Ordering BBS02, afraid of the weight?


100 W
Sep 20, 2014
The Netherlands
Hi all,

I am about to order a BBS02 kit from em3ev. Since it's my first purchase, I am wondering if there are any items that I need to add to my order like some spare parts, (extra) connectors, etc.

I will be putting the kit on a Specialized Hardrock Comp 21" MTB from 2004.
It's been barely used, maybe 1000km.


Since the shipping costs will be huge anyway, I am thinking about ordering a second BBS02 kit (without battery) for my other bike.
This is a Gazelle Fuente Extra 65cm "hyrbid touring bike" from 2011, currently running with a hub motor.
It has about 1300km on it, 900 of which where 2014 with the hub motor :)


The bikes are mostly used on flat roads only. The MTB might be off road half of the time, but just flat trails.
During the holidays I will be in hillier areas, so I want the bikes to be able to handle that.
Hence the powerful motor.

I can't pedal myself, so running with throttle only, hence the big battery pack.
I am also thinking about doing some (e)bike holidays again if all works out fine.

This is my current shopping list.

2x BBS02 48V750W.

1x Triangle pack, incl. bag: 50V24.5Ah. Charger included.

Battery sharing
1x Extra triangle bag.
1x Extra controller tail end.

I want to share the battery between the bikes. Paukl advised me to buy an extra bag and extra controller tail-end since this will make swapping the battery between bikes easier.

Chain rings
3x 44T chain rings for BBS1/2.

The default 48T chain ring seems to be geared more towards top speed.
I think 44T could be better, especially on the MTB when going off road.

2x DCDC converter to bring the 50V down to 5V.
2x USB PCB. A small PCB that will put the correct voltage on all USB pins to make the USB port fully compatible.
2x brake sensors. One for each bike, will also help to cut the power when shifting gears.

Spare parts
2x Thumb throttle.
1x Brake sensor

Should be pretty complete I think?

Should I add another Triangle for when one gets teared or something? If it's a quality bag, this shouldn't be necessary?

Should I add some spare connectors, or will these be readily available in the EU? I don't really know what kind of connectors there will be on the battery pack and the bbs02.

Should I add a spare controller or display for the BBS in case I blow one? Should be warranty if that happens I think? I also have two bikes with their own kit, so if one blows, I always have at least one left to ride on while fixing the other?

Display extension cable maybe?

Any other advice? (other than me going to double check whether the triangle bag actually fits on both bikes).

I thought about having the battery pack split in two smaller parts, but I don't think Paul offers that option.

Thanks for the feedback,

[ Display extension cable maybe? ]

Is very handy for the plug if you decide you want to make up a cable and do your own programming in the future.
Since extra chain rings are only $10 each, I'd get both a 44t & 52t to play with. Latter would be great if as you say your on the flats! Given the short $$$ now you can't lose. If you wait until later the shipping will kill you!
Switching that 25Ah battery between the two bikes/bags could be a hassle. It can be done, but it takes time each time you do it. Not a deal breaker though.

You could get a smaller toothed front gear for serious mountain climbing (if your area has it) but that would limit your top speed dependent on your rear's gear ratio. As well, you could get a larger toothed gear for more top end speed if your bike can handle those road speeds (probably 30-35mph). My 36v BBS2 is maxed limited to 50kph (30mph) so I'm not sure if it's the same as the 48v system. You may want to EM Paul to see if those max restrictions can be removed. But honestly, for a 1st Ebike 30mph is plenty fast.

If you want to keep the original brakes, you could try his Ebrake switch adaptor he sells. It clips or glues into the existing brakes, so folks can keep their original high end brake system.
melodious said:
If you want to keep the original brakes, you could try his Ebrake switch adaptor he sells. It clips or glues into the existing brakes, so folks can keep their original high end brake system.

Do you mean this one?

Abagrizzli said:
melodious said:
If you want to keep the original brakes, you could try his Ebrake switch adaptor he sells. It clips or glues into the existing brakes, so folks can keep their original high end brake system.

Do you mean this one?

That's the one I was planning to buy.
There are a few ways to wire hydraulic brakes:
  • Use hydraulic brake sensors, such as these which need to be mounted to the existing brake levers
  • Use sensors which are tapped into the hydraulic lines themselves, manufactured by Magura I believe. Requires bleeding the brake hoses.
  • Modify the existing brake levers yourself using either reed switches as has been done here or microswitches
  • Use hydraulic brakes which already have brake sensor switches in the levers, for example Tektro E-Comp.
If you have not ordered yet then get at least one spare throttle.
If you have not ordered yet then get at least one spare throttle.
Yeah, I've either broken and had to repair every Ethrottle I've owned due to a fall or my own Neanderthal thumb putting too much pressure. :lol:
melodious said:
If you have not ordered yet then get at least one spare throttle.
Yeah, I've either broken and had to repair every Ethrottle I've owned due to a fall or my own Neanderthal thumb putting too much pressure. :lol:
Thanks, but those are already on the list, slightly misnamed them "thumb controller" :)
melodious said:
Switching that 25Ah battery between the two bikes/bags could be a hassle. It can be done, but it takes time each time you do it. Not a deal breaker though.
Just thought about something. Of I decide to by two kits at once. I could get two smaller batteries, the smaller version of the triangle packs.
Would save some weight, no swapping needed. On very long trips I could bring both bags?
There's a 16,5Ah version with the 29E cells, but this shouldn't be run above 16A for too long.
You are probably seeing the datasheet for battex that is available on the internet. Some member said that those are lower rank cell specifically for that vendor. Tests on the internet, and also my own test confirm that 29E holds up very good with panasonic PF, which is rated 10A.

I am getting closer to ordering, so the tension rises ;)

I am a bit worried about the weight of the battery.

Currently (see picture above) I have a 4-ish KG battery on the rear rack.
When riding my bike, it's not that bad, especially since the hub motor in the front wheel provides some counter balance.

The new battery is 7-ish KG. It's a 48V24.5Ah. The reason for this big battery is that I can't pedal because of knee problems.
So I need the range. The battery will be in the triangle, and so will the motor.
So it will be almost twice as heavy as what I have now. Having it in the trianlge however could make it less of an issue?
Similar to if the rider would weigh 10KG extra?

I thought about putting some dummy 7KG in the triangle and try riding.
At the moment it's winter here so difficult and also I have my current ebike kit halfway removed from the bike.
Having it in the trianlge however could make it less of an issue?

I would say so. I notice a big difference between riding my bike that has the 4kg battery down low on the downtube, and my OH's bike that has a 4.5kg battery on a carrier above the rear wheel (both mid drive bikes).

Balance on mine is MUCH better even with very modest size and weight batteries. From my limited experience having the weight central is good, central and low better.

Have a look at this one.


beachcruiser is a guy who lives just down the road from me and got the triangle battery. He loves his.