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Trump 2024 Really?


10 kW
Jan 16, 2020
Apple Valley, California
Trump-2024 Really?

A courtesy letter to President-deselect Trump.

Dear President-deselect Trump. You sir have suffered a terrible defeat and we know how hard this loss is for you. Yet you now float the idea of running again in 2024? LOL. Sorry sir, please accept my apology for laughing-out-loud. But sir you must think about what it would mean to be unsuccessful in your bid to win the White House in 2024. Can you withstand the greatest of humiliations - a second defeat? Another loss will label you as a 'two-time' loser. A label sir that I'm sure would be intolerable for you.

Understanding that you take no one's advice, but with all due respect, have you thought about what running again would mean for your reputation. After all, your reputation is more important than the presidency itself, but you know that right? And you will be 78 years old. Remember 78-year-old “Sleepy Joe”? He's the one that defeated you in 2020. You wouldn't want to be labeled “Tired Trump” would you? Of course not. Just saying from a concerned citizen Mr. President-deselect. I wouldn't want the thought of the consequences of losing again ruining your retirement.

Now that you no longer have to deal with the bothersome rigors of the White House, you can concentrate on staying out of the Big House. Anyway, Mr. President- deselect, I do wish you the best in your retirement.

P.S. If you do decide you want to run again, I say bring it on (Mr.) Trump, because to do so will make you a 'two-time' loser. LOL-not sorry.
Trump has many many millions under his control, thats what he wants and it gives him power over the Republican party.

have suffered a terrible defeat
It's really not all that terrible as there have been wider margins on the popular vote side, there have been greater "landslides"

*Remember Facebook started in 2004, different campaign marketing times prior to 2008.

2016 - 3M difference in popular votes
2012 - 5M
2008 - 9.5M
2004 - 4M
2000 - 450k
1996 - 8M
1992 - 5.8M
1998 - 7M
1984 - 17M
1980 - 8M
1976 - 1.7M
1972 - 18M

Just_Ed said:
. . . . because to do so will make you a 'two-time' loser. LOL-not sorry.

Are you referring to Joe Biden? Two Time Loser? You're one of the sorriest on this board, there's no denying that. And WHEN have you EVER wished someone WELL?

1. Clean your environment

For many people working from home right now, the living room or bedroom is also the office. While the idea of keeping the space clean sounds simple, Grigore said it can do wonders for your mental health.

“The right hemisphere of your brain is your spatial recognition so you’re picking up your environment. If you see a lot of clutter versus clean lines and space, it makes you feel differently,” he said. “If you’re feeling cluttered you can also begin to feel claustrophobic.”
2. Feel it

Being isolated for extended periods of time can bring pent up emotion to the surface. Grigore said it’s important to acknowledge it and get it out.

“Express your feelings through art, music, poetry, prayer, meditation and even a good cry can release some pent up emotions that have to come out, especially during grief,” he said.

This can also be a particularly challenging time for people who live alone. Some of the advice Grigore shared back in March is still relevant today.

“Things like really utilizing Zoom meetings and phone calls and really becoming active is useful.”
3. Keep moving

Even though it’s raining outside, Grigore said it’s important to not fall into the trap of curling up on the couch all day watching TV. He suggests indoor workouts, walks and even dancing in the living room.

“Even three-five minutes of movement can do a tremendous amount of benefit to increase your mood,” he said. “Put on your favourite music playlist and just bust a move for three minutes. Even if you feel silly, it’ll help you feel better.”
4. Work on yourself or your family

As people spend more time alone or with family, Grigore said it presents an “opportunity to actually make some changes in your life,” whether that be personally, professionally or even academically. He suggests making time to seek out therapy, deepen relationships with people, start a new business or even take an online course.

“One of the worst things for anxiety and depression is purposelessness and meaninglessness,” he said. “This doesn’t have to be a dark time. Even though it’s dark outside, it can be just the moment before it becomes bright again.”

Grigore has free resources available on his website. There are also a number of free online mental health resources available to British Columbians, including:

Canadian Mental Health Association’s BounceBack
Wellness Together Canada, a federally funded program
WellCan, a resource developed and funded by corporate, community and public sector partners
Trump 2024 Really?

It's the Trump Network 2024, The best right Options, no news 100% options right from Trump. Send your donations to Trumps help pay the court cost. Say what? Yep the court cost to keep him out of jail so he can start another failed company while making billions for himself. Don't worry he does not have 10 or 20 more years left in him.
ZeroEm said:
Trump 2024 Really?

It's the Trump Network 2024, The best right Options, no news 100% options right from Trump. Send your donations to Trumps help pay the court cost. Say what? Yep the court cost to keep him out of jail so he can start another failed company while making billions for himself. Don't worry he does not have 10 or 20 more years left in him.

