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SafeDiscDancing said:
What kills older people is the catalog of built up Spike protein attacks as the primary defense.

Please link a credible source for this assertion. Emphasis credible.

This thread was supposed to be about my home and my life and my lockdown.

And then it got derailed with all this other crap.

Can we just put an end to any discussion that is not about the POLICE CRACKDOWN ?

Thanks. Be seeing you.


If there is any new news about the security situation I'll post it.

The local newspaper is every wednesday and they list all the "dirt" so I'll pass along how this drama unfolds.

For now I'm laying low and looking more at my Hill Climbing ebike project... maybe on monday I get my welding bottles refilled. I never really plan much and try to go with what strikes my interest as it unfolds.

The weather is spectacular right now so things like hiking are good now too.
This is suppose to be non toxic and I am surprised the mods have not posted a warning but I am sure nicobie is waiting for the nod and do a little cleanup.

There is a reason why there is an off topic section where toxic discussions can take place, general forums is just not the place it scares off newcomers and safediskdancing smiles at stoking the flame bitching and moaning about his life in the 3rd world nation of california where you cant even get a uhaul to move out of state.
It's pretty clear why it got sidetracked because an essential part of the story was that California went back into full lockdown a little over a week ago. Everything in my retirement community suddenly closed. It became a ghost town.

Immediately afterwards the security chief launches his new crackdown on street safety.

So there was a connection.

But again let me keep this thread about my experience in California during lockdown and under heavy police pressure.

Essentially we just "assume" the lockdown as a fixed entity and do not debate it's legitimacy in any larger sense.

And let me add I am very optimistic that circumstances will change and I'll be able to ride again without worry.
SafeDiscDancing said:
Copied Text:
Ah. So when you said "these mRNA injections only gave temporary benefit and then slowly started to eat away at the chickens" you meant "these vaccines worked initially, but then the disease mutated and that started to eat away at the chickens."

I find it pointless to argue with people who keep changing their story when challenged. Good luck surviving COVID.
SafeDiscDancing said:
It's pretty clear why it got sidetracked because an essential part of the story was that California went back into full lockdown a little over a week ago

There’s no lockdown in Cali and hasn’t been one for ages.


Dont think there’s a lockdown anywhere in USA and hasn’t been for a long time.
SafeDiscDancing said:

This thread was supposed to be about my home and my life and my lockdown.

And then it got derailed with all this other crap.

Can we just put an end to any discussion that is not about the POLICE CRACKDOWN ?

Thanks. Be seeing you.


If there is any new news about the security situation I'll post it.

The local newspaper is every wednesday and they list all the "dirt" so I'll pass along how this drama unfolds.

For now I'm laying low and looking more at my Hill Climbing ebike project... maybe on monday I get my welding bottles refilled. I never really plan much and try to go with what strikes my interest as it unfolds.

The weather is spectacular right now so things like hiking are good now too.

What police crackdown? It sounds to me like you were seen behaving like a dick and made yourself a target for the rentacops. Now you are crying about it and looking for sympathy. HTFU!
California is in a lockdown.

It started a little over a week ago. All indoor spaces in my retirement community were shut down... closed.

The gym. Many of the recreational areas. Pretty much the entire "village" was closed and it is a ghost town with empty parking lot's that were once full with cheerful old folks doing fun things.

The debate about "Lockdown Legitimacy" is a futile debate.

And the powers that run these things are NOT local.

This was all coming from foreign sources outside my "Village".


What I experienced was a community that was very happy doing their leisure activities suddenly transform into a nightmare where the streets were empty and it was as though life had ended.

And we HAVE been hearing nearly constant sirens as the ambulances have been much more busy starting in late 2021.

Something IS happening. There are more deaths at least deaths requiring immediate response so my "guess" is a sharp rise in heart attacks, strokes and other varieties of blood clots but that's pure speculation.



What I see is the "hidden enemy" creates the fear which locks people into a certain mindset where they become obsessed about the fear.

This generates stress and anxiety which bubbles out with anger which seeks to find some sort of release on some target.

The target is "groomed" by the system as the "demon" who is causing the fear.

Once the sacrifice is made and the "hidden enemy" is killed, captured or disgraced then the group fears are temporaily eased.

