Super Capacitors w/batteries


100 W
Oct 13, 2010
Ventura CA
I did not search this forum on this subject before posting, so sorry if I'm kicking a dead horse here.
I saw some videos on Super capacitors.
Laying in bed last night thinking of "what if's"....

I'm no electrical engineer by ANY means - But what if a Super Capacitor was used in conjunction with batteries?
The Batteries supply juice at the lower speeds, but when you wack the throttle open, the Supper capacitor kicks in and supplies a surge far bigger than the batteries every could. The batteries also, slowly re-energize the capacitor as well (or regen braking feeds the cap?)

Having the Super Cap pumping a huge amount of juice for a programmed amount of time.
volts/watts/time duration could be adjustable via the controller maybe?

Man that would be SAAWEEET :mrgreen:

Is this possible? or just a dream?
Been covered. Lithium batteries work better.

search supercaps or hybrid batteries if you wanna dig.
TylerDurden said:
Hugues said:
So what could I do with a super cap, apart of blowing up my whole gear ?
Spend more money in the process.

lol..... yup

The answer to this 'problem' is a battery that can put out the juice needed. Even 2-3 20C cheapo lipo packs will do the job handily.

Now you want to regen a good amount of energy back into the battery? then you need supercaps with today's battery tech. braking forces are so much more powerful than acceleration forces and most batteries recharge at 1/4th or less of the rate they discharge. So you can't take much power in.. thus regen braking is going to be weak, always :|

But capacitor energy density is awful. I mean, it's rated in farads which relate to amp seconds, not amp hours like batteries. You'd need a honkin' huge supercap to store any appreciable amount of energy.

When I was over at ep buddies house last he was telling me about the above technology.

It sounded pretty interesting.