You guys keep talking about jail...jail for what illegal act exactly? Don't you think that if he actually did something illegal that they would have already been all over him. It's not like Killary who absolutely was running a huge pay-for-play scheme. I'm still disappointed that's one of the few things Trump didn't get done that he promised.
John in CR said:
You guys keep talking about jail...jail for what illegal act exactly?

Whattaya got? They'll TAKE IT!

And it's exactly because he RUINED their pay to play scheme that the party is out to get him and the toadies here are parroting it.

John in CR said:
You guys keep talking about jail...jail for what illegal act exactly?
Fraud in NY state is the first one in at least three cases. Rape. Slander. (Slander about one of his rapes specifically.) Although that's a civil trial so he won't go to jail for that one.

Don't you think that if he actually did something illegal that they would have already been all over him.
They have been. But his fixers have paid off women, quashed stories and paid $$$ to settle civil suits. Now his fixers are in jail, he's out of money and he is soon losing the power of his office.

It's not like Killary who absolutely was running a huge pay-for-play scheme.
Yeah, but see, in reality she didn't. Trump did - and his 'charity' was shut down because of it*. And of course he used the power of the presidency to get his son-in-law millions in investment from Qatar (pay) by opposing sanctions once Qatar agreed to give him the money (play.)**

(*- "On November 7, 2019, Justice Scarpulla ordered Trump to pay a $2 million settlement for misusing the Foundation for his business and political purposes." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_J._Trump_Foundation#:~:text=On%20December%2018%2C%202018%2C%20Underwood,the%20foundation%20and%20its%20directors.)

(** - https://www.justsecurity.org/69094/timeline-on-jared-kushner-qatar-666-fifth-avenue-and-white-house-policy/)
John in CR said:
You guys keep talking about jail...jail for what illegal act exactly?

Tax evasion
Theft of services
Conspiracy to commit kidnapping
Wrongful imprisonment
Accepting emoluments from a foreign state
Material support for terrorism

I could go on, but any one of those will do. I'm not picky as long as he dies in prison.
Chalo said:
John in CR said:
You guys keep talking about jail...jail for what illegal act exactly?

Tax evasion
Theft of services
Conspiracy to commit kidnapping
Wrongful imprisonment
Accepting emoluments from a foreign state
Material support for terrorism

I could go on, but any one of those will do. I'm not picky as long as he dies in prison.

Your whole post was repurposed from what they said about Bill Clinton, the best president of my lifetime. I guess you rank Trump right up there with the best, ascribing all the same traits. . . .

I sure found this great collection of pics at the right time.

Chalo said:
John in CR said:
You guys keep talking about jail...jail for what illegal act exactly?

Tax evasion
Theft of services
Conspiracy to commit kidnapping
Wrongful imprisonment
Accepting emoluments from a foreign state
Material support for terrorism

I could go on, but any one of those will do. I'm not picky as long as he dies in prison.

If all that is true why did they go after him for a bogus collusion thing instead of going after him for legitimate charges? Your theory doesn't pass a common sense test.
JackFlorey said:
John in CR said:
It's not like Killary who absolutely was running a huge pay-for-play scheme.
Yeah, but see, in reality she didn't.

And you can say you believe that with a straight face? What's it like to be so gullible? I guess Biden didn't do anything either in Ukraine, Russia, and big time in China. $1.5 billion buys a lot...We're supposed to believe that the Chinese gov't is going to put that kind of money into a crack head's investment company when he has zero knowledge or experience in that area.
by John in CR » Nov 25 2020 2:44am

JackFlorey wrote: ↑Nov 24 2020 11:02pm
John in CR wrote: ↑Nov 24 2020 8:22pm
It's not like Killary who absolutely was running a huge pay-for-play scheme.
Yeah, but see, in reality she didn't.
And you can say you believe that with a straight face? What's it like to be so gullible? I guess Biden didn't do anything either in Ukraine, Russia, and big time in China. $1.5 billion buys a lot...We're supposed to believe that the Chinese gov't is going to put that kind of money into a crack head's investment company when he has zero knowledge or experience in that area.

I'm really surprised that you go along with these people. I'm for the truth and try to avoid the cow pies. Most news channels want to increase viewer's and revenue. So they all ramp up the false clams. Just look at what is filed in court and who is going to jail.

You mentioned common sense, lets take a look. Not defending Hillary but we will use her as an example. The republicans have been making false clams about her for 30 yrs now, really gets tiresome.
The link will show some of the investigations.

Now Trump does not like Hillary and if they had something on her don't you think she would at least be in Court with charges filed on her?
Trump is president as does as he wishes, has the power of congress behind him, has a mostly loyal supreme court. Has placed his people in the US Attorney General, FBI, CIA, 300+ judges across the country and his militias'.
So I ask how many charges and court cases is Hillary in the middle of?
John in CR said:
And you can say you believe that with a straight face?
Yep. You know how I know that?

