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100 W
Dec 5, 2006
Just recieved this. Not Ebike but potential hybrid tool if it will ever come out.

Dear Future RevoPower Customer:

Thank you for your continued support while we continue to test and perform quality control on our future product, the RevoPower Wheel.

We apologize if the development is taking longer than expected; we will only bring the highest quality product to market when it's ready and not before.

As we updated last, we still anticipate launching next year, but will not commit to a launch date just yet.

RevoPower will keep you posted when we have developments and when we are getting closer to the launch of our Wheel.

Again, we thank you so much for the encouraging emails and continued support!

Team RevoPower
They've been sending those emails out for like the last two years. They've been refunding the $50 some folks put down upon request.
And it's on their faq:
"When will the Wheel be for sale?
We know you’ve been waiting patiently… We hope to launch in early 2008 in select USA markets. We plan to launch in other countries later in 2008 and the rest of the USA. Thanks for your patience while we finish the last engineering and testing.

How much will it cost?
The Wheel will retail for approximately $599 USD at your local retailer."

Except for the potential range, the Revo is a big yawn as far as performance compared to similarly priced ebike kits. With the peaky powerband, one horsepower from this engine will probably seem very weak compared to one horsepower from an electric hubmotor. Too bad they don't list the torque @ rpm. Hope it doesn't turn into the PC of the small EV market -- popular, but sucky compared to other, more elegant options.
No Robbie, I just left over there because they they wanted to discuss left wing politics instead of power assist technology. I am a conservative so I so don't hang around where they are discussing things I don't care about or want to hear about. It is a waste of my time. I like Joshua and he can run the board however he wants to. I just don't care to participate.

This technology being discussed here is useful to all reasonably healthy people of all political persuasions. Turning off half the population with political talk seems self defeating. There are THOUSANDS of places where I can go if I want to read that stuff. I come here to find a place where I can find a cheap way to get around and get some exercise and maybe contribute some of my discoveries as well.

I assume from your post that you were offended by the REVOPOWER post and for that I apologize. Several months ago some of us discuused the possibibility of building a TRIBRID bike with the REVO power on the front and a motor and battery on the back. I am interested because I can get out of my neighborhood quietly. Get out on the main road. Kick in the REVOPOWER for the long ride up to whereever, shut it down, pull into the parking lot on Epower again. As the previous poster implied, A good Ebike may be functional enough either now or in the very near future to make the REVOPOWER device useless. No matter, It's just vaporware anyway and like the Schwinn Ebike, no one here has had a chance to run some tests and see if it is the real deal. I may end up building a Golden Eagle kit anyway for a second bike and use it for the really long runs and use my Ebike. for the closer in stuff.

Again, I am sorry you were offended by the off topic post.
The likely future existence and comparative practicality of the Revo wheel is debatable. Which means to me it should be debated. There isn't much information available about the Revo. Which means we all benefit by sharing what we know, or think we know about it.
The focus of this forum, as it is so titled, is obviously electric vehicle technology. The focus of this category is "E-bike General Discussion". If it is ever released, the Revo wheel will be a direct competitor to E-bikes and E-bike kits. Technically speaking, the Revo wheel is not incompatible with E-bikes either specifically or generally. As Sabrewalt already noted, the Revo could comprise the ICE component of a hybrid system; and in the future we may be sharing the bike lanes and paths with Revo wheels.
Hence, there is good cause for us to discuss the Revo, and good reasons to discuss the Revo here. This is a proper forum and a proper category for discussion, debate, and the sharing of information pertaining to the Revo wheel. It is not off-topic.
Thank you, Sabrewalt for revisiting the Revo.
I think a tri-brid would be an excellent idea, and ideally suited for my commute which has several long sections of road where nobody would care about noise.
I assume from your post that you were offended by the REVOPOWER post and for that I apologize.

You assume wrong. I couldn't care less. I was using a little humor to point out that you too can stray somewhat off topic.

Would it be considered off topic if I were to start discussing the inner workings of my Ford Bronco? I could relate it to power-assist by stating that I carry my regular bicycle on it for part of my commuter trips in hilly territory...LOL

Robbie Hatfield said:
I assume from your post that you were offended by the REVOPOWER post and for that I apologize.

You assume wrong. I couldn't care less. I was using a little humor to point out that you too can stray somewhat off topic.

Good. Then take the nit-picking @sshole act elsewhere, Robbie. Your inflammatory posts are also off the topic of the Revo wheel.
Good. Then take the nit-picking @sshole act elsewhere, Robbie. Your inflammatory posts are also off the topic of the Revo wheel.

Screw you xyster! Do you remember crying 'censorship' when the moderator of the old Voltage Forum ran you off of a memorial thread for Steve Irwin because you offended people with YOUR comments? I read that thread back at that time. You were a bigger @sshole there than I'll ever be anywhere!! What's worse now is that you sound like a &*$%#@% Hypocrite!

I throw the small fish back.

Robbie Hatfield said:
Good. Then take the nit-picking @sshole act elsewhere, Robbie. Your inflammatory posts are also off the topic of the Revo wheel.

Screw you xyster! Do you remember crying 'censorship' when the moderator of the old Voltage Forum ran you off of a memorial thread for Steve Irwin because you offended people with YOUR comments? I read that thread back at that time. You were a bigger @sshole there than I'll ever be anywhere!! What's worse now is that you sound like a &*$%#@% Hypocrite!

I throw the small fish back.


Eaven I recognize that for the bundle of bull plop that it is.
Voltage forum went t/u long b4 Steve Irwin.
Toorbough ULL-Zeveigh said:
Eaven I recognize that for the bundle of bull plop that it is.
Voltage forum went t/u long b4 Steve Irwin.

Creepy. He remembers and pesters people with old snippets from other other forums taken out of context, but doesn't otherwise contribute anything except personal attacks, clearly not in fun, designed to provoke a response and de-rail the topic. Like an older brother being followed around and cursed at by a child with a voice recorder recording the responses to take to his parents...

At least Randy had something to contribute regarding electric vehicle technology....


To Sabrewalt:
Didn't you just leave Joshua's board because of all the off-topic posts? Pot meet kettle! LOL


To a new member seeking advice for a heavier ebike rider:
I'd also consider the southbeach diet as 280lbs will stress the other bicycle components as well.


To Randy:
Hello Randy my old friend!!

You know, I'd much prefer to see you come down the 14,000 elevation via a 90 degree incline. LOL

^ Spare me this 'out of context' crap. I said nothing that isn't true and you know it! Now I'll say more...

Didn't you run away from the original voltage forum, vowing to never post again because of the spanking you received from the moderator? I used to behave that way when I was 8! Talk about not being able to admit you were wrong when you clearly were! I can't think of a better testament to your lack of character! You do realize that such a lack of character follows you whether you like it or not small fish?

It was also wise of you to steer clear of my accusation of your hypocracy Mr. 'free speech'. I guess you only support free speech if it's yours?

280 lbs WILL stress bicycle components. Especially true when more weight is added for a power assist system. I don't believe in beating around the bush. 280 lbs is OBESE, so recommending a diet was appropriate.

My comment to Randy WAS funny! Didn't Randy get banned from here? Seems like I wasn't the only one that he annoyed.

I'm done ribbing sabrewalt, so I'm done with this thread unless you choose to keep it going xyster.

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