The Kitchen guy

We keep banning this kitchen guy daily. But if you post a reply on his thread, then we have to do an additional action to remove your post. Short of closing the forum to all new members, there is little we can do about it if he's willing to fill out the forms to join again.

Please just report them. Thanks Mark 5.

To clarify, when you report this A---- that keeps spamming kitchens, we ban hammer him. This removes all posts and PMs by the same guy, everywhere on the forum in one click. But if you reply to any of this spam, then we have to do another action to get rid of the thread title, and your reply. This is all the dude wants, his thread title in google. We have done all we can to discourage him, including mass bannings of all new members at times when we have had hundreds of new spam members join in a day.

Report this guy, and I'm up at 4:00 am daily to wipe the spam away. Once Amberwolf gets better internet access again, he'll be beating me to it again. He stays up late, so between the two of us, spam is unlikely to last very long, once you show us where it is.
I posted a message to the leister kitchens ppl on their contact us page requesting they stop.

Ironically before it would let me send a message I had to complete a CAPTCHA to prove I wasn't a spammer. :evil: