

100 kW
Dec 3, 2010
Northumberland, UK
I had a spoke snap at the radius 2 months ago (and still haven't got round to fixing it) on my Crystalyte 5300, a second one snapped today- easily noticed because it caused a puncture! The 2 snapped spokes are next to each other.
I checked the size needed but noticed it is 13G (2.2mm) not the expected 12G (2.5mm), there also seems quite a lot of clearance in the holes on the hub, also on the rim.

ebikes.ca site:
Crystalyte: 2.5mm 12G
Most other brands: 2.3 mm 13G
Standard bicycle wheel: 2.0mm 14G

I got the wheel from Crystalyte Europe and they only list 13G, not 14G spokes.

What do other Crystalyte owners have on their wheels?

Should I change over to the larger spokes? And if I do what would the effect be of only changing when they snap, or must they be all be done at one time?

What differences would be felt between the different spoke sizes? The 12G will be stiffer but how would this translate in usage/feel etc.
I started out with 12ga spokes mated to a 9C, and they are too stiff to be woven flat. So, in fact, it's hardly possible to get a nice, even tension on such big spokes, and the wheel tended to need frequent fussing with. Changed over to 13ga and it's been good, ever since. I haven't had to turn a spokewrench for nine months~! I do not do any off-roading with this bike however and I'm no leaping curbs even.....just the occasional rolling over one, or potholes. Strictly a road commuter. I think 12ga would be appropriate for the trails or with high speeds done regularly. Otherwise, I stick with a more supple spoke.
If you need 13g spokes made to measure in the UK go to Graham @ Tiller cycles on tinternet, he does Sapim stainless and oversize nipples if you need them. I had 2 sets from him last week and have used him before, always quick correct and quality! his 13g spokes are the same thickness as a Crystalyte supplied wheel I have.

Thanks guys.

The spokes on mine are 2.2mm, which falls a little under 13G (2.3mm) but they haven't needed much adjustment so I'll go for the same size again- I was a little concerned because the holes either end would take the larger size.
Thanks for the supplier name- I was still struggling to find them.
What kind/size of washers do you guys use rim side when they are needed? I think I'll need them for 13G spokes so what Outside Diameter and Inside Diameter have you used, and what metal - I'd think brass would be good? What size for 12G?