The Clinton foundation was not shut down by the government for fraud. It has a board of directors of ten people who decide where the money goes. It supplies over 12 million people with anti-malarial drugs in third world countries, among other things. It has been investigated a dozen times by republican organizations. None of them - not one - could find any evidence of crime, fraud or embezzlement.

The Trump foundation WAS shut down by the government. In 2018, Justice Underwood ordered the foundation to shut down, and Justice Scarpulla ordered Trump to pay a $2 million settlement for misusing the Foundation for his business and political purposes. It had a board of directors of one person - Donald Trump. The money people donate is used to pay for Mar-A-Lago legal bills, bribe Attorneys General who are investigating Trump, to pay off supporters and to receive income without paying income taxes on it. There are currently three criminal investigations into fraud associated with the charity.

That's in the real world, which is where I tend to live.

So what's it like to live in a Trump fantasy world? It must be nice there. Not very connected to reality, but I bet you get a lot of "likes" when you post Hillary hate.
ZeroEm said:
So I ask how many charges and court cases is Hillary in the middle of?

To answer that question, you must ask 'What power has Hillary been wielding in the past close to a decade?' The answer of course is none. Back when she was Secretary of State there was the suit alleging that SHE would get to decide if someone could make a documentary that was disapproving of her, which she lost but said if she was president she'd overturn THAT decision.

Her high point was as First Lady, where she sends the legal staff to do things that gets THEM in trouble but the Justice Department is stuck for codified law that allows them to prosecute the First Lady. There was the lawsuit that caused her to be designated a 'Special Representative' or the like, NOW they had the power but she was almost out and it could only apply to what came after and not all that came before.

I'm not sure why they couldn't get her for Travelgate, not just using the travel budget to pay campaign debt and reward cronies but the false charges brought against Billy Ray and others that were used to help her get away with it. I think that was already a cut and dry situation.

Oh, White Water, her taking her own personnel files at the law firm to impede the investigation of her and getting CAUGHT with them later, just as she was CAUGHT walking, carrying the White Water files which she'd already signed the memo acknowledging she was not legally allowed to look at.

I won't bother with the irony of you being so quick to go along with ANYTHING the media says about Trump but you'll turn around and explain away anything they say about Hillary. No, it cuts both ways. What amazes me is that you think we don't see it when you do it. So blatantly, yet you expect it to be YOUR secret.

JackFlorey said:
Yep. You know how I know that?

You don't. That never stops you.

JackFlorey said:
The Clinton foundation was not shut down by the government for fraud.

Yeah, blatant government protection does that for you. Imagine if Trump had acted to save his, the UPROAR.

So go back and read where I posted right here on this board the Clinton Foundations' OWN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of the pay for play, the numbers they admitted they received, I put the links to their page up and I not sure i remember exactly but there was some timeline for them getting the governmental attention they sought once the Clinton Foundation got its' money. Isn't that great?

I'd have to go back and look at it again but it makes me sick. But you get to read who gave over $5 million for their pay for play, etc.
John in CR said:
Chalo said:
John in CR said:
You guys keep talking about jail...jail for what illegal act exactly?

Tax evasion
Theft of services
Conspiracy to commit kidnapping
Wrongful imprisonment
Accepting emoluments from a foreign state
Material support for terrorism

I could go on, but any one of those will do. I'm not picky as long as he dies in prison.

If all that is true why did they go after him for a bogus collusion thing instead of going after him for legitimate charges? Your theory doesn't pass a common sense test.

The investigator didn't say the collision [collusion, haha magic fone] case was bogus. He said there was indictable conduct. It was the Repug Senate that decided to let him off, just because they were part of the same organized crime syndicate. That wasn't about innocence-- it was about exercising power. And it's also why you haven't seen other cases against him come to prosecution... yet. Once he's no longer president, it no longer matters what the Senate thinks.

We just elected such a useless sack of crap that I doubt there will be any movement on federal cases against Turnip. But there are enough state cases to get the job done. I hope he hires a defense team of the same lawyers who ran his election lawsuits!
Chalo said:
We just elected such a useless sack of crap that I doubt there will be any movement on federal cases against Turnip.

It's not about uselessness at that level, it's about him and others with him worrying about their turn coming up. If they decided they would construct SOMETHING, ANYTHING the way the mindless want, that establishes the legal precedent that makes it easier to get HIM. Do you think the 'Senator from MBNA' wants to build the roads and bridges for his own prosecution?
We just elected such a useless sack of crap that I doubt there will be any movement on federal cases against Turnip. But there are enough state cases to get the job done. I hope he hires a defense team of the same lawyers who ran his election lawsuits!

Months ago Biden said he would not protect Trump. Now it starting to sound like he will. Don't know what is wrong with these people. The act like there all friends behind the cameras. In front of the camera it's like a show.