"movin em forward" custom battery case


100 W
Nov 19, 2009
Kansas City - USA
Not being able to keep the front tire on the ground while accelerating encouraged me to start this project. I 1st thought of strapping heavy weights to the front fork and realized that was stupid. So here's what I did0709111917.jpg I used steel pop rivets to attach the brackets to the frame0710111714.jpgsketched out the pattern on some naugahideView attachment 4 my hand sewing sewing needs some practice0711111431.jpg the cover wraps around the frameView attachment 2 All to make a padded waterproof enclosure for the 'precious cargo'View attachment 1 It's not as "stealthy" as it was, but it will carry 1.5 kilowatthours or 24s3p0715111014.jpg the bike is faster than the truck in the '100 yard dash' :mrgreen:
REdiculous said:
Nice, but I don't understand what the brackets are for.
The brackets support the weight of the batteries and hold them in place, the naugahide isn't strong enough - just for looks & waterproofing
So what is protecting the batts? I always advocate something hard between the packs and the roadrash. At least slip a chunk of coroplast in there.

Here's my box, 1/8 aluminum sheet. Some goodly dings in it already, but a pure dirt bike will get crashed.P7150005.JPG
dogman said:
So what is protecting the batts? I always advocate something hard between the packs and the roadrash. At least slip a chunk of coroplast in there.

Here's my box, 1/8 aluminum sheet. Some goodly dings in it already, but a pure dirt bike will get crashed.
I should have included a picture of the completed L-bracket configuration padded w/ duct tape, however it really doesn't protect the batteries too much. There is a layer of carpet foam to protect my knees which has already proved useful. I was trying to keep it small and look more like a bicycle storage accessory, but you are right, I should have made a better inner box...next time
ianmcnally2 said:
That case looks good, nice solution I think. 24S3P you can go all day on that, maybe 50 plus miles on that?
Thanks Ian, I probably could go close to 50 miles if I was easier on the throttle, I don't that much restraint. Also, I rarely discharge below 3.6 v per cell avg. on a cycle
Carpet foam better than nada between those packs and the street. I used to think I'd never crash on the street, going slowish and carefull. Then I broke both collarbones. A year later a guy walking along dressed in black at night sent me flying over the bars again. Both times, my battery in it's hard metal box was fine. Dirt of course, is no fun at all unless you crash often. Gotta ride that edge to get a grin on.

I thought you had something more than the vinyl cover, but couldn't tell from the pix.