But in the long run the fear and strees returns again so a new human sacrifice is needed making this a perpetual pattern.


In my situation the "designated victim" was listed in my local paper as "Evil White Van Guy" and on the day of the crackdown I literally rode past BOTH motorcycle cops and they had just pulled over a white van.

Which I why I'm keeping a "Low Profile" to gauge where this will go.

Maybe in the next newspaper they celebrate the sacrifice of "White Van Guy" and then move on to other things.

But really until the lockdown is lifted the pattern of FEAR, ANGER, DEMONIZATION is not going to stop.

Until things are lifted I could be the next sacrificial lamb.
Hummina Shadeeba said:
California isn’t in lockdown.

Then maybe my "Village" will lift the lockdown soon.

In my local paper they said that California was issuing a statewide lockdown.

That's good news if it means my time in lockdown is short.

We went into full lockdown mode the beginning of the monday before last.

It would be funny to find out my "Village" is acting crazy and over reacting to all this.

But it is a fact that they closed everything down here.
The devil is in the details.

The headline in my local paper said in part "Shutdown" and when it was going to happen.

But then you skip to the back of the paper to get the details.

Apparently this decision was done behind closed doors in an executive committee with absolutely no public participation.

And they have an end date... Jan 31.

Plus... they describe the current variant as "mild" so it kind of makes no sense because if they think the risk is low why do a complete lockdown?

Anyway... seems that the guilt is in that committee.


Also, I went back to read the "street safety" article again and it seems very focused on the "Evil White Van Guy" and they talked a lot about getting license plate numbers.

Maybe there really are some madmen drivers? Lot's of delivery vans here.

So I'm thinking I play it cool until Jan 31 then start up again.

Crazy weird decisions going on but we live in crazy times I guess.
nicobie said:
However let's try to not make them even crazier...

That whole time I "thought" California was back into full lockdown so until someone pointed that out I was seeing things like it was March 2020 all over again.

And this type of total bullshit is very typical in this place.

What happened is a few people "behind closed doors" made decisions that are wrecking about 20 days of the lives of people who just want to enjoy life.

It's an outrage... or should be.

I think it's likely that I'm not the only one here that sees this as executive over reach.

My bet is the people responsible will get the boot next time they elect them.

This was entirely an independent decision because California did NOT require it.

But I'm still going to be cautious and wait until Jan 31 and that way if there is some nut case out there who sees their job in life as reporting traffic behavior they will be less inclined to do it simply because it appears to disregard the lockdown "mood". By Jan 31 this is supposed to end.

Now if they "double down" on it and extend the lockdown past Jan 31 then I'll have to decide what to do.

At that point do I risk being the only thing moving here?

Since the lockdown you can hear a pin drop except for when we get sirens for ambulances.

Mind blowing decisions by people in power these days.
SafeDiscDancing said:
What happened is a few people "behind closed doors" made decisions that are wrecking about 20 days of the lives of people who just want to enjoy life.
So far 860,000 Americans who just wanted to enjoy life will never enjoy life again. They are now dead, and that's forever. That's worse than "wrecking" 20 days of someone's fun.
JackFlorey said:
...Americans who just wanted to enjoy life will never enjoy life again. They are now dead, and that's forever.

The fact:

2018, 2019 and 2020 ended the year with the SAME mortality rate around 1%.

Don't you get it?

We aren't certain if 2021 showed an increase and 2022 is unknown.

But the only "certain" fact was that there was no pandemic of actual deaths the ENTIRE TIME the propaganda was lying about it.

Get used to the realization that those "fact checkers" who force you into their narratives are not telling the truth.


And now it does look like the official narrative is collapsing so fewer and fewer "true believers" are around.

But the next move will be war, so that's how I see things.

Russia could retake their homeland any day now.
The conspiracy necessary for Covid to be fake would have to include all medical personnel, media, and governments, in every county.

But let’s get to the bottom of it and post your best evidence of this monster conspiracy here

Sounds like words straight from Putin as well
I found a great place for the thread to go https://endless-sphere.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=52

LewTwo said:
this thread needs to go somewhere on social media ... not here.
calab said:
I found a great place for the thread to go https://endless-sphere.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=52

LewTwo said:
this thread needs to go somewhere on social media ... not here.
I live in Mexico and when the vaccine became available I thought it the right thing to do to come back to Tucson (Where I own a house) to receive them. Exactly 2 weeks after the second Pfizer Injection, on the night of May 9th, I suffered what everyone assumed (myself included) was a stroke. Unable to speak and barely able to walk, I was admitted to the ER where I underwent a series of tests which included multiple MRI's and a blood pressure test and I was informed I had a heart arrhythmia (atrial fibrillation) which had caused a stroke and that I would need to have my have my heart stopped and re-started in the hope that it would return to a normal rhythm. By now, I had been in the hospital 4 days and by the morning of the scheduled procedure, I had recovered my cognitive abilities enough that I could start to think things though and I had an overwhelming sense that my heart was ok, so to the dismay of the doctors, I discharged myself. After a week of home care, I was well enough to drive and I returned to Mexico. I went straight to a cardiologist and did a "walk-in" (try that in the States) and after a 1/2 hr. ultrasound exam, he told me my heart was fine and that I would probably live for at least another 10 years and what had happened to me was because of the vaccine. Sweeter words I have never heard in my life and I would given him my kingdom (such as it is), but his fee was $50 US.
These days I am 100% percent recovered and dropped the blood thinner which cost over $500 a month (I don't have Medicare D), but remain on the usual meds for someone over 70, slightly overweight and with Diabetes II. I buy them in Mexico where they about 25% of the US prices.
I had suffered what has come to light to be a CVT (Cerebral venous thrombosis ) event, a blood clot in the brain, but the question I still have, is how did the hospital get it so wrong? Did they know it was a vaccine injury and were lying to me, or did they truly not know? I am inclined to give the benefit of the doubt and to believe it to be the latter. In May, the studies were just coming out linking the rna vaccines to serious injuries at a much higher rate than the public was led to believe, but still...
I have been remarkably lucky in my life and except for some motorcycle accidents, had never been in the hospital and it came as quite a shock to me at how impersonal, inefficient and expensive Medicare is. As in life, some people are caring and some are cruel and it seems to me that a couple of the doctors delighted in torturing me. I am still paying off the 1000's of dollars of fees and I will have to be in dire straights indeed to ever use Medicare again. A boutique hospital in Latin America, payed out of pocket, would be less of a financial burden than the Medicare co-pays.
And no, I have not taken the booster, I wouldn't touch it with a 10 ft. pole.

As a side note, for anyone into Vedic astrology, the night of May 9th had my transit Mars (ruling blood and the cardiovascular system) in an exact degree transit to my natal Uranus (Catastrophic events) in the 6th house of health.
Your story seems like a good sign that the virus would have killed you if it got to you first. If that was your reaction to a vaccine that has been harmless to hundreds of millions of your countrymen, then how badly would the real thing have messed you up?
No, I wouldn't have died from Covid 19 as I am a little fat, but fit. After all, I ride an Ebike!
While this thread does not break any forum rules I know of, it is time to move the thread to a more appropriate place.

On the bright side, none of you in this spirited discussion have let it go to the point a moderator would lock the thread. :thumb:

Be reminded that the core topic was the shock I received when first my "Village" was locked down which was immediately followed by the fairly expected police sweep which does occur once each year.

The timing was fishy however.

Then I find out (from the truly helpful online) that California was not guilty of locking things down it was a self inflicted problem.

We have these HOA boards with a lot of old people used to power and authority who LOVE inventing stupid rules and it was this group of dumb asses that unilaterally and in secret decided to lock down my area when everyone else was free.

And here is the funny part...

These same hidden powers release a statement saying:

"We know the danger is lower now than last year but we're going to lockdown anyway."

:bolt: Do people realize this insanity for what it is?

This is clearly an example of people using power in ways it should never be used.

So I apologize for my error in thinking it was the fault of California or powers above (which is a whole other discussion which is valid in itself but let's keep the focus local on this case) and use it as an example of how power is abused by people really far down the power pyramid.

Let's avoid or isolate the "big picture" stuff to somewhere else.

My habit is to try to quickly extinguish those moves with a rebuttal but it does tend to simply sprout more of it.


And the final conclusion of this drama should end by Jan 31 because this same HOA board promises they will lift the lockdown by then.

Two weeks to flatten the curve... or more like three weeks.

If that ends up going beyond that point then it's a new game.