power related


thanks for the reply, and its something i will definitely have to keep in mind regarding the 500w motors.. that is something that i am trying to find away around... and yes, i agree, it is far to low of a motor wattage overall, and one of the laws we have in canada that annoy me to no end... even a 1000w motor would be better and is not a large jump overall... the speed, the speed is fine, im not really one of those people trying to go lightning fast, after all, its a scooter in the end no matter what you do to it... as far as money being put into it, i havent set a limit or a ceiling yet, albeit itll be an ongoing thing as i learn more...
yes lithium packs are expensive off the shelf, and really should/could come down in price but it is what it is until EV becomes more of a going concern for far more people..but as i mentioned, i have a little experience building packs and i know i could build one for quite a bit lower cost than buying one off the shelf.. but this is where i would need some help/information.. things about the controllers, specifics about amps and loads on the motor being that it is so small... ways to improve it, or make it feasible..
again, thanks for you reply... and i look forward to hearing more

yea i was considering lipo at one time, but i used lipo alot for other projects, and for all the improvements, im still not a fan...especially since the liFeP04 came....lipo are just too.. unstable for the average user, and for me...ive gotten use to them but i am not a fan of the amount of maintenance involved... though on the upside they ARE so wonderfully light and compact... for some uses it makes up for the hassles...
as far as the motor size...i agree, and the laws for 500W motors are quite annoying overall...even the americans have a bottom end of 750W motors...i think i would like to do a project with a higher watt motor, you know :) for educational purposes...but for this bike, for the road usage... im gonna keep it within the 500W area, though i would like to find a 500W with a higher voltage as you mentioned (though im just guessing here, but i dont think theres one with a 288V limit lol) perhaps a front hub addition might work?? not even sure if thats doable... but could be cool...
as far as your project :D heck yea! i would love to check it out.. where can i see more about it?
for all of you that have been helpful, thank you.. .and those that havent, well thank you as well...
so to summarize things a little better for me as the convo has kind of went a little of everywhere... here is the bike i just got, with its specs...


...now to make things simple.. my goal is to increase reliability, torque, and increase range... not speed, aside from the law limiting it to 32kph, im good with it (although it might be running closer to between 35-45kph im betting)
...so to accomplish my goals, im looking for advice and/or opinions on how to get to this end...

a) if i was to install a more reliable or more efficient motor, what would be a good choice...what would be a good one to swap with... (500W continuous - 800W/1000w peak?) or perhaps for a non road bike perhaps a decent 1000W continuous?

b) whether i swap batteries and/or motor... if i swapped the controller, what would be a more durable/efficient controller... and would it be a good or feasible idea to get a more powerful or higher rated controller for a swap even if i didnt use its full potential? (as i am thinking using 60% of 100 (a) is better than 80% of 100 (b) to increase reliability and durability)

c) the battery swap to lithium... i could build a nice 72V 30 -or- 40 AH battery which from all intents and purposes "SHOULD" double my range (almost), lighten the weight of batteries by approx 50%, give me a little more torque, and from what i understand, increase speed whether its wanted/needed or not... or, option "B" is to make an 84V 30/40 AH pack... again using the better to have and not use/need than to need it and not have it...

...there was also mention about messing with the gearing or something of the hub (i think?) could this be a good idea in conjunction with these other things? as much as i dont need the extra speed, i dont wish to lose any either... and from what i gather this will reduce your top speed? (maybe it wouldnt be an issue with the other upgrades..im not sure)
...although some feel it isnt always a good idea to sink alot of money into something like this.. it really isnt an issue of resale or laws.. if the laws change, then ill keep it off the streets and use it for the cottage... its more...i suppose a matter of learning, and experimenting to see how far things can be pushed... so the monetary issue isnt a primary focus.. (within reason ofcourse)
...ok, look forward to hearing more chatter about it.. and again, thank you all who have lent me their experience
DAND214 said:
You can get more TORK, torque by modding the shunt in the controller, which is posted all over the forum. Just search "shunt mod".


I don't really know much about it but I think DanD gave the answer you are looking for already.

1) more torque
2) no new batteries required ( although not prohibited either)
3) no speed increase just hill climbing power ( I believe)
4) less complicated (although it may seem more because you will have to open and modify your current controller)
5) Free (again, I Think, I haven't searched it yet.. I could probably do that now)

In conclusion,
I would suggest you search shunt mod if you haven't already.. :wink:

ETA: I just searched shunt mod, there are a ton of results and none of them look like the obvious right thread.. I suspect it is an old thread that is buried and maybe needs ressurecting?? anyone got a link?