Meanwell Q5 fan mod not working


10 W
Aug 18, 2010
Ontario, Canada
Hello everyone,

I tried to fan mod my two meanwell s-350-48V acording to NeilP's instructions by shorting two of the pins on the Q5 transistor to force the cooling fan to stay on.

Photo from auraslip's website:

I soldered two wires to the pins so that I could attach them to a switch on the outside of the meanwell. With the first meanwell I modded, the fan turned on when I shorted the wires. The second meanwell did nothing. Then, when I tried again with the first, it no longer worked but created a quick buzzing noise every time the wires were shorted.

Later, as I was charging my lipo's, the fan turned on automatically and I tried shorting the wires. This stopped the fan. When I broke the connection between the wires, the fan restarted. So my question is, has anyone experienced this before and found a fix? Or am I shorting the wrong two pins? The board in the photo above does not look exactly the same to my meanwell's board so maybe the transistor is placed backwards on mine? Thanks!

You should short Q5's emitter and collector, so find out which transistor Q5 is, open it's datasheet and you'll see which pins you need to short.
It was same on my MW :).