Questions when purchasing a sinewave controller


100 W
Aug 27, 2015
Barcelona. Spain.
I have a square wave controller, I have been looking at sinewave controllers for a long time, they say that these controllers heat the motor less.

Are these controllr more efficient?

I am wondering whether to buy this controller: 4a04-8a01-dc5372f3933a-9&pdp_npi=4 %40dis%21EUR%2171.08%2133.40%21%21%2174.39%2134.96%21%40210384b217147026468767252e17f7%2112000036167975731%21sea%21ES%2113355411 2%21&curPageLogUid=EI4sGcKEX56Q&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch%7Cquery_from%3A

Now I have a 35A suwin controller, I would use it on my 1500W scooter moped.
I have a square wave controller, I have been looking at sinewave controllers for a long time, they say that these controllers heat the motor less.

Are these controllr more efficient?

FOC controllers are slightly more efficient. Non-FOC sine wave controllers are less efficient than trapezoidal wave controllers, but I think the added losses are in the controller and not the motor.
In general:
trapezoidal/square wave: not as smooth (noisy) at lower speeds, higher efficiency at higher speeds
sine wave: smooth operation (silent) at lower speeds, lower efficiency at higher speeds
foc: smooth operation, higher efficiency at higher speeds
I'm going to look for more information about foc controller.

It is interesting that it be more efficient at high speed, where consumption is higher.
The Phaserunner seems to be a popular option
The Phaserunner seems to be a popular option
I've looked at the Phaserunner controller, it looks like I can use it.The bad thing, I would have to buy the controller, buy cables and connectors and adapt it. All connections are different.
The price of everything is high, I would have to add another 40% customs fee if it is not sent from the European Union, I would have to modify the cables to be able to adapt it.
I'll think about it.
What, again, is the reason you now need an foc controller? Your original post only mentioned square and sine wave.

I was thinking about buying the sine wave controller because it would be more efficient. Consume less energy when traveling. That's what he thought, it's not true.

The cheap sine wave controller seems to be less efficient at high speed.

The Phaserunner foc controller seems expensive to me.

For the moment I will use the square wave controller.

Buying another controller now I think is wasting money.
The differences will be so small that you wouldn’t be able to tell. If you want the motor to run more quietly, then switch to sine wave. At least then you’d be able to tell the difference.