me silly and call me stupid. That worked! Sometimes the obvious eludes me. Thanks!
I've installed the XPD program on my computer and it will not launch at all. Execute the file and nothing happens. I'm running Windows 7 64 bit. Anyone else have issues. I haven't had any trouble with Lyens program or the regular parameter software.
I am also having some issues. I am running windows ten. Does that matter? I got the yellow exclamation mark and on his manual it said "if you get this mark click here" and was a dead end node...

I also tried it on my old machine with windows 7. No exclamation mark, but the file would not transfer onto the flash memory. I clicked and even tried holding the button during transit but nothing happened...anyone have any insight?

Is there a youtube video or something of someone going through step by step? It's crazy if there isn't...microprocessor programming is so finicky even with a good tutorial it is a pain. Even if i could get it to transfer on to the controller. I am just guessing about what many of those feilds should be...