Feb 9, 2007
"conditions worsening...
situation desparate...
running low on beer!!!!",

is how the good citizens of T.O. would be in a panik right now if they had to contend with this weather we're having.
by declaring an emergency & demanding the canadian army be called in to rescue them. :roll:
for us prairie-folk tho it's just another one of yer typical day in May boring dump of snoze we get practically every year (yawn!).

coupla pix taken from the beginning of this month.

View attachment bakYARD.jpg

all that snow melted away pretty quick.
with winter finally over, last week we hit record daytime highs in the mid 80 deg's F!
now 25 days later it's back to winter.

conditions earlier this evening taken two hours b4 sundown.

i do believe this could very well be our longest summer ever. :wink:
there really must be something to this global warming thang. :p
it's really coming down right now & if this snow stix around another day into next month, then i can honestly say that in my half century of living here that July will be the only month of the year i've ever seen it go without snow; yet.
this is why LiPo won't work too well for me where it routinely gets to below freezing 10 months out of the year.
a battery that produces it's own heat the way NiMH does is not such a bad thing in this environment.
as i like to repeat, it's the 'best for what?' that matters.
same thing goes for halogen headlights, good for keeping the frostbite off the hands.

actually i think i found the cause for all this icy weather & it's not GW.
apparently there are no atheists in safe-holes & Hell really has frozen over.

safe said:
Meh... safe will post anything to draw attention. If more folks were running chains, he'd promote hubbies as if he'd invented them hisself.