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PaulD's Race Bike Give-Away

etard said:
I hope you end up giving it to somebody who will actually race it rather than lock it up like a piece of history though, that's a ridiculous thought. I do however, volunteer myself as I will keep it in original unmolested condition, promise to bring it to every race (that's right Team Thud at the DR FTW!) and it can be a standby in case a nice chap like Nicobie, Dogman or Evoforce wants to take it for a spin and try to win a heat(BYOB: Bring Your own Battery). I'm bit by the racing bug and I plan to be at every race till we have 100 electrics lined up and 1 stinker! The only mod I would do is to put a Thud internal sensor motor in for low speed usability. I would also like to use it to bring awareness to local high school tech students that want to get started in any one of the fields that our forum encompasses. If we can get some schools involved in these races, the scene will blow up, bicycle manufacturers will take notice and many cottage industries could be grown from High school ebike racing!
Based on the above AND that Etard is truly an awesome-enthusiastic always willing to try & help participant on ES I doubt a "better choice" could be found. :idea: 8)
AussieJester said:
ETard would be my next vote for sure, dedicated racer and member of TeaM THuD ;)
@nicobie- re: "but we can't just screw farfle can we?" sure we can he's a frock boi, wouldn't know what to do wit a real race bike :p heck, didn't know what to do with his own bike!!! he handed to a wiminez to ride :| rightly so too i guess... being a frock powered bike and all :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :p

:lol: :lol: :lol: :p :!: :mrgreen:
HA! just read this thread, thanks AJ :roll: . This bike is a real piece of art, I nominate dogman, and etard for 1/2 vote each :D . and there's a "real" race bike in the pipes AJ so don't you worry :twisted: . Whatcha plannin on buildin next paul :lol: .
Farfle said:
HA! just read this thread, thanks AJ :roll: . This bike is a real piece of art, I nominate dogman, and etard for 1/2 vote each :D . and there's a "real" race bike in the pipes AJ so don't you worry :twisted: . Whatcha plannin on buildin next paul :lol: .

LoL... OH, i'm not worried, by lying if i said i wasn't a lil curious uhm ...so, who will be
riding the "real" race bike this time? your mum or your sister? :mrgreen: :p

I (perhaps like other noobs) want to know more of this bike - pls post links! Always ready to understand moar!
Look around for the Death Race 2011 threads, and I think it was Willow Springs (or Grange). Should be pics and vids there. Under PaulD's profile, you can search his posts to see if there's a build thread.
AussieJester said:
Farfle said:
HA! just read this thread, thanks AJ :roll: . This bike is a real piece of art, I nominate dogman, and etard for 1/2 vote each :D . and there's a "real" race bike in the pipes AJ so don't you worry :twisted: . Whatcha plannin on buildin next paul :lol: .

LoL... OH, i'm not worried, by lying if i said i wasn't a lil curious uhm ...so, who will be
riding the "real" race bike this time? your mum or your sister? :mrgreen: :p


sigh, im not gonna win this am I :roll: . eternally shamed for bringing a girl to race a frock motored bike :lol: .
Farfle said:
AussieJester said:
Farfle said:
HA! just read this thread, thanks AJ :roll: . This bike is a real piece of art, I nominate dogman, and etard for 1/2 vote each :D . and there's a "real" race bike in the pipes AJ so don't you worry :twisted: . Whatcha plannin on buildin next paul :lol: .

LoL... OH, i'm not worried, be lying if i said i wasn't a lil curious uhm ...so, who will be
riding the "real" race bike this time? your mum or your sister? :mrgreen: :p


sigh, im not gonna win this am I :roll: . eternally shamed for bringing a girl to race a frock motored bike :lol: .

Nope.... :mrgreen: :p

In all seriousness, she did do a fantastic job, I'm not meaning to knock her performance
in anyway.... :wink:

Good luck with the rewind, i'm rewinfind a motor atm also 16awg two strands hard on the hands
and the nomex paper, tis essential IMO also... (thanks to Thud for that) Saves me posting in the other thread to LoL

Why ebike only? Fraid to compete with the gassers? I'ts not a best bike thing at all, it's totally a best rider thing, as Paul has shown us. It was easy as pie for me to build a bike faster than I could handle. What kind of motor means nothing at all.
Was refering to gas vs electric. Why want an electric only track in the first place is my question. Electric only heat maybe, but a
track that doesn't allow gas?

Obviously a winner will be sitting on an at least competitive bike, but it could be a tad slower, if the rider can corner better. You have to race on those kart tracks to appreciate the difficulty of such tight corners when you are hitting 45 on the very short straights. It's much harder than the worst mountain roads. The rider really is the difference.

My problem last spring was rim brakes, and no racing experience, NOT the front motor pe se.
And the winner is....... Acuteaero!!!!
Henri had by far the best response and is a great fit for what I had in mind for the bike. He is a smart guy that can take the bike to the next level and does CNC work (so he can replace all the parts that will break). Not only that, but he is a super nice guy as everyone that met him will attest. His response was well thought out and well written.
So, Henri can come up to Ashland to pick up his new ride any time. I'm working on one last ride video before I let her go.
thanks to everyone that expressed interest and posted here.
Time to get working on my next project bike!
Right on Paul!!
LOL I just descovered this thread :( Its ok Im so so broke but I have a good enough supply to build something awesome for when I can afford to come down! :mrgreen:
Great job Paul. Hope to get a chance to hang out one day!
I wrote a reply the other day and realized today that it wasn't right...

