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Parallel-ing Two ALMOST identical packs


1 kW
Aug 7, 2020
I am considering running two 13s2p Ncr21700t packs. One would be in a long configuration (2 rows of 13). the second is set up as 4 rows to fit in a seat bag and be more compact. not sure if i explained that right. anyway,
would the different layout and minor difference in nickel strip length matter at all? I was wondering what provisions i would need to make in connecting or if i can just make a y adapter

thanks in advance!
13S2P // 13S4P
in parallel
= 13S6P

would mean your just paralleling with wire instead of strips
Very minimal difference for the extra conductor, but I'd use like 10awg wire to parallel the two packs, connect neg to neg and pos to pos and hook up a connector and go to it. In those terms, my masterpiece drawing below would be top right, freehand drawing.

you'll need to pay attention when charging those 2 packs unless you plan to charge them as a single unit. If you plan on leaving it as one unit, you could parallel each group, I did that with the Makita's that were in 5S2P, so I'd put two of those in series to make 10S2P then just connect the + and - of another set, so it'd be 10S4P but only connected at the positive and negative. But like I said I tried solid copper wire, going across each parallel set. Probably safer to connect + and - then each parallel set.

I screwed up the one on the left, just ignore every 2nd green horizontal line. Besides one end always ends up on the opposite side on 5S2P. I configured those Makita's in so many different ways :lol: :lol: :lol: The one on the right is what I ended up doing, because I did it once on the way of the left and had a group go bad and had lost a few Makita's 5S2P. So far left box is one brick of Makita 5S2P, the second box from the left is another brick of Makita 5S2P, and each group is wired together on each brick. The free hand drawing on the right and smaller, a masterpiece yes tyvm


Your battery
13S2P parallel with 13S4P
Yes I would put extra wire
one in the middle of the 2P
and another wire in the middle of 4P
to even out the electron flow, might not matter, I dont know, not much extra work.
Get some 10awg solid copper wire, solder to tabs
Get some insulted 10awg silicone wire, solder to solid copper wire as shown in my masterpiece drawing below.

Ok thank you! that makes sense to me...and trust me- your drawing skills are far better than mine
just Y it
goatman said:
just Y it
That XT60 Y-splitter is only 16awg.
------------------------------ ...
This XT90 Y-splitter is 10awg ...
... and ... (these may at times get warm, but not hot)
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08L3S2ZK8/ref=sspa_dk_detail_0?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B08L3S2ZK8&pd_rd_w=LXW4Z&pf_rd_p=887084a2-5c34-4113-a4f8-b7947847c308&pd_rd_wg=voXwY&pf_rd_r=GQVZBPJ66PPJBWDD298H&pd_rd_r=277399e0-e395-4da0-8f50-9343024dd742&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExOTlUOTQ3M0FPOTlKJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNTA4NTYwMzhTQkJINTdHWjNITCZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMDkxNjA1MUJXUktRMjNEQ1hRUSZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2RldGFpbCZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU= ...
markz said:
I'd use like 10awg wire to parallel the two packs, connect neg to neg and pos to pos and hook up a connector and go to it.

Your battery
13S2P parallel with 13S4P
Yes I would put extra wire
one in the middle of the 2P
and another wire in the middle of 4P
to even out the electron flow, might not matter, I dont know, not much extra work.
Get some 10awg solid copper wire, solder to tabs
Get some insulted 10awg silicone wire, solder to solid copper wire as shown in my masterpiece drawing ...
Thanks guys! This arrangement should help me distribute the weight a little better
markz said:
you'll need to pay attention when charging those 2 packs unless you plan to charge them as a single unit.
Assuming each pack has its own BMS, and not paralleling each group, then must disconnect the y-splitter and charge each pack separately?
Just wanted to touch on this topic as I am working on a different project, with two batteries of the same voltage but with different cell configurations and characteristics, would it not be a good idea to leave these plugged in in parallel when the bike is not being used? I am considering the stronger of the two batteries would try to overcharge the weaker and not necessarily be protected against overcharging.
I just added a second battery pack to a super 73 and thought of this about an hour later, when I pulled it off the smaller of the batteries was at 58 V (its a 13s so yikes)
Bizarre- the other one was showing over 58 V as well, perhaps my DMM is faulty or the charger is
That shouldn't be happening. If you have two packs of the same series and voltage, but different ah rating, but they're paralleled together, they're functionally one big battery now, and can't charge each other to different voltages.

But if the BMSs aren't working with each other when paralleled, then you probably could create some crazy imbalances, esp during charging or during use.
Definitely was the DMM, i plugged into a known good charger after that and they both took some charge so i know the reading was off. After that the dmm actually stopped working altogether so that was the big red flag