Should I be a Mod ?

Give Ypedal mod status.

  • Yes

    Votes: 29 72.5%
  • No

    Votes: 5 12.5%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 6 15.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
pwbset said:
Wait, what? Dude... "first rule of usenet". Shhhh! :twisted:

As usual, I dove in at the deep end with the binary warez groups. The mantra there was "leach, lurk and learn" before posting. Getting compressed, multi part messages and files that had to be concatenated and decoded in DOS was a challenge being that my first experience with a computer was a 586 running OEM Windows '95. I tackled it the same way I'm going after this whole ebike thing, slightly obsessed.
I did read the Usenet FAQ off a CD before I got a modem. It was kind of frightening but they sounded like my kind of people. Long live. . . shhh.
Ypedal is officially a moderator. So is Lenk42602.

We are working on a new set of rules and the new guys will help me with that.

I go on vacation for a few days and the place practically blows up... Oh well, I usually like to blow things up, but not the forum. :twisted:

Give us a little time, and we should have things smoothed out.
Ok.. monday again ! ( talk about one hectic weekend !! )

But i'm streching my moderator legs a bit.. have moved a few threads.. deleted some spam.. banned a spammer and getting used to the controls.

We canot enforce rules that do not exist.. so as the forum grows.. rules unfortunately have to start.. and then we have something to go with.. can't enforce rules that don't exist.

We " ES " are not yet that large that some " bending of the rules " should be permitted to an extent.. but all in moderation so to speak.. lol. :wink:

2 things i would feel need work .. Safe and TD both seem to rock the boat the most..

Safe : if you are reading this.. i am considering moving some of your threads to the SPAM folder. Your theories and self education threads create more confusion than good on this forum.. if this keeps up.. SPAM it shall become imo.

TD : you gotta play nice.. as much as i agree with you at times. harsh comments have to be toned down a notch sometimes.. so if you see some of those posts dissapear sometimes.. i might be the cause.

Stay tuned for more as it develops folks ! .but bottom line > Have fun and play safe. 8)
Ypedal said:
TD : you gotta play nice.. as much as i agree with you at times. harsh comments have to be toned down a notch sometimes.. so if you see some of those posts dissapear sometimes.. i might be the cause.

Does this mean bagging on idiots is over? :cry:
Good work Ypedal.

Unfortunately, I think the "wild west", anything goes days of the forum are over. Things have grown to a size that a more structured environment is necessary to prevent chaos and best serve the membership. I don't want things to become repressive and over-controlled either. One of the reasons I'm here and not somewhere else. Somewhere in the middle ground needs to be found. We can still be the bad boys of EV's here, we just need to be nice about it.

There will be some growing pains, and not everyone will be happy about it, but now is a better time than never.

There is a lot of excellent information burried under tons of discussion. This is a discussion forum, so that's unavoidable. It would be useful if the "good stuff" could be consolidated for easy reference, but that would be a very time consuming project.
fechter said:
TylerDurden said:
Does this mean bagging on idiots is over? :cry:
No. You just have to be polite about it.
Time for me to enroll in Miles' School for Subtle Subterfuge.

I've simply started to use the "Foes" facility and that's the answer. If you don't like someone's ideas just ignore them.

Moderation is not needed if you just use what is already there.
I certainly voted for you, because I think you have the right idea. You might consider some category that can allow new vendors to showcase their technology without being attacked by other members. Maybe a special offer for a special code that those who wish to participate can and those who don't are blocked? Rather than put all vendors into the Surplus Sale category, I think you miss an opportunity here to allow a technology exchange.
In the interest of trying to make as many happy as possible, while trying to retain order.

Could we change the " Spam " folder to

" Twilight Zone"
" ETC "
" Ideas and Theories "
" Weird and Wonderful "
" Off-Topic "
" Blown Fuse "
.. or any suitable name that would make it possible to move stuff that has no practicle everyday value to the forum

I feel that " Spam " should just be deleted, ie: make your weiner bigger pillz.. for example. No need to keep that stuff hanging..

Considering our " Safe " situation, he could post there all he wants, anyone willing to chime in and clarify why some of these things will never work can feel welcome to do so.

No harm in wanting to learn, but using the forum for things far and beyond it's intended purpose is not a good thing.

Am i making any sense here ? Or should things just go on as they currently are ?

Lets hear some opinions .. New members and Veterans alike.
Quote EMF "

He's not a troll - he's a moderator. I think calling this spam is a bit harsh, but it is certainlly of little value to the bulk of folks looking for info on battery technology. I have always felt there is a place for these discussions in a technical forum, but unfortunately, there is no subforum here for this sort of thing. I have suggested a "Theoretical sub-forum" or even a "Developers Corner" that those that are interested, could visit. If not- you can avoid it like the plague.

The thing is with these threads is a lot of folks stumbling on them, are not familiar with them, wade through them just to see that they are not what they were looking for. E.g. real world items.

If we could categorise these "think tanks" into a special area, I think it would go a long way in helping folks navigate through the real world and the world of "brainstorming". Who knows- someday someone might come up with somethng new. Calling it spam and deleting it, is not the way to go I don't think."

I agree !
It wont be perfect, because any new subforum that allows such deep, subjects and discussions, will require someone that has a lot going on upstairs to effectively moderate such a technical area. Someone with a degree in EE would be one example of a moderator. Because, things like this can go off on tangents and someone has to decide when it is time to bring things back down to earth, or at least know how to keep the discussion on track. Or even if it is necessary to pull the plug on the darn thing.

It would be of interest for some to try such subforums out I would think. To see what sort of things they could come up with or even to ask questions or clarify things they are curious about.