First: PaulD- THANK YOU! I'm thrilled for this opportunity! You are a rockstar.
Second: Endless-Sphere community- THANK YOU! for creating a place where amazing things happen!

If you're willing, I'd appreciate if you will read the PM I sent to PaulD on New Year's Eve. In it I describe what I plan to do with the bike, make a justification for why someone (me) who has contributed (so far...) relatively little would might still be a good recipient for the bike, and describe how I hope to give back to the community as a result of this amazing opportunity.

If you choose to give me the "Old PaulD race bike" I will make some basic improvements and maintenance to make sure it's in as good a condition as possible for future racing. I will bring it to all the races I can possibly attend. For racing success I will likely call on smaller and more experienced friends to ride- maybe guys from the forum too. If I feel confident of my skills I'll ride it too. I'll probably use it for my work commute some of the time (totally secure on both ends) to put miles on it and work out the kinks.

As for work on the bike-- off the top of my head I would say, in order of priority this would include ironing out commutation sensing issues 100%- with internal hall sensors, or optical sensors, whatever it'll take. I think it would be cool to build some forced air cooling on that outrunner motor- I imagine machining a new fixed end-cap for the motor with ducting and mounting for a hobbyking electric ducted fan or two built in. I think that would kick ass. Aside from those things it's all little stuff- clean/lube/check all the parts, set up the wiring as best as I know how to avoid problems in operation. Build a decent battery pack with hobbyking LiPo packs, set up a good charging system- Maybe sometime think about a better copper fill wind on the motor, or extra performance hacking on the controller in the future.

As for why me? Why do I deserve it? I am not a long time forum contributor, or endless-sphere legend. I'm pretty new to the forum, though I have been working with EVs for significantly longer. It really comes down to my belief that I will do right by the bike, as well as anyone else could, and that I understand the spirit in which you're giving it away and will do right by that too. I've wanted to build a bike for a long time now- and while I have the machining and welding skills, access to tools and materials, attention to detail and some engineering experience and knowledge that would require, I've been scared away by all the questions I don't have the experience to answer. Head tube angles- rake/trail- chain lines- clearance- frame ergonomics- suspension design- component choice... I think that the experience I would gain working with your old bike would help me get the answers and confidence about some of these things to be able to tackle a build of my own much sooner than without. And once I've done that I would be thrilled to be able to pass on a bike to another less experienced but promising person- "pay it forward" or "reinvest".

Finally- I'm 100% committed to documenting and supporting whatever I do with the bike on E-S. Like I said, I'm not a star contributor, but I try to comment when I really have something to say, and make it count. I've maintained a personal website for the last few years that you can take a look at to see the sort of care I will take to document the bike in the future, on E-S.

I'll get in touch about making the trip up there! Can't wait! And- can't wait to see the new build develop! I'm sure it will be mega awesome.
cool, the bike is in the bay area!
I want to check this bike out in person...

I checked ur past posts and saw your site,
I blogged about ur "facebreaker" skateboard... :D

and ur unipogo,

very cool stuff...
acuteaero said:
I will bring it to all the races I can possibly attend. For racing success I will likely call on smaller and more experienced friends to ride- maybe guys from the forum too. If I feel confident of my skills I'll ride it too.

And once I've done that I would be thrilled to be able to pass on a bike to another less experienced but promising person- "pay it forward" or "reinvest".
Congrats! That was a very generous offer from PaulD.

Are you going to be riding the bike at the next SoCal Motor Bicycle Race on Saturday April 7th
at Grange Motor Circuit? Only 90 days to go........
The Eagle Has Landed!


I made the drive up to Ashland to recieve the bike from Paul last weekend- it was a great trip and Paul is definitely a most awesome guy. We talked about a whole bunch of e-bike and EV related things... You can be sure there will be many great projects in the future!

It's taken until today for me to be able to make time to touch the bike- although I've been staring at it all week- marveling a bit at the details of design and construction. Just now strapped my general purpose 44.4 v battery on it and took it for a spin around the neighborhood, looking to get some kind of qualitative "baseline" of how it rides "out of the box". It handles beautifully- the tires and brakes are super solid and feel great. The motor makes a wonderful noise and the acceleration is great. I can't wait to get it set up on 18s instead of 12!

Aside from a couple of maintenance issues Paul notified me about, and aside from building some killer 18s packs I think the main area for development on this bike is in tuning the motor and controller. Even in my short, relatively gentile test ride the bike averaged over 80wh/mi, and that's with a top speed only little over 30. I am aware of the issues with running the airplane outrunners- there's really just no optimal controller setup- but I will work on getting better efficiency and power. I'm planning to build a dyno for tuning this motor.

*Just occurred to me the CA is likely not calibrated correctly as Paul swapped the controller before he gave it to me. The Wh/Mi is probably not actually that bad as it sits now. I will investigate further when I get a chance!*

I plan to come out to Grange in April, with some luck this bike will be good to run there. Please message me if you are have bike racing experience, are interested in riding this bike in April and are small and lightweight! My relative lack of riding skills and tall height would not do this bike justice on the track!

Thanks again to Paul for the amazing opportunity to work with this bike, and thanks to ES as a whole for being a great place where great things happen!


In case you're curious to see it here's a copy of Paul's liability release waiver http://www.flickr.com/photos/pnjunction/6774420235/ :lol: