Porsche crash, on fire, kills 2


10 MW
Sep 13, 2009
Austin TX
A gasoline powered Porsche was in a one car accident when it caught fire and killed the two men inside. One is ironically the Fast n Furious star Paul Walker


Speed was a factor in the crash.
sickly Telsa stock will go up tomorrow

puts things in perspective

everyone knows if these two gentlemen were in a Tesla and the same happened it would
be game over

james dean, ryan dunn, and now walker all killed in Porsches

no bad jokes please a hole
Since one of the dead guys was a movie star, the topic will get millions of comments on the big news/gossip websites, and I probably can't hope to add anything original. However, maybe the coincidence of a reckless-car movie star dying in a (likely) reckless car, is not so ironic. His last words, as a passenger leaving, were "Let's take this car for a ride." It sounds like they were going to see what it could do, and it was a very high-end Porsche. Maybe if he weren't a reckless-car celebrity, he wouldn't have had access to such a vehicle. And maybe then he wouldn't have even cared much about taking a fast car to its limit.
In any case, movies that glorify reckless driving promote that kind of diving, particularly for young guys. His movies, considering their popularity, probably indirectly killed a few copy-cat kids already. This star wasn't concerned about that.
His movies also glorified shooting people (if you're the good guy), and he didn't care about that either. But that's another subject.
That wreckage is something. They should show the video of the two pieces of the car being winced onto the flatbed at the showing of every Fast n Furious.

A real shame to have it happen to anybody. Perhaps not so amazing they chose to take such a ride after work, while currently shooting film of another movie glorifying reckless street driving.

A more lethal equivalent of getting in a bar fight, after filming a martial arts movie all day.
The driver was the owner of a race team, and, the actor was part of that team.Owner had recently bought the Porsche. Too much confidence not enough sense. News said it hit a tree first, then the pole ? :roll:
We are all going to die.

Some people live more in a week than others do in a century, but we all ultimately become worm food.

The great waste isn't human deaths in flaming wreckage, it's the people quietly playing it safe sustaining each day doing nothing remarkable until there body wears out of natural causes, tragedy.
The real tragedy is when idiots like them take out innocents with reckless behavior. About the same time as that cash, a young fool going 150 mph on the Ohio turnpike rear ended a van with an elderly couple who were burned to death. Maybe they weren't doing anything remarkable in your eyes, but enjoying each other as their bodies were wearing out together; they sure as hell didn't deserve to burn just because some fool liked to drive fast.
Harold in CR said:
The driver was the owner of a race team, and, the actor was part of that team.Owner had recently bought the Porsche. Too much confidence not enough sense. News said it hit a tree first, then the pole ? :roll:

Looks like the light pole (with an attached 45 mph speed limit sign) broke away as it was designed to do upon impact, then the car hit the 8" diameter tree dividing the front of the car (including the gasoline tank) in half. :shock:
Even though hit at high speed, that tree wasn't going anywhere. The root system of even a small, established tree is extremely resilient.
Come on seriously.. To say that this guy didn't care that his movies "might" have caused some kid to drive too fast . Do u know that .. Lets write Porsche and maybe they will quit building a way too fast car for the street. Paul was doing what he enjoyed with a great friend. They were leaving a benefit he and his friend started together. Yes, I am thankful that no one else got hurt or worse.
Darwin theory in action ?
But, feel for those guys kids that now face life without fathers.
Reported that the 8yr old son of the driver was there and tried to pull him out of the flames !
That memory will live with him forever :cry:
Some people just dont consider the effect their own self indulgence has on others.
There is claims of possibly power stearing loss. Or mechanical failure. As Luke said "we all die" you can't hide on the couch. You guys who are anit this and anti that what are you going to do for the Anti heart and stoke problems that arise from hiding in the house all your lives?
This does suck non the less but in the 40 years the actor was alive I bet he lived more the 1/2 this forum combined! And by the sounds of things so did the driver.
I think it's pretty obvious they were hauling ass. You don't split your car in half from hitting a tree at 45mph. "Speed was a factor in the crash".

The fact this happened on public roads where anyone could of been biking, driving, walking on the sidewalk. Luckily no one else was involved.
Glad they only took themselves out.
Hopefully the tree will survive.
We all do stoopid stuff. When we are lucky, emerge with all unhurt.
Looks like they were doing stoopid stuff big time.
I have had plenty of excitement in my life. Just chose not to need speed to accomplish this.
My entire life has been all about enjoying a good risk. But I did sell the motorcycle and stopped riding for about 25 years because I lost all self control when I hopped on a 90 mph motorcycle. ( seems so slow now)

It simply was not right for me to continue to ride around at double the speed limit, and the only way to stop myself was to sell the bike. I took up snow skiing seriously, and got my jollies hucking off huge drops, or skiing in the wilderness risking avalanches. Endangering only myself.

On the public streets, this behavior is not cool. Take it to the track.
Adults, their choice(s) - hopefully their families will be taken care of, RIP...

Perhaps most importantly, no bystanders were harmed.

I do enjoy me some race performance vehicles however the exhibition of said performance is often best kept away from the meandering public. "Take it to the track" - well said.
Now they are saying on the news, "take it to the track" was what the driver always said.

Like knocking up your girlfriend in high school, once can do it. Very sad, one lapse of judgement and you get a disaster. The driver needed the warm up lap. You know those tires were stone cold.
That is the strongest tree I've ever seen.
I don't see any uproar about gasoline powered cars catching on fire due to a crash.
iamsofunny said:
That is the strongest tree I've ever seen.
I don't see any uproar about gasoline powered cars catching on fire due to a crash.

Trees are very secure due to their root system.

One of the reasons I posted this story was because it was a gas car on fire. You are right.
This street view is from 2 years ago. The tree has grown since, but also shows the light pole.