A very important side benefit is that if the subforum grew into something of value to those that enjoy such discussions, it could help to draw additional "experts" to these forums, that would tend to visit in other threads and help out there. IMHO this would be a coup for Endless-Sphere and of course e-vehicle hobbyists such as myself.
I don't see the need for a new "Theoretical sub-forum" especially for the type of often wild hypotheses which 'safe' likes to engage in. A theory after all must have a basis in experimental results.
The problem is that these flights of fancy are in the technical forums when they should be in the general discussion forums where the need to keep a tighter reign is (should be) less of an imperitave.
First things first.

The system used to indicate a members status as a moderator... we need that back, or some other way for viewers to know Buzzz & Len & Lowell are mods. It will reduce confusion.

As for safe, I've only come across a couple of people like him in many BB's. People like safe are the reason for the saying: "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing". Combined with the free-time and a personality disorder, his intellect is like a drunk-driver on the wrong side of the highway, yelling: "you people just don't get it...".
flip_normal said:
I don't see the need for a new "Theoretical sub-forum" especially for the type of often wild hypotheses which 'safe' likes to engage in. A theory after all must have a basis in experimental results.
The problem is that these flights of fancy are in the technical forums when they should be in the general discussion forums where the need to keep a tighter reign is (should be) less of an imperitave.

Yeah, I guess you are right, the General Discussion forum is designed to discuss about anything. And it is certainly better than what we have now. Plus, as you say, a theory is supposed to be based on some sort of accepted reality or facts. This is the crux of the problem I think, that drives people to start flames.

But, I always thought of the GD forum as almost a "lounge" area or a place to talk about something other than shop.

If it weren't for the sheer number of these threads that are already being created and then the child threads, that seem to calve off the dead ones, I would agree. But, I am afraid if we give carte blanche to Safe to start hemmoraging ideas, he will dominate the General Discussion forum and disrupt the community atmosphere there that is developing. I think people would complain about it as he would shove all the other threads off the front page.
EMF said:
It wont be perfect, because any new subforum that allows such deep, subjects and discussions, will require someone that has a lot going on upstairs to effectively moderate such a technical area. Someone with a degree in EE would be one example of a moderator. Because, things like this can go off on tangents and someone has to decide when it is time to bring things back down to earth, or at least know how to keep the discussion on track. Or even if it is necessary to pull the plug on the darn thing.

It would be of interest for some to try such subforums out I would think. To see what sort of things they could come up with or even to ask questions or clarify things they are curious about.

A very important side benefit is that if the subforum grew into something of value to those that enjoy such discussions, it could help to draw additional "experts" to these forums, that would tend to visit in other threads and help out there. IMHO this would be a coup for Endless-Sphere and of course e-vehicle hobbyists such as myself.

The only reason I can think of for a moderator to pull the plug on anyone is they're consistently abusive.
IMO, discussion forums, especially technical ones, operate best as a sort of meritocracy.
If a newbie can't figure out who is FOS and who knows something then they need to do more research.
As a new comer and general ignoramus when it comes to moving electrons I've found this forum useful and informative as it is.
The search function works pretty darn good and, as I've said before, it's not always those who say the most who have the most to say.
Some of the authors here are very knowledgable and most generous to share their information. Many are simply entertaining in their opinions. It's the "net nannies" who are most useless, IMO.
It is certainly easy enough to create a new forum area. We want to keep the number of sub categories to the bare minimum, but since we are evolving, perhaps the minimum has just increased.

It's important so that newcomers can look at the board index and figure out where to look for something. It all should fit easily on a single screen without needing to scroll too much.

There are many features of the board software that are not presently used. I don't even know how to work half of them. I believe members with moderator status are supposed to be identified as much, but it may be a setting somewhere for that. knightmb can probably figure that out.

I sort of like Twilight Zone...

The Spam folder was there specifically for spam so that knightmb could trace the source.
Zoot Katz said:
The only reason I can think of for a moderator to pull the plug on anyone is they're consistently abusive.
IMO, discussion forums, especially technical ones, operate best as a sort of meritocracy.
If a newbie can't figure out who is FOS and who knows something then they need to do more research.
As a new comer and general ignoramus when it comes to moving electrons I've found this forum useful and informative as it is.
The search function works pretty darn good and, as I've said before, it's not always those who say the most who have the most to say.
Some of the authors here are very knowledgable and most generous to share their information. Many are simply entertaining in their opinions. It's the "net nannies" who are most useless, IMO.

Right. But abuse has many meanings and perhaps you have not been here long enough to sense all its facets. The forums are growing and there has been some discussion that they are also getting a bit mean spirited and folks are trying to come up with ways to accomadate everyone and possibly come up with ways to ensure that the forums continue to be of use and not just thread after locked thread of flame wars.

There is more to a community like this than reducing it to a forum that must be navigated with a search function that works "pretty well" in order to avoid all the recent BS. For instance- the group buy.

Perhaps it would be nice to come up with a way to avoid those that as you put it: "say the most but have nothing to say" but, this is your opinion. There will be others that enjoy reading what that same person is writing about. So maybe there needs to be a place for them to have fun and not have to worry about it.

At any rate, there does not seem to be any disadvantage to creating a new subforum or using an exsisting one in a new way. The admins have tried to let the forums run without "net nannies" as you put it, but it has caused a lot of heartburn so far.
Zoot Katz said:
Some of the authors here are very knowledgable and most generous to share their information. Many are simply entertaining in their opinions. It's the "net nannies" who are most useless, IMO.
Amen, kettlehead...

....what we are slowly tracking down in thread after thread on this subject is the difference between subjective versus objective standards defining the context from which we all draw our Endless Sphere identities. Until the rules and guidelines are clearly defined by the administrators (which will be forthcoming), all of these attempts at explaining "how things are on the Sphere" are merely projections of our own opinions.....
