The Croc Cage - John in CR kind of crazy idea

John in CR

100 TW
May 19, 2008
Here's my idea of a once in a lifetime tourist attraction:

Everyone has seen shark cages for seeing great whites, and since sharks have a pretty big "tank" I'm sure it's less than reliable and you spend lots of time chumming and waiting.

Here we've got one principal river really loaded with crocodiles. You can stop and see them from a bridge on a main road, as well as go see them by boat on tours.

My idea is to combine the two. Build a strong cage to get in. Add floats so it can't fully submerge and drown the occupant. Throw in some kind of telescoping apparatus or tilting pole to attach a piece of chicken or other bait to get the crocs in really close for pictures of feeding. Then you just get in and lower the cage into the domain of the crocs to get up close and personal with real living dinosaurs, one of the world's greatest survivors.

It's something I want to do myself. What would you pay for say 15 minutes and a chicken?...additional chickens?

The waters should also be infested with leeches and piranhas - It's not a real adventure if there's no actual risk..... :twisted:



John in CR said:
What would you pay for say 15 minutes and a chicken?...additional chickens?
I'd give my right arm to be able...

...wait, that didn't come out right.
Dunno if the crocs over there get up out of the water John but the ones up north here launch up on their tails
we have boat tours also, the dangle chooks from a string above thw water and the crocs get RIGHT up out of
the water, i think this fella wished he was in a cage right about now too-->


I would definitely pay to do it, but want to be a serious cage, i seen some BIG mofo Crocs in the Broome croc park
i wouldnt want any flimsy aluminium cage Chromoly or preferably titanium please hehe

We got signs in the parks out here, "Please dont mollest the alligators" RIGHT! LOL

Id pay a hundred bucks, can ya get some company to sell on the spot insurance policies like the airports used to have?
I was thinking $50 a ride with family discounts. I doubt I could get a permit for doing it off of that bridge, which would be ideal for big business, though they do have bungee jumping off some of the high bridges in the mountains (no crocs of course). Even though I'd make sure the steel cage was absolutely safe, even down to no being able to expose fingers to the crocs, I think it would be quite an adrenalin rush just to be that close to the business end while it's in use. I'd of course include measures so the animals don't get hurt or scarred up too.

I'm sure Kriskross is right, that half or more would start screaming to get pulled back up early.

These aren't as big as your salties, but still pretty big. An idiot teenager got eaten a few years ago swimming in another river. Also, one time my wife and I were horseback riding on the beach on the Caribbean side and saw one run off the beach into a beachside lagoon, and that animal had to be over 4m long. He was quick and skinny, so probably quite hungry, and must have come out of the swampy interior of that area. Maybe he was hunting egg laying sea turtles at night or something. It was pretty exhilarating and that was not being able to get closer than 30-40m. I can just imagine down in the water feeding them at 1m distance even inside a protective cage.
John in CR said:
An idiot teenager got eaten a few years ago swimming in another river. .

Yes we get the occasional dim wit that thinks their invincible, they soon find they aren't and become a crocs main course, usually tourists...locals know better than too swim in the water up top end of OZ where there are crocs...and sharks the size of cars...and deadly sea snakes... there's not much that swims and/or walks here that can't kill you come to think of it LoL

AussieJester said:
John in CR said:
An idiot teenager got eaten a few years ago swimming in another river. .

Yes we get the occasional dim wit that thinks their invincible, they soon find they aren't and become a crocs main course, usually tourists...locals know better than too swim in the water up top end of OZ where there are crocs...and sharks the size of cars...and deadly sea snakes... there's not much that swims and/or walks here that can't kill you come to think of it LoL


All that and it's the tiny jellyfish that you really have to worry about.
John in CR said:
AussieJester said:
John in CR said:
An idiot teenager got eaten a few years ago swimming in another river. .

Yes we get the occasional dim wit that thinks their invincible, they soon find they aren't and become a crocs main course, usually tourists...locals know better than too swim in the water up top end of OZ where there are crocs...and sharks the size of cars...and deadly sea snakes... there's not much that swims and/or walks here that can't kill you come to think of it LoL


All that and it's the tiny jellyfish that you really have to worry about.

And lets not forget the lil blue ring octopus, size of a golf ball and one of the deadliest creatures in the sea ...
least with Sharks when your bitten in half its quick and painless LoL

When your time is up, your time is up, though in Australia there seems to be more natural ways for it to happen than most. A prime example is the world's favorite nature guy getting stabbed in the heart by a stingray.
A lot of younger folks see a croc on TV laying there, or moving slowly. They assume that they don't (or can't) move fast. They are conserving their energy, and are capable of shockingly fast sprints (in spite of their short legs). If you are in the water with one, you are even more screwed, you CANNOT outswim them.

Here's an event that hurt Steve Irwins ratings and public relations. The crocs at his enclosure were on a steady chicken-feeding schedule, and were tossed food for the tourists to see. He fed one while holding his new-born baby, much to the publics outrage. As a child, there was an alligator farm in southern California that I went to...people will pay for that, give it a shot.

I remember that, was a lil irresponsible of him to say the least no matter how
experienced he was...I do miss his antics and his cries of "CRICKEY" though hehe
Alot in Australia thought he wasa tosser, alot didn't know how much of his own money he donated to
wildlife preservation in Australia either...Would like to get to his Zoo in Queensland one day for a looksie
too....His daughter Bindie has become a bit of a celebrity definitely takes after her old man...

RIP Steve Irwin...

Darwin zoo, tell you right now though/ After seeing some up close working in cape trib the further I am from them the better. I have swum with sharks in WA & off the great barrier reef. Two min in the water with them lets you know man is not designed to be an aquatic creature :mrgreen:


  • 884530-go-swimming-with-a-5-5m-croc.jpg
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You'd really need to be in a glass cage like that if you wanted to see any interaction with a croc in the wild. I was in Darwin last year and got some pretty good croc photos, but often you don't see a trace of them until a split second before they chomp due to the muddy water they frequent. At one point we saw one in the distance swimming around the pontoon where we were to get off, then as we approached he went under and we couldn't see him. Needless to say people very quickly and nervously jumped off the boat and ran up the wharf!





One of my mates who lives up there was telling me about a couple of pommy tourists who probably would have been eaten. They were sunbaking close to the waters edge in croc infested water. When he went up and told them they said "oh yes we saw the sign, that's why we're not in the water"
"so I don't suppose you noticed that croc over there that's been stalking you..." *points 30 metres to a croc making its way out of a bunch of reeds*
" *gasp* "

Then there's the young girl who got eaten while playing in a creek up there. Her parents want all the crocs killed now because they were stupid enough to let swim in croc infested waters. Sorry, no it wasn't croc infested waters, that's 1km down the road. She should have been safe in this swampy creek... :roll:
Yikes, they're using 6mm Lexan cages for great white viewing too. I think I'd want some steel involved too...wouldn't want it so scary that no one wants to get in. Good point, this water has pretty much zero visibility. I can just hear the screaming now as the crocs break the surface immediately in front. :twisted: