sf hill video

So you don't believe in stopping at stop signs in traffic like everyone else has to either?
X.. we've been over this way too many times over now... You mean to tell me you ALWAYS stop at lights and wait for your turn just like a car ?

Personally.. i don't. I know my city well, and certain stops are congested enough that you don't have a choice.. you have to wait or die. But my regular route to work would have me at a dead stop 4 times waiting by myself at the intersection... i just slow down.. make sure it's safe and move along.

I suspect your local police is a bit more strict.. around here.. if you are not raping someone or causing a disorderly sceen... cops can't be bothered by much else. :twisted:

D- That's a freak of a hill.. building on this section of town has be be a challenge and a half.. whoa.
X.. we've been over this way too many times over now... You mean to tell me you ALWAYS stop at lights and wait for your turn just like a car ?

Yes. I either wait patiently on the sidewalk, crossing in the crosswalk when the light turns green, or wait my turn in line at the light like everyone else. Why would I do otherwise? I'm in no great hurry -- there's no burning reason I need to piss-off, or risk collision with often already angry or distracted drivers. I've been cut off by drivers running red lights and stop signs -- especially on right turns -- many times. Why would I want to be an asshole like them? By doing so, I'd also feel a part of a problem that's going to surely result in more regulation of personal electric vehicles. Which is not good for me, nor society. I'd post a video of my city cycling, but I'm afraid it would be most boring.

while technically not the law, common practice in sf for cyclists is to treat a stop sign as a yield, and a stop light as a stop sign.

i can hypothesize this is due to the sheer volume of stop signs, close proximity of intersections, topography as well as attitude of san francisco residents.

When I'm climbing a big hill, I hate to waste all that kinetic energy coming to a stop when I have some momentum. It's pretty standard operating procedure around here for all bikes to blow stop signs. I expect it when I'm out driving my car. Maybe it's a regional thing.
Maybe it's a regional thing.

Guess so. Here it's often the reverse: the bikers stop at stop lights and the cars go rolling through -- which may be why the bikers stop.
D, Thats a sweet Vid. I remember that route when I head into the city from time to time, which isn't to often since I hate the city traffic and hustle-n-bustle. If I remember that is one steep side. I like my southbay commute with wide bike lanes and not too many cars compared to SF. How much do you weigh because you took that hill like nothing? What was your speed going up?
Crikey :shock:

That was a steep one!! my goodness and I think I have seen that twisty road in a movie sometime? bullitt maybe? or an eastwood movie?

Great video D, on the stopping thing I dont know what the US laws are but In
most places here cyclist dont stop at red lights, they normally creep over them if the coast is clear, if not they mount the pavement.

I normally slow down, mount the pavement for a few feet then get back on the road, I dont like slowing and being trapped up the inside or outside of stationary cars they are unpredictable, I like to be out of the way.

Cheers for the video

Yep, rolling stops my end too, except if there's traffic.

For reds I'll usually merge with the rest of traffic in the appropriate lane depending where I want to go. Sometimes there's bike lanes, but then I'll usually use the proper lanes even though it's a 15-30$ fine. Only if you're riding an ebike, then you're not required by law to use bike lanes. Otherwise, to turn left you're expected to dash across the street like a rabbit when there's an opening between the cars, instead of using the left turn lane...

Look at this bike lane, it goes straight but does so from the RIGHT of the right turn only lane. I mean, it's obvious the designer has a psychotropic substance abuse problem, and you'd have to be retarded to use it:


Bicycle riding.

487. Subject to section 492, every person on a bicycle must ride on the extreme right-hand side of the roadway in the same direction as traffic, except where that space is obstructed or when he is about to make a left turn.

1986, c. 91, s. 487; 1990, c. 83, s. 176.

Cycle lane.

492. Where the public highway includes a cycle lane, persons riding a bicycle other than a power-assisted bicycle must use the cycle lane.

1986, c. 91, s. 492; 1990, c. 83, s. 179; 2002, c. 29, s. 56.

Was that human powered, or e-powered? If e-power I'd like to hear the motor working up that hill. I turned the sound off as the soundtrack, er how shall I put this tactfully, wasn't to my taste.