The ebiker's bag: what we should have at all times


10 kW
Sep 5, 2007
Rochester, NY
So, I'm putting together a list of things every ebiker should have on their ride at all times. Please feel free to add to the list:

Spare innertube
Patch kit
Tire levers
CO2 tire inflator and cartridges
Appropriate wrench to remove wheels
Spare fuses
Allen wrenches
Phillips screwdriver
Electrical tape

What else?
Topeak Alien II (never go anywhere without it)
Extra connector housings/contacts
Mini torch
Length of solder
Wire cutter/stripper
Slime'd inner tube
Small pump

I don't normally carry fuses, since there's also a breaker in line with them. I figure if something goes wrong enough to blow them both up, I probably shouldn't try and reconnect them :?.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and a wet-nap :wink:.
I could see posilock connectors coming in handy. The butane torch and solder would do good if it were very small.
(Aside, mentions of paper towels and wet naps are maybe revealing about personal EV ownership.)

Maybe see also earlier thread "Poll: whats your favourite bike accessory?":

...especially Dr.Shocks ammo cans. Seein' as yer carrying `round all this stuff. :)

Can only add condoms to the list.
Well incase of us accidental prone people.
Arm sling
disinfectant spray
Spare fuse for those who don't have breaker

Hahahaa. i think an emergency patch kit might be the best bet though.
vanilla ice said:
The butane torch and solder would do good if it were very small.

It's about twice as fat and 2/3's as long as a pen, so pretty small.

Lock said:
(Aside, mentions of paper towels and wet naps are maybe revealing about personal EV ownership.)

I love buffets.

Lock said:
Can only add condoms to the list.

Why? Electrical tape is better in the event a cable is cut into.

Unless you're trying to emergency waterproof a connector or something :??

*gets bad deja-vous when checking this for errors*

Mom is gonna order pizza tomorrow...
kyakdiver said:
Topeak Alien II (never go anywhere without it)

That's one beautiful piece of kit. I may have to pick up one.

Well incase of us accidental prone people.
Arm sling
disinfectant spray

For those running high power setups, I think a cell phone might be more effective. I mean, if I have an "accident" at 45mph, I'd rather have an ambulance than an arm sling!

Slime'd inner tube

You mean a condom?

No, really though, I've had awful luck with slimed tubes. They just seem to refuse to self-heal for me. Either that, or I haven't encountered anything that got through my tire and Mr. Tuffy and made a hole small enough for the slime to seal.
When I saw this topic, I couldn't help thinking of the survival kit issued to the bomber crew in Dr. Strangelove, which included:

a miniature Russian phrase book and Bible,
nine packs of chewing gum,
four days of concentrated food,
one issue of condoms, lipstick, three pair of nylons.
A few other things to add to the list that are carried on my bike are...

Some zip ties.
A few bungee cords.
A few 2 litre freezer bags with elastic bands to cover the throttle in case of severe rain. (I never used to worry about this before but after reading some posts on this board I figure it's better to be safe than sorry so I now carry them).

a wire with two crock-clips on the ends
bike charger
water-proof trousers (pants for all you Americans)
spare light bulbs (so many uses) :D
I gave up wearing nylons and lipstick recently, but the condom(s) could still be useful.

A lock or two might be good.... while you're using the condom(s).

Ebikes can easily be stashed behind a house/garage or locked a brief walk away from dwellings you visit; away from snooping neighbors. 8)
I suppose you could use the lipstick as grease, and the nylons as tube protectors, especially if they had some kevlar in them.

As I recall from the movie, there were also some dollars, rubles and gold in the survival packs. I suppose that would translate to bus fare in the ebike kit.
MajorMagnuM said:
ACME Portable black hole

Inflatable anvil was also useful. And remember to keep 10 feet away from the ACME train tracks :wink:.
I haven't pedaled much since I got my x5. With it out of commission, I've had to use those silly leg muscles to get around. Woke up today and my thighs were nice and sore. :-D

So who sells those, and do they take paypal?